March 15, 2017, Introduced by Senators SCHUITMAKER, JONES and O'BRIEN and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.



     A bill to amend 1976 PA 442, entitled


"Freedom of information act,"


by amending sections 1, 2, and 13 (MCL 15.231, 15.232, and 15.243),


section 1 as amended by 1997 PA 6, section 2 as amended by 1996 PA


553, and section 13 as amended by 2006 PA 482, by designating part


1, and by adding part 2.






     Sec. 1. (1) This act may be cited as the "freedom of


information and legislative open records act", and this part shall


be known and may be cited as the "freedom of information act".


     (2) It is the public policy of this state that all persons,


except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional


facilities, are entitled to full and complete information regarding


the affairs of government and the official acts of those who

represent them as public officials and public employees, consistent


with this act. The people shall be informed so that they may fully


participate in the democratic process.


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:part:


     (a) "Field name" means the label or identification of an


element of a computer data base database that contains a specific


item of information, and includes but is not limited to a subject


heading such as a column header, data dictionary, or record layout.


     (b) "FOIA coordinator" means either of the following:


     (i) An individual who is a public body.


     (ii) An individual designated by a public body in accordance


with section 6 to accept and process requests for public records


under this act.


     (c) "Person" means an individual, corporation, limited


liability company, partnership, firm, organization, association,


governmental entity, or other legal entity. Person does not include


an individual serving a sentence of imprisonment in a state or


county correctional facility in this state or any other state, or


in a federal correctional facility.


     (d) "Public body" means any of the following:


     (i) A state officer, employee, agency, department, division,


bureau, board, commission, council, authority, or other body in the


executive branch of the state government. , but does not include


the governor or lieutenant governor, the executive office of the


governor or lieutenant governor, or employees thereof.


     (ii) An agency, board, commission, or council in the


legislative branch of the state government.

     (ii) (iii) A county, city, township, village, intercounty,


intercity, or regional governing body, council, school district,


special district, or municipal corporation, or a board, department,


commission, council, or agency thereof.


     (iii) (iv) Any other body which that is created by state or


local authority or which that is primarily funded by or through


state or local authority, .


     (v) The except that it does not include the judiciary,


including the office of the county clerk and employees thereof when


acting in the capacity of clerk to the circuit court, is not


included in the definition of public body.or an entity in the


legislative branch of state government.


     (e) "Public record" means a writing prepared, owned, used, in


the possession of, or retained by a public body in the performance


of an official function, from the time it is created. Public record


does not include computer software. This act separates public


records into the following 2 classes:


     (i) Those that are exempt from disclosure under section 13.


     (ii) All public records that are not exempt from disclosure


under section 13 and which that are subject to disclosure under


this act.


     (f) "Software" means a set of statements or instructions that


when incorporated in a machine usable medium is capable of causing


a machine or device having information processing capabilities to


indicate, perform, or achieve a particular function, task, or


result. Software does not include computer-stored information or


data, or a field name if disclosure of that field name does not

violate a software license.


     (g) "Unusual circumstances" means any 1 or a combination of


the following, but only to the extent necessary for the proper


processing of a request:


     (i) The need to search for, collect, or appropriately examine


or review a voluminous amount of separate and distinct public


records pursuant to a single request.


     (ii) The need to collect the requested public records from


numerous field offices, facilities, or other establishments which


that are located apart from the particular office receiving or


processing the request.


     (h) "Writing" means handwriting, typewriting, printing,


photostating, photographing, photocopying, and every other means of


recording, and includes letters, words, pictures, sounds, or


symbols, or combinations thereof, and papers, maps, magnetic or


paper tapes, photographic films or prints, microfilm, microfiche,


magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums, or other means of


recording or retaining meaningful content.


     (i) "Written request" means a writing that asks for


information, and includes a writing transmitted by facsimile,


electronic mail, or other electronic means.


     Sec. 13. (1) A public body may exempt from disclosure as a


public record under this act any of the following:


     (a) Information of a personal nature if public disclosure of


the information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of


an individual's privacy.


     (b) Investigating records compiled for law enforcement

purposes, but only to the extent that disclosure as a public record


would do any of the following:


     (i) Interfere with law enforcement proceedings.


     (ii) Deprive a person of the right to a fair trial or


impartial administrative adjudication.


     (iii) Constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.


     (iv) Disclose the identity of a confidential source, or if the


record is compiled by a law enforcement agency in the course of a


criminal investigation, disclose confidential information furnished


only by a confidential source.


     (v) Disclose law enforcement investigative techniques or




     (vi) Endanger the life or physical safety of law enforcement




     (c) A public record that if disclosed would prejudice a public


body's ability to maintain the physical security of custodial or


penal institutions occupied by persons arrested or convicted of a


crime or admitted because of a mental disability, unless the public


interest in disclosure under this act outweighs the public interest


in nondisclosure.


     (d) Records or information specifically described and exempted


from disclosure by statute.


     (e) A public record or information described in this section


that is furnished by the public body originally compiling,


preparing, or receiving the record or information to a public


officer or public body in connection with the performance of the


duties of that public officer or public body, if the considerations

originally giving rise to the exempt nature of the public record


remain applicable. For purposes of this subdivision, "public body"


includes a public body as defined in part 2.


     (f) Trade secrets or commercial or financial information


voluntarily provided to an agency for use in developing


governmental policy if:


     (i) The information is submitted upon a promise of


confidentiality by the public body.


     (ii) The promise of confidentiality is authorized by the chief


administrative officer of the public body or by an elected official


at the time the promise is made.


     (iii) A description of the information is recorded by the


public body within a reasonable time after it has been submitted,


maintained in a central place within the public body, and made


available to a person upon request. This subdivision does not apply


to information submitted as required by law or as a condition of


receiving a governmental contract, license, or other benefit.


