SCHOOLS; FACE MASKS, VACCINATIONS                                                   S.B. 600-603:

                                                                                                    SUMMARY OF BILL

                                                                                     REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE










Senate Bills 600 through 603 (as reported without amendment)

Sponsor:  Senator Lana Theis (SB 600 & 601)

               Senator Tom Barrett (S.B. 602)

               Senator Kimberly A. LaSata (S.B. 603)

Committee:  Education and Career Readiness




Senate Bill 600 would amend the Revised School Code to do the following:


 --    Prohibit a school district, intermediate school district (ISD), or public school academy (PSA) from adopting or implementing a policy that required a pupil enrolled in that district, ISD, or PSA to receive an emergency use authorization (EUA) vaccination to do specified school-related activities.

 --    Prohibit a district, ISD, or PSA from discriminating against or treating differently a pupil solely based on whether the pupil received an EUA vaccination and specify conduct or policies that would constitute discrimination.

 --    Prohibit a district, ISD, or PSA from requiring that an individual receive an EUA vaccination to attend a meeting of the board of the school district or ISD or the board of directors of a PSA.


Senate Bill 601 would amend the Revised School Code to do the following:


 --    Require a district, ISD, or PSA that has adopted a policy requiring pupils to wear a face mask to provide a wavier process through which a parent, legal guardian, or pupil could request a waiver from the policy.

 --    Prohibit a district, ISD, or PSA from requiring that a pupil for which a waiver was requested to wear a face mask to do specified school-related activities.

 --    Prohibit a district, ISD, or PSA from discriminating against or treating differently a pupil solely based on whether the pupil had requested or received a waiver and specify conduct or policies that would constitute discrimination.

 --    Prohibit a district, ISD, or PSA from adopting or implementing a policy that required an individual to wear a face mask at a meeting of the board of the district or ISD, or a meeting of the board of directors of a PSA.

 --    Prohibit a district, ISD, or PSA from adopting or implementing a policy that required a pupil who was asymptomatic for COVID-19 to be tested for COVID-19 to do certain school-related activities, such as entering or attending a school operated by the district or riding a school bus.

 --    Prohibit a district, ISD, or PSA from discriminating against or treating differently a pupil who was asymptomatic for COVID-19 based solely on whether the pupil had been tested for COVID-19.

 --    Prohibit a district, ISD, or PSA from adopting or implementing a policy that required an individual who was asymptomatic for COVID-19 to be tested for COVID-19 to attend a meeting of the board of the district or ISD or a meeting of the board of directors of a PSA.


Senate Bill 602 would amend Part 51 (General Provisions) of the Public Health Code to prohibit the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) from promulgating or enforcing a rule that required a child to receive an EUA vaccination, wear or face mask, or be tested for COVID-19 if the child were asymptomatic for COVID-19 to enter or attend school, ride a school bus, or participate in or attend a school-sponsored activity or event.


Senate Bill 603 would amend Part 22 (State Department of Public Health) and Part 24 (Local Health Departments) of the Public Health Code to do the following:


 --    Prohibit an emergency order issued by the Director of the DHHS or a local health official from requiring a student to receive an EUA vaccination, wear a face mask, or be tested for COVID-19 if the child were asymptomatic for COVID-19 to enter or attend school, ride a school bus, or participate in or attend a school-sponsored activity or event.

 --    Prohibit an emergency order from requiring an individual to wear a face mask, receive an EUA vaccination, or be tested for COVID-19 if the individual were asymptomatic for COVID-19 to attend a meeting of school board.


Senate Bills 600 and 602 are tie-barred. Senate Bills 601 and 603 also are tie-barred.


MCL 380.1177 et al. (S.B. 600)                                      Legislative Analyst:  Dana Adams

Proposed MCL 380.1136a & 380.1136b (S.B. 601)

Proposed MCL 333.5111a (S.B. 602)

MCL 333.2253 & 333.2453 (S.B. 603)




The bills would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


Date Completed:  9-21-21                                               Fiscal Analyst:  Ellyn Ackerman

                                                                                                               Cory Savino


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.