senate resolution no.45
Senators McDonald Rivet, Singh, Hertel, Klinefelt, McCann, Geiss, Irwin, Cavanagh, Runestad, Damoose, Wojno, Bayer, Outman, Anthony, McMorrow and Santana offered the following resolution:
A resolution to recognize May 2023 as Nurses Month.
Whereas, Registered nurses in the United States constitute our nation’s largest health care profession; and
Whereas, The depth and breadth of the registered nursing profession meets the different and emerging health care needs of the American population in a wide range of settings, including the frontline of the pandemic; and
Whereas, The American Nurses Association, as the voice for registered nurses in this country, is working to chart a new course for a healthy nation that relies on increasing access to primary and preventive health care, and better utilization of our nation’s registered nursing resources; and
Whereas, Michigan nurses are an indispensable component of the safety and quality of care for hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients; and
Whereas, The demand for registered nursing services will be greater than ever because of the aging population, emerging health challenges, the continuing expansion of life-sustaining technologies, and the explosive growth of home health care services; and
Whereas, More qualified registered nurses are needed in the future to meet the increasingly complex needs of health care consumers in this community; and
Whereas, Nurses in Michigan fight for the health, safety, and human rights not only of the sick and injured, but also of the elderly, the young, those with disabilities, the economically disadvantaged, and the most vulnerable among us; and
Whereas, Under the leadership of the Michigan Nurses Association, the largest group representing Michigan registered nurses, nurses across Michigan are working to enhance the profession; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body recognize May 2023 as Nurses Month. We convey our utmost respect and gratitude for the work of nurses every day throughout our state and urge all residents to do so; and be it further
Resolved, That supporting nurses’ ability to provide safe, quality care and developing and maintaining a thriving nurse workforce is of concern to all Michigan residents. We honor the work and dedication of nurses around the world and here in Michigan.