     (g) Information or records subject to the attorney-client




     (h) Information or records subject to the physician-patient


privilege, the psychologist-patient privilege, the minister,


priest, or Christian Science practitioner privilege, or other


privilege recognized by statute or court rule.


     (i) A bid or proposal by a person to enter into a contract or


agreement, until the time for the public opening of bids or


proposals, or if a public opening is not to be conducted, until the


deadline for submission of bids or proposals has expired.

     (j) Appraisals of real property to be acquired by the public


body until either of the following occurs:


     (i) An agreement is entered into.


     (ii) Three years have elapsed since the making of the


appraisal, unless litigation relative to the acquisition has not


yet terminated.


     (k) Test questions and answers, scoring keys, and other


examination instruments or data used to administer a license,


public employment, or academic examination, unless the public


interest in disclosure under this act outweighs the public interest


in nondisclosure.


     (l) Medical, counseling, or psychological facts or evaluations


concerning an individual if the individual's identity would be


revealed by a disclosure of those facts or evaluation, including


protected health information, as defined in 45 CFR 160.103.


     (m) Communications and notes within a public body or between


public bodies of an advisory nature to the extent that they cover


other than purely factual materials and are preliminary to a final


agency determination of policy or action. This exemption does not


apply unless the public body shows that in the particular instance


the public interest in encouraging frank communication between


officials and employees of public bodies clearly outweighs the


public interest in disclosure. This exemption does not constitute


an exemption under state law for purposes of section 8(h) of the


open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.268. As used in this


subdivision, "determination of policy or action" includes a


determination relating to collective bargaining, unless the public

record is otherwise required to be made available under 1947 PA


336, MCL 423.201 to 423.217.


     (n) Records of law enforcement communication codes, or plans


for deployment of law enforcement personnel, that if disclosed


would prejudice a public body's ability to protect the public


safety unless the public interest in disclosure under this act


outweighs the public interest in nondisclosure in the particular




     (o) Information that would reveal the exact location of


archaeological sites. The department of history, arts, and


libraries natural resources may promulgate rules in accordance with


the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201


to 24.328, to provide for the disclosure of the location of


archaeological sites for purposes relating to the preservation or


scientific examination of sites.


     (p) Testing data developed by a public body in determining


whether bidders' products meet the specifications for purchase of


those products by the public body, if disclosure of the data would


reveal that only 1 bidder has met the specifications. This


subdivision does not apply after 1 year has elapsed from the time


the public body completes the testing.


     (q) Academic transcripts of an institution of higher education


established under section 5, 6, or 7 of article VIII of the state


constitution of 1963, if the transcript pertains to a student who


is delinquent in the payment of financial obligations to the




     (r) Records of a campaign committee including a committee that

receives money from a state campaign fund.


     (s) Unless the public interest in disclosure outweighs the


public interest in nondisclosure in the particular instance, public


records of a law enforcement agency, the release of which would do


any of the following:


     (i) Identify or provide a means of identifying an informant.


     (ii) Identify or provide a means of identifying a law


enforcement undercover officer or agent or a plain clothes officer


as a law enforcement officer or agent.


     (iii) Disclose the personal address or telephone number of


active or retired law enforcement officers or agents or a special


skill that they may have.


     (iv) Disclose the name, address, or telephone numbers of


family members, relatives, children, or parents of active or


retired law enforcement officers or agents.


     (v) Disclose operational instructions for law enforcement


officers or agents.


     (vi) Reveal the contents of staff manuals provided for law


enforcement officers or agents.


     (vii) Endanger the life or safety of law enforcement officers


or agents or their families, relatives, children, parents, or those


who furnish information to law enforcement departments or agencies.


     (viii) Identify or provide a means of identifying a person as


a law enforcement officer, agent, or informant.


     (ix) Disclose personnel records of law enforcement agencies.


     (x) Identify or provide a means of identifying residences that


law enforcement agencies are requested to check in the absence of

their owners or tenants.


     (t) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, records


and information pertaining to an investigation or a compliance


conference conducted by the department under article 15 of the


public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, before


a complaint is issued. This subdivision does not apply to records


or information pertaining to 1 or more of the following:


     (i) The fact that an allegation has been received and an


investigation is being conducted, and the date the allegation was




     (ii) The fact that an allegation was received by the


department; the fact that the department did not issue a complaint


for the allegation; and the fact that the allegation was dismissed.


     (u) Records of a public body's security measures, including


security plans, security codes and combinations, passwords, passes,


keys, and security procedures, to the extent that the records


relate to the ongoing security of the public body.


     (v) Records or information relating to a civil action in which


the requesting party and the public body are parties.


     (w) Information or records that would disclose the social


security number of an individual.


     (x) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, an


application for the position of president of an institution of


higher education established under section 4, 5, or 6 of article


VIII of the state constitution of 1963, materials submitted with


such an application, letters of recommendation or references


concerning an applicant, and records or information relating to the

process of searching for and selecting an individual for a position


described in this subdivision, if the records or information could


be used to identify a candidate for the position. However, after 1


or more individuals have been identified as finalists for a


position described in this subdivision, this subdivision does not


apply to a public record described in this subdivision, except a


letter of recommendation or reference, to the extent that the


public record relates to an individual identified as a finalist for


the position.


     (y) Records or information of measures designed to protect the


security or safety of persons or property, whether public or


private, including, but not limited to, building, public works, and


public water supply designs to the extent that those designs relate


to the ongoing security measures of a public body, capabilities and


plans for responding to a violation of the Michigan anti-terrorism


act, chapter LXXXIII-A of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL


750.543a to 750.543z, emergency response plans, risk planning


documents, threat assessments, and domestic preparedness


strategies, unless disclosure would not impair a public body's


ability to protect the security or safety of persons or property or


unless the public interest in disclosure outweighs the public


interest in nondisclosure in the particular instance.


