February 07, 2019, Introduced by Reps. LaFave,
Cambensy, Berman, Mueller and Markkanen and referred to the Committee on
A bill to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled
"Revised judicature act of 1961,"
by amending section 8160 (MCL 600.8160), as amended by 2012 PA 21.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 8160. (1) The ninety-fifth-a district consists of the county of Menominee, is a district of the first class, and has the following number of judges:1 judge.
(a) Until the date determined under subdivision (b), the ninety-fifth-a district has 1 judge.
(b) Beginning on the date on which a vacancy occurs in the office of district judge in the ninety-fifth-a district or the beginning date of the term for which the incumbent district judge in the ninety-fifth-a district no longer seeks election or reelection to that office, whichever is earlier, the ninety-fifth-a district consists of the county of Menominee and is a district of the first class. Under section 810a, the probate judge for the county of Menominee shall serve as judge of the ninety-fifth-a district.
(2) The ninety-fifth-b district consists of the counties of Dickinson and Iron, is a district of the first class, and has 1 judge.