November 07, 2019, Introduced by Reps.
Leutheuser, Hoitenga and Miller and referred to the Committee on
A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled
"Michigan vehicle code,"
by amending sections 684 and 695 (MCL 257.684 and 257.695), section 695 as amended by 2006 PA 14, and by adding sections 1e and 688a.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 1e. "Animal-drawn vehicle" means any coach, carriage, or buggy drawn by an animal and on which an individual is or may be transported on a highway or street.
Sec. 684. (1) (a) Every
vehicle upon on a highway within or street in this
state at any time from a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise and or at any other time when there is not
sufficient light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the
highway or street at a
distance of 500 feet ahead shall must display lighted lamps and illuminating or illuminated devices as hereinafter respectively required
under this chapter for
different classes of vehicles, subject to
exceptions with respect to except for parked vehicles as hereinafter stated. provided under this chapter. When lighted
lamps and or illuminated devices are required by law no on a vehicle, a vehicle shall must not be operated upon any on a highway of or street in this
state with only the parking lights illuminated on the front of the vehicle.
(b) Whenever
requirement is hereinafter declared as to Except as otherwise provided under this chapter, the distance from which certain lighted lamps and or illuminated devices
shall must render objects visible or within the distance from which such lighted lamps or illuminated devices shall must be
visible , said provisions shall apply applies during the times stated in paragraph (a) of this section upon subsection (1) on a straight, level,
unlighted highway or street under
normal atmospheric conditions. unless a different time or
condition is expressly stated.
(c) Whenever
requirement is hereinafter declared as to Except as otherwise provided under this chapter, the mounted height of lighted lamps or illuminated devices , it shall mean must measure from the center of such the lighted lamp or illuminated device to the level ground
upon which the vehicle stands when such the vehicle
is without a load.
Sec. 688a. (1) In addition to the requirements under section 688,
when a vehicle is operated on a highway or street and the vehicle is an animal-drawn
vehicle, the animal-drawn vehicle must be equipped with the following lighted
lamps or illuminated devices:
(a) At least 2 front lighted lamps or illuminated devices that emit a white light visible within 500 feet of the front and the rear of the animal-drawn vehicle.
(b) At least 2 rear lighted lamps or illuminated devices that emit a red light visible within 500 feet of the front and the rear of the animal-drawn vehicle.
(c) At least 2 warning lighted lamps or illuminated devices on the front and at least 2 warning lighted lamps or illuminated devices on the rear that emit amber flashing light visible within 500 feet of the front and the rear of the animal-drawn vehicle.
(2) The lighted lamps or illuminated devices described under subsection (1) must be mounted no less than 2.5 feet or more than 12 feet above the ground, as symmetrically and as widely spaced as possible around the centerline of the animal-drawn vehicle.
(3) In addition to the times specified in section 684(1), the lighted lamps or illuminated devices described in subsection (1) must be lighted or illuminated during all of the following conditions:
(a) Low visibility due to weather conditions including, but not limited to, rain, snow, sleet, hail, or fog.
(b) Visibility less than 1,000 feet to the front or the rear of the animal-drawn vehicle.
(c) Insufficient light.
(d) Heavy traffic.
(e) Posted work zone.
(4) A driver of an animal-drawn vehicle who fails to use lighted lamps or illuminated devices as required under this section is responsible for a state civil infraction and may be ordered to pay a civil fine of not more than $200.00.
(5) This section does not apply to an animal-drawn vehicle operated on a highway or street situated on state park lands where the use of motor vehicles, except for the use of vehicles owned by this state, a political subdivision of this state, or a public utility, is not permitted.
Sec. 695. All vehicles, including animal-drawn vehicles, implements Implements of husbandry , road machinery, road rollers, and farm tractors, not
otherwise required under this act to be equipped with head or rear lamps , shall must at the times specified in section 684 be in
compliance with either of the following:
(a) For implements of husbandry If manufactured before January 1, 2007,
be equipped with at least 1 lighted lamp exhibiting or illuminated device emitting a white light visible
from a distance of within 500 feet to of the
front of the vehicle implement of husbandry and with a lighted lamp exhibiting or illuminated device emitting a red light visible from a distance of within 500 feet to of the
rear of the vehicle.implement of husbandry.
(b) For implements of husbandry If manufactured on or after January 1,
2007, be in compliance with section 684a.