     (z) Records or information in the possession of the executive


office of the governor or lieutenant governor or of an employee of


either of those offices that relates to any of the following:


     (i) The appointment of an individual as a department or agency


director; as a member of a board, commission, or council; to fill a

vacancy on a court pursuant to section 23 of article VI of the


state constitution of 1963; or to any other position the governor


appoints as provided by law. After an individual has been appointed


to a position described in this subparagraph, the exemption does


not apply to records or information that relates to that individual


except as to a letter of recommendation or reference.


     (ii) The decision to remove or suspend from office any public


official pursuant to section 10 of article V of the state


constitution of 1963, or to remove a judge from office pursuant to


section 25 of article VI of the state constitution of 1963. After


an individual has been removed or suspended from a position


described in this subparagraph, the exemption for records and


information under this subparagraph does not apply to a record that


relates to that individual.


     (iii) The decision to grant or deny a reprieve, pardon, or


commutation pursuant to section 14 of article V of the state


constitution of 1963.


     (iv) A budget recommendation prepared pursuant to section 18


of article V of the state constitution of 1963.


     (v) A reduction in expenditures pursuant to section 20 of


article V of the state constitution of 1963.


     (vi) A message or recommendation to the legislature pursuant


to section 17 of article V of the state constitution of 1963.


     (2) A public body shall exempt from disclosure information


that, if released, would prevent the public body from complying


with 20 USC 1232g, commonly referred to as the family educational


rights and privacy act of 1974. A public body that is a local or

intermediate school district or a public school academy shall


exempt from disclosure directory information, as defined by 20 USC


1232g, commonly referred to as the family educational rights and


privacy act of 1974, requested for the purpose of surveys,


marketing, or solicitation, unless that public body determines that


the use is consistent with the educational mission of the public


body and beneficial to the affected students. A public body that is


a local or intermediate school district or a public school academy


may take steps to ensure that directory information disclosed under


this subsection shall not be used, rented, or sold for the purpose


of surveys, marketing, or solicitation. Before disclosing the


directory information, a public body that is a local or


intermediate school district or a public school academy may require


the requester to execute an affidavit stating that directory


information provided under this subsection shall not be used,


rented, or sold for the purpose of surveys, marketing, or




     (3) This act does not authorize the withholding of information


otherwise required by law to be made available to the public or to


a party in a contested case under the administrative procedures act


of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     (4) Except as otherwise exempt under subsection (1), this act


does not authorize the withholding of a public record in the


possession of the executive office of the governor or lieutenant


governor, or an employee of either executive office, if the public


record is transferred to the executive office of the governor or


lieutenant governor, or an employee of either executive office,

after a request for the public record has been received by a state


officer, employee, agency, department, division, bureau, board,


commission, council, authority, or other body in the executive


branch of government that is subject to this act.




     Sec. 51. (1) This part shall be known and may be cited as the


"legislative open records act".


     (2) It is the public policy of this state that all persons,


except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional


facilities, are entitled to full and complete information regarding


the affairs of government and the official acts of those who


represent them as public officials and public employees, consistent


with this part. The people shall be informed so that they may fully


participate in the democratic process.


     Sec. 52. As used in this part:


     (a) "Council administrator" means the administrator of the


legislative council appointed under section 104a of the legislative


council act, 1986 PA 268, MCL 4.1104a.


     (b) "Legislator" means a member of the senate or the house of


representatives of this state.


     (c) "LORA" means the legislative open records act.


     (d) "LORA coordinator" means either of the following:


     (i) An individual who is a public body.


     (ii) An individual designated by a public body to accept and


process requests for public records under this part.


     (e) "Person" means an individual, corporation, limited


liability company, partnership, firm, organization, association,

governmental entity, or other legal entity. Person does not include


an individual serving a sentence of imprisonment in a state or


county correctional facility in this state or any other state or in


a federal correctional facility.


     (f) "Public body" means a state officer, legislator, employee,


agency, department, division, bureau, board, commission, committee,


council, authority, or other body in the legislative branch of the


state government. Public body does not include the office of the


auditor general.


     (g) "Public record" means a writing prepared, owned, used, in


the possession of, or retained by a public body in the performance


of an official function that has been in the possession of the


public body for 15 days or more. Public record does not include


computer software. This part separates public records into the


following 2 classes:


     (i) Those that are exempt from disclosure under section 59d.


     (ii) Those that are not exempt from disclosure under section


59d and are subject to disclosure under this part.


     (h) "Session day" means a day in which either the house of


representatives or the senate convenes in session and a quorum of


the body is recorded.


     (i) "Software" means a set of statements or instructions that,


when incorporated in a machine-usable medium, is capable of causing


a machine or device having information-processing capabilities to


indicate, perform, or achieve a particular function, task, or


result. Software does not include computer-stored information or


data or a field name if disclosure of that field name would not

violate a software license.


     (j) "Unusual circumstances" means any 1 or a combination of


the following, but only to the extent necessary for the proper


processing of a request:


     (i) The need to search for, collect, or appropriately examine


or review a voluminous amount of separate and distinct public


records pursuant to a single request.


     (ii) The need to collect the requested public records from


numerous offices, facilities, or other establishments.


     (k) "Writing" means handwriting, typewriting, printing,


photostating, photographing, photocopying, and every other means of


recording, and includes letters, words, pictures, sounds, or


symbols, or combinations thereof, and papers, maps, magnetic or


paper tapes, photographic films or prints, microfilm, microfiche,


magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums, or other means of


recording or retaining meaningful content.


