A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled
"Public health code,"
by amending section 20954 (MCL 333.20954), as amended by 2000 PA 375.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 20954. (1) Upon proper application to the department and payment of the renewal fee under subsection (2), the department may renew an emergency medical services personnel license if the applicant meets the requirements of this part and provides, upon request of the department, verification of having met ongoing education requirements established by the department. If an applicant for renewal fails to provide the department with a change of address, the applicant shall pay a $20.00 fee in addition to the renewal and late fees required under subsections (2) and (3).
(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (5), an applicant for renewal of a license under section 20950 shall pay a renewal fee as follows:
(a) Medical first responder - no fee.
(b) Emergency medical technician - $25.00.
(c) Emergency medical technician specialist - $25.00.
(d) Paramedic - $25.00.
(e) Emergency medical services instructor-coordinator - $25.00.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (5), if an application for renewal under subsection (1) is postmarked after the date the license expires, the applicant shall pay a late fee in addition to the renewal fee under subsection (2) as follows:
(a) Medical first responder - $50.00.
(b) Emergency medical technician - $50.00.
(c) Emergency medical technician specialist - $50.00.
(d) Paramedic - $50.00.
(e) Emergency medical services instructor-coordinator - $50.00.
(4) A license or registration shall must be renewed by the licensee on or before the expiration date as prescribed by rule. The department shall mail a notice to the licensee at the last known address on file with the department advising of the time, procedure, and fee for renewal. Failure of the licensee to receive notice under this subsection does not relieve the licensee of the responsibility for renewing his or her license. A license not renewed by the expiration date may be renewed within 60 days of the expiration date upon application, payment of renewal and late renewal fees, and fulfillment of any continued continuing education requirements set forth in rules promulgated under this article. The licensee may continue to practice and use the title during the 60-day period. If a license is not so renewed within 60 days of the expiration date, the license is void. The licensee shall not practice or use the title. An individual may be relicensed within 3 8 years of the expiration date upon application, payment of the application processing, renewal, and late renewal fees, and fulfillment of any continuing education requirements in effect at the time of the expiration date, or that would have been required had the individual renewed his or her license pursuant to subsection (1). An individual may be relicensed more than 3 8 years after the expiration date upon application as a new applicant, meeting all licensure requirements in effect at the time of application, taking or retaking and passing any examinations required for initial licensure, and payment of fees required of new applicants.
(5) If a life support agency certifies to the department that an applicant for renewal under this section is a volunteer and if the life support agency does not charge for its services, the department shall not require the applicant to pay the fee required under subsection (2) or a late fee under subsection (3). If the applicant for renewal ceases to meet the definition of a volunteer under this part at any time during the effective period of his or her license renewal and is employed as a licensee under this part, the applicant for renewal shall at that time pay the fee required under subsection (2).
(6) An individual seeking renewal under this section is not required to maintain national registry status as a condition of license renewal.