house resolution no.214
Reps. Fox, Prestin, Cavitt, Zorn, Kuhn, Beeler, Posthumus, DeSana, Jaime Greene, Rigas, Markkanen, Alexander, Fink, Friske, Smit, DeBoer, Roth, Phil Green, Wozniak, Bezotte, Slagh, Paquette, Johnsen, Schmaltz, DeBoyer, Hoadley, Kunse, Beson, BeGole, Meerman, VanderWall, Schuette, Borton and Neyer offered the following resolution:
A resolution to declare March 24-31, 2024, as Holy Week in the state of Michigan.
Whereas, This occasion is observed as a time to remember the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ at the end of his earthly ministry. Christians everywhere rejoice in the completion of Jesus’ redemptive work as he rose from the grave three days after dying on a cross. Christians today also observe Holy Week in keeping with nearly two thousand years of church history that began with Jesus’ victory over death; and
Whereas, Throughout two thousand years, on Easter Sunday, faithful followers of Christ exclaim “He is Risen!” to one another and respond by declaring “He is Risen indeed!” to recall the living, eternal hope that they each have in the life of Christ; and
Whereas, Christians in Michigan, our nation, and around the world remember with gratitude and reverence the works of Jesus as he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, was betrayed to worldly and religious authorities on Maundy Thursday, was crucified on Good Friday, and rose again on Easter Sunday; and
Whereas, During Holy Week, Christians remember Jesus’ work by reading and studying the Bible, especially the historical events of Jesus as described in the Gospels, by praying and by attending church services on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, the latter of which is considered the high point of the Christian calendar.
Whereas, This year, Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday, March March 24, and concludes on Easter Sunday, March 31; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare March 24-31, 2024, as Holy Week in the state of Michigan. We extend best wishes to Christians in Michigan, the United States, and worldwide, for a joyous and meaningful observance of Holy Week, culminating in Easter Sunday, when all Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.