     (l) "Written request" means a writing that asks for


information and includes a writing transmitted by facsimile,


electronic mail, or other electronic means.


     Sec. 53. (1) Except as expressly provided in section 59d, upon


providing a public body's LORA coordinator with a written request


that describes a public record sufficiently to enable the public


body to find the public record, a person has a right to inspect,


copy, or receive copies of the requested public record of the


public body. A person has a right to subscribe to future issuances


of public records that are created, issued, or disseminated on a


regular basis. A subscription shall be valid for up to 6 months, at

the request of the subscriber, and is renewable. An employee of a


public body who receives a request for a public record shall


forward that request to the LORA coordinator within 3 business




     (2) A LORA coordinator shall keep a copy of all written


requests for public records on file for not less than 1 year.


     (3) A public body shall furnish a requesting person a


reasonable opportunity for inspection and examination of its public


records and shall furnish reasonable facilities for making


memoranda or abstracts from its public records during the usual


business hours. A public body may make reasonable rules necessary


to protect its public records and to prevent excessive and


unreasonable interference with the discharge of its functions. A


public body shall protect public records from loss, unauthorized


alteration, mutilation, or destruction.


     (4) This part does not require a public body to make a


compilation, summary, or report of information.


     (5) This part does not require a public body to create a new


public record, except to the extent required by this part for the


furnishing of copies, or edited copies of an existing public record


under this part.


     (6) The custodian of a public record shall, upon written


request, furnish a requesting person a certified copy of a public




     (7) A public body shall not destroy or alter a record before


the record has been in its possession for 15 days if the record


would become a public record after it has been in the possession of

the public body for 15 days.


     Sec. 54. (1) A public body may charge a fee for a public


record search, for the necessary copying of a public record for


inspection, or for providing a copy of a public record if it has


established, makes publicly available, and follows procedures and


guidelines to implement this section as described in subsection


(4). Subject to subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), and (9), the fee


shall be limited to actual mailing costs and to the actual


incremental cost of duplication or publication, including labor,


the cost of search, examination, review, and the deletion and


separation of exempt from nonexempt information as provided in


section 59e. Except as otherwise provided in this part, if the


public body estimates or charges a fee in accordance with this


part, the total fee shall not exceed the sum of the following:


     (a) That portion of labor costs directly associated with the


necessary searching for, locating, and examining of public records


in conjunction with receiving and fulfilling a granted written


request. The public body shall not charge more than the hourly wage


of its lowest-paid employee capable of searching for, locating, and


examining the public records in the particular instance regardless


of whether that person is available or who actually performs the


labor. Labor costs under this subdivision shall be estimated and


charged in increments of 15 minutes or more, with all partial time


increments rounded down.


     (b) That portion of labor costs, including necessary review,


if any, directly associated with the separating and deleting of


exempt information from nonexempt information as provided in

section 59e. For services performed by an employee of the public


body, the public body shall not charge more than the hourly wage of


its lowest-paid employee capable of separating and deleting exempt


information from nonexempt information in the particular instance


as provided in section 59e, regardless of whether that person is


available or who actually performs the labor. Labor costs under


this subdivision shall be estimated and charged in increments of 15


minutes or more, with all partial time increments rounded down. A


public body shall not charge for labor directly associated with


redaction under section 59e if it knows or has reason to know that


it previously redacted the public record in question and the


redacted version is still in the public body's possession.


     (c) For public records provided to the requestor on nonpaper


physical media, the actual and most reasonably economical cost of


the computer discs, computer tapes, or other digital or similar


media. The requestor may stipulate that the public records be


provided on nonpaper physical media, electronically mailed, or


otherwise electronically provided to him or her in lieu of paper


copies. This subdivision does not apply if a public body lacks the


technological capability necessary to provide records on the


particular nonpaper physical media stipulated in the particular




     (d) For paper copies of public records provided to the


requestor, the actual total incremental cost of necessary


duplication or publication, not including labor. The cost of paper


copies shall be calculated as a total cost per sheet of paper and


shall be itemized and noted in a manner that expresses both the

cost per sheet and the number of sheets provided. The fee shall not


exceed 10 cents per sheet of paper for copies of public records


made on 8-1/2- by 11-inch paper or 8-1/2- by 14-inch paper. A


public body shall utilize the most economical means available for


making copies of public records, including using double-sided


printing, if cost saving and available.


     (e) The cost of labor directly associated with duplication or


publication, including making paper copies, making digital copies,


or transferring digital public records to be given to the requestor


on nonpaper physical media or through the Internet or other


electronic means as stipulated by the requestor. The public body


shall not charge more than the hourly wage of its lowest-paid


employee capable of necessary duplication or publication in the


particular instance, regardless of whether that person is available


or who actually performs the labor. Labor costs under this


subdivision may be estimated and charged in time increments of the


public body's choosing. However, all partial time increments shall


be rounded down.


     (f) The actual cost of mailing, if any, for sending the public


records in a reasonably economical and justifiable manner. The


public body shall not charge more for expedited shipping or


insurance unless specifically stipulated by the requestor, but may


otherwise charge for the least expensive form of postal delivery


confirmation when mailing public records.


     (2) When calculating labor costs under subsection (1)(a), (b),


or (e), fee components shall be itemized in a manner that expresses


both the hourly wage and the number of hours charged. The public

body may also add up to 50% to the applicable labor charge amount


to cover or partially cover the cost of fringe benefits if it


clearly notes the percentage multiplier used to account for


benefits in the detailed itemization described in subsection (4).


Subject to the 50% limitation, the public body shall not charge


more than the actual cost of fringe benefits, and overtime wages


shall not be used in calculating the cost of fringe benefits.


