September 17, 2019, Introduced by Senator
LUCIDO and referred to the Committee on Insurance and Banking.
A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled
"The insurance code of 1956,"
by amending section 3109 (MCL 500.3109), as amended by 2012 PA 454, and by adding section 3038.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 3038. When a new applicant for automobile
insurance applies for collision or comprehensive coverage, the insurer shall not
limit the deductible that the applicant may select for the coverage to a
specific amount, but shall offer the applicant the option to designate any
amount as the amount of deductible for the coverage.
Sec. 3109. (1) Benefits provided or required to be
provided under the laws of any state or the federal government shall must be subtracted from the personal
protection insurance benefits otherwise payable for the injury under this
(2) An injured person is
a natural person suffering accidental bodily injury.
(3) An insurer providing personal protection insurance benefits under this chapter may offer, at appropriately reduced premium rates, a deductible. of a specified dollar amount. This deductible may be applicable to all or any specified types of personal protection insurance benefits, but shall must apply only to benefits payable to the person named in the policy, his or her spouse, and any relative of either domiciled in the same household. The insurer shall not limit a deductible offered under this subsection to a specific amount, but shall offer the applicant the option to designate any amount as the amount of the deductible.