Overtime wages shall not be included in the calculation of labor


costs unless overtime is specifically stipulated by the requestor


and clearly noted on the detailed itemization described in


subsection (4). A search for a public record may be conducted or


copies of public records may be furnished without charge or at a


reduced charge if the public body determines that a waiver or


reduction of the fee is in the public interest because searching


for or furnishing copies of the public record can be considered as


primarily benefiting the general public. A public record search


shall be made and a copy of a public record shall be furnished


without charge for the first $20.00 of the fee for each request by


either of the following:


     (a) An individual who is entitled to information under this


part and who submits an affidavit stating that the individual is


indigent and receiving specific public assistance or, if not


receiving public assistance, stating facts showing inability to pay


the cost because of indigency. If the requestor is eligible for a


requested discount, the public body shall fully note the discount


on the detailed itemization described under subsection (4). If a


requestor is ineligible for the discount, the public body shall

inform the requestor specifically of the reason for ineligibility


in the public body's written response. An individual is ineligible


for this fee reduction if any of the following apply:


     (i) The individual has previously received discounted copies


of public records under this subsection from the public body twice


during that calendar year.


     (ii) The individual requests the information in conjunction


with outside parties who are offering or providing payment or other


remuneration to the individual to make the request. A public body


may require a statement by the requestor in the affidavit that the


request is not being made in conjunction with outside parties in


exchange for payment or other remuneration.


     (b) A nonprofit organization formally designated by the state


to carry out activities under subtitle C of the developmental


disabilities assistance and bill of rights act of 2000, Public Law


106-402, and the protection and advocacy for individuals with


mental illness act, Public Law 99-319, or their successors, if the


request meets all of the following requirements:


     (i) Is made directly on behalf of the organization or its




     (ii) Is made for a reason wholly consistent with the mission


and provisions of those laws under section 931 of the mental health


code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1931.


     (iii) Is accompanied by documentation of its designation by


this state, if requested by the public body.


     (3) A fee as described in subsection (1) shall not be charged


for the cost of search, examination, review, and the deletion and

separation of exempt from nonexempt information as provided in


section 59e unless failure to charge a fee would result in


unreasonably high costs to the public body because of the nature of


the request in the particular instance and the public body


specifically identifies the nature of these unreasonably high




     (4) A public body shall establish procedures and guidelines to


implement this part and shall create a written public summary of


the specific procedures and guidelines relevant to the general


public regarding how to submit written requests to the public body


and explaining how to understand a public body's written responses,


deposit requirements, fee calculations, and avenues for challenge


and appeal. The written public summary shall be written in a manner


so as to be easily understood by the general public. A public body


shall post and maintain the procedures and guidelines and its


written public summary on its website. A public body shall make the


procedures and guidelines publicly available by providing free


copies of the procedures and guidelines and its written public


summary both in the public body's response to a written request and


upon request by visitors at the public body's office. A public body


may include the website link to the documents in lieu of providing


paper copies in its response to a written request. A public body's


procedures and guidelines shall include the use of a standard form


for detailed itemization of any fee amount in its responses to


written requests under this part. The detailed itemization shall


clearly list and explain the allowable charges for each of the 6


fee components listed under subsection (1) that compose the total

fee used for estimating or charging purposes. A public body that


has not established procedures and guidelines, has not created a


written public summary, or has not made those items publicly


available without charge as required in this subsection is not


relieved of its duty to comply with any requirement of this part


and shall not require deposits or charge fees otherwise permitted


under this part until it is in compliance with this subsection.


Notwithstanding this subsection and despite any law to the


contrary, a public body's procedures and guidelines under this part


are not exempt public records under section 59d.


     (5) Any public records available to the general public on a


public body's Internet site at the time the request is made are


exempt from charge under subsection (1)(b). If the LORA coordinator


knows or has reason to know that all or a portion of the requested


information is available on its website, the public body shall


notify the requestor in its written response that all or a portion


of the requested information is available on its website. The


written response, to the degree practicable in the specific


instance, shall include a specific webpage address where the


requested information is available. On the detailed itemization


described in subsection (4), the public body shall separate the


requested public records that are available on its website from


those that are not available on the website and shall inform the


requestor of the additional charge to receive copies of the public


records that are available on its website. If the public body has


included the website address for a record in its written response


to the requestor and the requestor thereafter stipulates that the

public record be provided to him or her in a paper format or other


form as described under subsection (1)(c), the public body shall


provide the public records in the specified format but may use a


fringe benefit multiplier greater than the 50% limitation in


subsection (2), not to exceed the actual costs of providing the


information in the specified format.


     (6) A public body may provide requested information available


in public records without receipt of a written request.


     (7) If a verbal request for information is for information


that a public body believes is available on the public body's


website, a public employee shall, if practicable and to the best of


the public employee's knowledge, inform the requestor about the


public body's pertinent website address.


     (8) In either the public body's initial response or subsequent


response as described under section 55(2)(d), the public body may


require a good-faith deposit from the person requesting information


before providing the public records to the requestor if the entire


fee estimate or charge authorized under this section exceeds


$50.00, based on a good-faith calculation of the total fee


described in subsection (4). Subject to subsection (10), the


deposit shall not exceed 1/2 of the total estimated fee, and a


public body's request for a deposit shall include a detailed


itemization as required under subsection (4). The response shall


also contain a best efforts estimate by the public body regarding


the time frame it will take the public body to comply with the law


in providing the public records to the requestor. The time frame


estimate is nonbinding upon the public body, but the public body

shall provide the estimate in good faith and strive to be


reasonably accurate and to provide the public records in a manner


based on this state's public policy under section 51 and the nature


of the request in the particular instance. If a public body does


not respond in a timely manner as described under section 55(2), it


is not relieved from its requirements to provide proper fee


calculations and time frame estimates in any tardy responses.


Providing an estimated time frame does not relieve a public body


from any of the other requirements of this part.


     (9) If a public body does not respond to a written request in


a timely manner as required under section 55(2), the public body


shall do the following:


     (a) Reduce the charges for labor costs otherwise permitted


under this section by 5% for each day the public body exceeds the


time permitted under section 55(2) for a response to the request,


with a maximum 50% reduction, if either of the following applies:


     (i) The late response was willful and intentional.


     (ii) The written request included language that conveyed a


request for information within the first 250 words of the body of a


letter, facsimile, electronic mail, or electronic mail attachment,


or specifically included the words, characters, or abbreviations


for "freedom of information", "open records", "information",


"LORA", "copy", or a recognizable misspelling of such, or


appropriate legal code reference for this part, on the front of an


envelope or in the subject line of an electronic mail, a letter, or


a facsimile cover page.


     (b) If a charge reduction is required under subdivision (a),

fully note the charge reduction on the detailed itemization


described under subsection (4).


     (10) This section does not apply to public records prepared


under an act or statute specifically authorizing the sale of those


public records to the public, or if the amount of the fee for


providing a copy of the public record is otherwise specifically


provided by an act or statute.


     (11) Subject to subsection (12), after a public body has


granted and fulfilled a written request from an individual under


this part, if the public body has not been paid in full the total


amount under subsection (1) for the copies of public records that


the public body made available to the individual as a result of


that written request, the public body may require a deposit of up


to 100% of the estimated fee before it begins a full public record


search for any subsequent written request from that individual if


all of the following apply:


     (a) The final fee for the prior written request was not more


than 105% of the estimated fee.


     (b) The public records made available contained the


information being sought in the prior written request and are still


in the public body's possession.


     (c) The public records were made available to the individual,


subject to payment, within the time frame estimate described under


subsection (8).


     (d) Ninety days have passed since the public body notified the


individual in writing that the public records were available for


pickup or mailing.

     (e) The individual is unable to show proof of prior payment to


the public body.


     (f) The public body calculates a detailed itemization, as


required under subsection (4), that is the basis for the current


written request's increased estimated fee deposit.


     (12) A public body shall not continue to require an increased


estimated fee deposit from an individual as described under


subsection (11) if any of the following apply:


     (a) The individual shows to the public body proof of prior


payment in full for the applicable prior request.


     (b) The public body receives payment in full for the


applicable prior written request.


     (c) Three hundred sixty-five days have passed since the


individual made the written request for which full payment was not


remitted to the public body.


     (13) A deposit required by a public body under this part is a




     Sec. 55. (1) Except as provided in section 53, to inspect or


receive a copy of a public record under this part, a person shall


submit a written request for the public record to the LORA


coordinator of the public body. A written request made by


facsimile, electronic mail, or other electronic transmission under


this part is not considered to be received by a public body's LORA


coordinator until 1 business day after the electronic transmission


is made. However, if a written request is sent by electronic mail


and delivered to the public body's spam or junk mail folder, the


request is not received until 1 day after the public body first

becomes aware of the written request. The public body shall note in


its records both the time a written request is delivered to its


spam or junk-mail folder and the time the public body first becomes


aware of that request.


     (2) Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the person making


the request, a public body shall respond to a request for a public


record within 5 business days after the public body receives the


request by doing 1 of the following:


     (a) Granting the request.


     (b) Issuing a written notice to the requesting person denying


the request.


     (c) Granting the request in part and issuing a written notice


to the requesting person denying the request in part.


     (d) Issuing a notice extending for not more than 10 business


days the time by which the public body must respond to the request.


A public body shall not issue more than 1 notice of extension for


each request.


     (3) Failure to respond to a request pursuant to subsection (2)


constitutes a public body's final determination to deny the request


if either of the following applies:


     (a) The failure was willful and intentional.


     (b) The written request included language that conveyed a


request for information within the first 250 words of the body of a


letter, facsimile, electronic mail, or electronic mail attachment,


or specifically included the words, characters, or abbreviations


for "freedom of information", "open records", "information",


"LORA", "copy", or a recognizable misspelling of such, or

appropriate legal code reference to this part, on the front of an


envelope or in the subject line of an electronic mail, letter, or


facsimile cover page.


     (4) A written notice denying a request for a public record in


whole or in part is a public body's final determination to deny the


request or portion of that request. The written notice shall


contain all of the following:


     (a) An explanation of the basis under this part or other


statute for the determination that the public record, or portion of


that public record, is exempt from disclosure, if that is the


reason for denying all or a portion of the request.


     (b) A certificate that the public record does not exist under


the name given by the requester or by another name reasonably known


to the public body, if that is the reason for denying the request


or a portion of the request.


     (c) A description of a public record or information on a


public record that is separated or deleted pursuant to section 59e,


if a separation or deletion is made.


     (d) A full explanation of the requesting person's right to do


either of the following:


     (i) Submit a written request for reconsideration to the public


body's LORA coordinator that specifically states the word


"reconsideration", "appeal", "redetermination", or "reverse" and


identifies the reason or reasons for reversal of the disclosure




     (ii) Seek final review of the denial under section 59a.


     (5) The individual designated under sections 56 to 58 as a

LORA coordinator or under section 59 as a LORA coordinator designee


shall sign the written notice of denial.


     (6) If a public body issues a notice extending the period for


a response to the request, the notice shall specify the reasons for


the extension and the date by which the public body will do 1 of


the following:


     (a) Grant the request.


     (b) Issue a written notice to the requesting person denying


the request.


     (c) Grant the request in part and issue a written notice to


the requesting person denying the request in part.


     (7) If a public body makes a final determination to deny in


whole or in part a request to inspect or receive a copy of a public


record or portion of a public record, the requesting person may


seek reconsideration or appeal of the denial as provided in section




     Sec. 56. Subject to sections 57 and 58, the council


administrator shall designate an individual as the LORA coordinator


for all public bodies.


     Sec. 57. The house of representatives may designate an


individual as the LORA coordinator for the house of




     Sec. 58. The senate may designate an individual as the LORA


coordinator for the senate.


     Sec. 59. A LORA coordinator may designate another individual


to act on his or her behalf in accepting and processing requests


for the public body's public records and in approving a denial

under section 55.


     Sec. 59a. (1) If a public body makes a final determination to


deny all or a portion of a request, the requesting person may do


any of the following:


     (a) Submit to the public body's LORA coordinator a written


request for reconsideration that specifically states the word


"reconsideration", "appeal", "redetermination", or "reverse", and


identifies the reason or reasons for reversal of the denial.


     (b) Submit to the council administrator a written request to


compel the public body's disclosure of the public records within


180 days after a public body's final determination to deny a


request. A request shall not be submitted under this subdivision


unless 1 of the following applies:


     (i) The public body's LORA coordinator failed to respond to a


written request for reconsideration as required under subsection




     (ii) The public body's LORA coordinator issued a determination


to a written request for reconsideration as required under


subsection (2).


     (2) Within 10 business days after receiving a written request


for reconsideration pursuant to subsection (1)(a), the public


body's LORA coordinator shall do 1 of the following:


     (a) Reverse the disclosure denial.


     (b) Issue a written notice to the requesting person upholding


the disclosure denial.


     (c) Reverse the disclosure denial in part and issue a written


notice to the requesting person upholding the disclosure denial in



     (d) Under unusual circumstances, issue a notice extending for


not more than 10 business days the period during which the public


body's LORA coordinator shall respond to the written request for


reconsideration. The public body's LORA coordinator shall not issue


more than 1 notice of extension for a particular written request


for reconsideration.


     (3) The public body's LORA coordinator is not considered to


have received a written request for reconsideration under


subsection (2) until the first scheduled session day following


submission of the written request under subsection (1)(a). If the


public body's LORA coordinator fails to respond to a written


request for reconsideration pursuant to subsection (2), or if


public body's LORA coordinator upholds all or a portion of the


disclosure denial that is the subject of the written request, the


requesting person may seek final review of the nondisclosure by


submitting an appeal to the council administrator under subsection




     (4) In an appeal commenced under subsection (1)(b), if the


council administrator determines that a public record is not exempt


from disclosure, the public body must cease withholding or produce


all or a portion of a public record wrongfully withheld, regardless


of the location of the public record.


     (5) An appeal commenced under subsection (1)(b) shall be


reviewed and decided by the council administrator at the earliest


practicable date and expedited in every way.


     (6) The council administrator may require a reasonable fee,

not to exceed $75.00, for an appeal commenced under subsection


(1)(b) unless the requesting person is eligible for a fee waiver or


reduction under section 54 because of indigence.


     (7) If the council administrator determines in an appeal


commenced under this section that the public body has arbitrarily


and capriciously violated this part by refusal of a public record


or delay in disclosing or providing copies, the council


administrator shall recommend appropriate disciplinary action to


the speaker of the house of representatives or the senate majority


leader, as applicable. The council administrator shall make any


recommendation for disciplinary action under this subsection


publicly available on the Internet not later than 5 days after the


recommendation is issued.


     Sec. 59b. (1) If a public body requires a fee that exceeds the


amount permitted under its publicly available procedures and


guidelines or section 54, the requesting person may do any of the




     (a) Submit to the public body's LORA coordinator a written


request for a fee reduction that specifically states the word


"reconsideration", "appeal", "redetermination", or "reverse", and


identifies how the required fee exceeds the amount permitted under


the public body's available procedures and guidelines or section




     (b) Submit to the council administrator a written request for


a fee reduction within 45 days after receiving either a notice of


the required fee or a determination of a request for


reconsideration. A request shall not be submitted under this

subdivision unless 1 of the following applies:


     (i) The public body's LORA coordinator failed to respond to a


written request for a fee reduction as required under subsection




     (ii) The public body's LORA coordinator issued a determination


upon a written request for a fee reduction as required under


subsection (2).


     (2) Within 10 business days after receiving a written request


for a fee reduction pursuant to subsection (1)(a), the public


body's LORA coordinator shall do 1 of the following:


     (a) Waive the fee.


     (b) Reduce the fee and issue a written determination to the


requesting person indicating the specific basis under section 54


that supports the remaining fee. The determination shall include a


certification from the public body's LORA coordinator that the


statements in the determination are accurate and that the reduced


fee amount complies with its publicly available procedures and


guidelines and section 54.


     (c) Uphold the fee and issue a written determination to the


requesting person indicating the specific basis under section 54


that supports the required fee. The determination shall include a


certification from the public body's LORA coordinator that the


statements in the determination are accurate and that the fee


amount complies with the public body's publicly available


procedures and guidelines and section 54.


     (d) Issue a notice extending for not more than 10 business


days the period during which the public body's LORA coordinator

must respond to the written request for a fee reduction. The public


body's LORA coordinator shall not issue more than 1 notice of


extension for a particular written request for a fee reduction.


     (3) The public body's LORA coordinator is not considered to


have received a written request for reconsideration under


subsection (2) until the first scheduled session day following


submission of the written request under subsection (1)(a).


     (4) If, in an appeal commenced under subsection (1)(b), the


council administrator determines that the public body required a


fee that exceeds the amount permitted under its publicly available


procedures and guidelines or section 54, the public body shall


reduce the fee to a permissible amount.


     (5) An appeal commenced under subsection (1)(b) shall be


reviewed and decided by the council administrator at the earliest


practicable date and expedited in every way.


     (6) The council administrator may require a reasonable fee,


not to exceed $50.00, for an appeal commenced under subsection


(1)(b) unless the requesting person is eligible for a fee waiver or


reduction under section 54 because of indigence. If the requesting


person prevails in an appeal commenced under subsection (1)(b) by


receiving a reduction of 50% or more of the total fee, the council


administrator shall waive the fee required under this subsection.


     (7) If the council administrator determines in an appeal


commenced under this section that the public body has arbitrarily


and capriciously violated this part by charging an excessive fee,


the council administrator shall recommend appropriate disciplinary


action to the speaker of the house of representatives or the

majority leader of the senate, as applicable. The council


administrator shall make any recommendation for disciplinary action


under this subsection publicly available on the Internet not later


than 5 days after the recommendation is issued.


     (8) As used in this section, "fee" means the total fee or any


component of the total fee calculated under section 54, including


any deposit.


     Sec. 59c. (1) This part shall not be construed to limit,


modify, waive, or otherwise affect the privileges and immunities


guaranteed under section 11 of article IV of the state constitution


of 1963.


     (2) This part does not create or imply a private cause of


action for a violation of this part.


     Sec. 59d. (1) A public body may exempt from disclosure as a


public record under this part any of the following:


     (a) Records or information of a personal nature if public


disclosure of the information would constitute a clearly


unwarranted invasion of an individual's privacy. That information


includes, but is not limited to, the following:


     (i) An individual's social security number, financial


institution record, electronic fund number, deferred compensation,


savings bonds, W-2 and W-4 forms, and any court-enforced judgments.


     (ii) An employee's health care benefit selection.


     (iii) Unemployment compensation and worker's disability


compensation records.


     (iv) Internet-use records.


     (b) Medical, counseling, or psychological facts or evaluations

concerning an individual if the individual's identity would be


revealed by a disclosure of those facts or evaluation, including


protected health information, as defined in 45 CFR 160.103.


     (c) Communications, including any related records or


information, between a legislator or a legislator's office and a


constituent, other than a person required to be registered as a


lobbyist under 1978 PA 472, MCL 4.411 to 4.431. For purposes of


this subdivision, "constituent" means any of the following:


     (i) An individual who is registered to vote in the district


the legislator is elected to represent.


     (ii) An individual who is a resident of the district the


legislator is elected to represent and who is not registered to


vote outside of that district.


     (d) Communications and notes within a public body or between


public bodies of an advisory nature to the extent that they cover


other than purely factual materials and are preliminary to a final


determination of policy or action. For purposes of this


subdivision, "public body" includes a public body as defined in


part 1.


     (e) Records or information pertaining to an ongoing internal


or legislative investigation.


     (f) Trade secrets or commercial or financial records or


information voluntarily provided in confidence for use in


developing governmental policy.


     (g) Records or information subject to the attorney-client


privilege or any other privilege recognized by the constitution,


statute, court rule, or rules adopted by a house of the



     (h) Records or information relating to a civil action in which


the public body is a party until such litigation or claim has been


finally adjudicated or otherwise settled.


     (i) Records or information specifically described and exempted


from disclosure by statute and including the records and


information subject to confidentiality requirements in sections


109, 501, and 601 of the legislative council act, 1986 PA 268, MCL


4.1109, 4.1501, and 4.1601, and in section 9 of 1975 PA 46, MCL




     (j) A public record or information described in this section,


that is furnished by the public body originally compiling,


preparing, or receiving the record or information to a public


officer or public body in connection with the performance of the


duties of that public officer or public body, if the considerations


originally giving rise to the exempt nature of the public record


remain applicable.


     (k) Records of the office of sergeant at arms.


     (l) Records of a public body's security measures, including


security plans, capabilities, procedures, measures, passwords,


passes, keys, and codes and combinations.


     (m) A bid or proposal by a person to enter into a contract or


agreement, until the time for the public opening of bids or


proposals, or if a public opening is not to be conducted, until the


deadline for submission of bids or proposals has expired.


     (n) Records that would do any of the following if disclosed:


     (i) Interfere with law enforcement proceedings.

     (ii) Deprive a person of the right to a fair trial or


impartial administrative adjudication.


     (iii) Disclose the identity of a confidential source or


information furnished by a confidential source in the course of a


legislative investigation.


     (iv) Endanger the life or physical safety of any individual.


     (v) Prejudice a public body's ability to maintain the security


or integrity of its properties or information technology systems.


     (o) Records created, prepared, owned, used, in the possession


of, or retained by a public body prior to January 1, 2019.


     (p) Records in the sole custody of, or exclusively maintained


by, the majority and minority caucuses of each house of the




     (2) This part does not authorize the exemption from disclosure


of any salary record of an employee or official of a public body.


     (3) This part does not authorize the exemption from disclosure


of a record otherwise required by law to be made available to the




     Sec. 59e. (1) If a public record contains material that is not


exempt under section 59d, as well as material that is exempt from


disclosure under section 59d, the public body shall separate the


exempt and nonexempt material and make the nonexempt material


available for examination and copying.


     (2) When designing a public record, a public body shall, to


the extent practicable, facilitate a separation of exempt from


nonexempt information. If the separation is readily apparent to a


person requesting to inspect or receive copies of the form, the

public body shall generally describe the material exempted unless


that description would reveal the contents of the exempt


information and thus defeat the purpose of the exemption.


     Sec. 59f. The attorney general shall counsel and advise a


public body on the administration of this part upon request.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect January


1, 2019.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 247                                    


          of the 99th Legislature is enacted into law.