November 30, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Gay-Dagnogo, Wittenberg, Faris, Cochran, Greig, Peterson, Ellison, Lasinski, Sowerby, Chang, Geiss, Guerra, Camilleri, Pagan, Moss, Elder and Yancey and referred to the Committee on Education Reform.


     A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled


"The revised school code,"


by amending sections 503, 523, and 553 (MCL 380.503, 380.523, and


380.553), as amended by 2011 PA 277.




     Sec. 503. (1) An authorizing body is not required to issue a


contract to any person or entity. Subject to subsection (2), public


school academy contracts shall be issued on a competitive basis. In


deciding whether to issue a contract for a proposed public school


academy, an authorizing body shall consider all of the following:


     (a) The resources available for the proposed public school




     (b) The population to be served by the proposed public school



     (c) The educational goals to be achieved by the proposed


public school academy.


     (d) The applicant's track record, if any, in organizing public


school academies or other public schools.


     (e) The graduation rate of a school district in which the


proposed public school academy is proposed to be located.


     (f) The population of a county in which the proposed public


school academy is proposed to be located.


     (g) The number of schools in the proximity of a proposed


location of the proposed public school academy that are on the list


under section 1280c(1) of the public schools in this state that the


department has determined to be among the lowest achieving 5% of


all public schools in this state.


     (h) The number of pupils on waiting lists of public school


academies in the proximity of a proposed location of the proposed


public school academy.


     (2) An authorizing body may give priority to a proposed public


school academy that is intended to replace a public school academy


that has been closed pursuant to section 507(5), that will operate


all of the same grade levels as the public school academy that has


been closed, and that will work toward operating all of grades 9 to


12 within 6 years after it begins operations unless a matriculation


agreement has been entered into with another public school that


provides grades 9 to 12.


     (3) If a person or entity applies to the board of a school


district for a contract to organize and operate 1 or more public

school academies within the boundaries of the school district and


the board does not issue the contract, the person or entity may


petition the board to place the question of issuing the contract on


the ballot to be decided by the school electors of the school


district. The petition shall contain all of the information


required to be in the contract application under section 502 and


shall be signed by a number of school electors of the school


district equal to at least 5% of the total number of school


electors of that school district. The petition shall be filed with


the school district filing official. If the board receives a


petition meeting the requirements of this subsection, the board


shall have the question of issuing the contract placed on the


ballot at its next regular school election held at least 60 days


after receiving the petition. If a majority of the school electors


of the school district voting on the question vote to issue the


contract, the board shall issue the contract.


     (4) Within 10 days after issuing a contract for a public


school academy, the authorizing body shall submit to the


superintendent of public instruction a copy of the contract.


     (5) An authorizing body shall adopt a resolution establishing


the method of selection, length of term, and number of members of


the board of directors of each public school academy subject to its


jurisdiction. The resolution shall be written or amended as


necessary to include a requirement that each member of the board of


directors must be a citizen of the United States.


     (6) A contract issued to organize and administer a public


school academy shall contain at least all of the following:

     (a) The educational goals the public school academy is to


achieve and the methods by which it will be held accountable. The


educational goals shall include demonstrated improved pupil


academic achievement for all groups of pupils. To the extent


applicable, the pupil performance of a public school academy shall


be assessed using at least a Michigan education assessment program


(MEAP) test student test of educational progress (M-STEP) or the


Michigan merit examination under section 1279g, as applicable.


     (b) A description of the method to be used to monitor the


public school academy's compliance with applicable law and its


performance in meeting its targeted educational objectives.


     (c) A description of the process for amending the contract


during the term of the contract.


     (d) All of the matters set forth in the application for the




     (e) Procedures for revoking the contract and grounds for


revoking the contract, including at least the grounds listed in


section 507.


     (f) A description of and address for the proposed physical


plant in which the public school academy will be located. An


authorizing body may include a provision in the contract allowing


the board of directors of the public school academy to operate the


same configuration of age or grade levels at more than 1 site if


each configuration of age or grade levels and each site identified


in the contract are under the direction and control of the board of




     (g) Requirements and procedures for financial audits. The

financial audits shall be conducted at least annually by a


certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted


governmental auditing principles.


     (h) The term of the contract and a description of the process


and standards for renewal of the contract at the end of the term.


The standards for renewal shall include increases in academic


achievement for all groups of pupils as measured by assessments and


other objective criteria as the most important factor in the


decision of whether or not to renew the contract.


     (i) A certification, signed by an authorized member of the


board of directors of the public school academy, that the public


school academy will comply with the contract and all applicable




     (j) A requirement that the board of directors of the public


school academy shall ensure compliance with the requirements of


1968 PA 317, MCL 15.321 to 15.330.


     (k) A requirement that the board of directors of the public


school academy shall prohibit specifically identified family


relationships between members of the board of directors,


individuals who have an ownership interest in or who are officers


or employees of an educational management organization involved in


the operation of the public school academy, and employees of the


public school academy. The contract shall identify the specific


prohibited relationships consistent with applicable law.


     (l) A requirement that the board of directors of the public


school academy shall make information concerning its operation and


management available to the public and to the authorizing body in

the same manner as is required by state law for school districts.


     (m) A requirement that the board of directors of the public


school academy shall collect, maintain, and make available to the


public and the authorizing body, in accordance with applicable law


and the contract, at least all of the following information


concerning the operation and management of the public school




     (i) A copy of the contract issued by the authorizing body for


the public school academy.


     (ii) A list of currently serving members of the board of


directors of the public school academy, including name, address,


and term of office; copies of policies approved by the board of


directors; board meeting agendas and minutes; a copy of the budget


approved by the board of directors and of any amendments to the


budget; and copies of bills paid for amounts of $10,000.00 or more


as they were submitted to the board of directors.


     (iii) Quarterly financial reports submitted to the authorizing




     (iv) A current list of teachers and school administrators


working at the public school academy that includes their individual


salaries as submitted to the registry of educational personnel;


copies of the teaching or school administrator's certificates or


permits of current teaching and administrative staff; and evidence


of compliance with the criminal background and records checks and


unprofessional conduct check required under sections 1230, 1230a,


and 1230b for all teachers and administrators working at the public


school academy.

     (v) Curriculum documents and materials given to the


authorizing body.


     (vi) Proof of insurance as required by the contract.


     (vii) Copies of facility leases or deeds, or both, and of any


equipment leases.


     (viii) Copies of any management contracts or services


contracts approved by the board of directors.


     (ix) All health and safety reports and certificates, including


those relating to fire safety, environmental matters, asbestos


inspection, boiler inspection, and food service.


     (x) Any management letters issued as part of the annual


financial audit under subdivision (g).


     (xi) Any other information specifically required under this




     (n) A requirement that the authorizing body must review and


may disapprove any agreement between the board of directors of the


public school academy and an educational management organization


before the agreement is final and valid. An authorizing body may


disapprove an agreement described in this subdivision only if the


agreement is contrary to the contract or applicable law.


     (o) A requirement that the board of directors of the public


school academy shall demonstrate all of the following to the


satisfaction of the authorizing body with regard to its pupil


admission process:


     (i) That the public school academy has made a reasonable


effort to advertise its enrollment openings.


     (ii) That the open enrollment period for the public school

academy is for a duration of at least 2 weeks and that the


enrollment times include some evening and weekend times.


     (p) A requirement that the board of directors of the public


school academy shall prohibit any individual from being employed by


the public school academy in more than 1 full-time position and


simultaneously being compensated at a full-time rate for each of


those positions.


     (q) A requirement that, not later than August 1 of each year,


the board of directors of the public school academy shall post on


its website, with a link from the homepage, an annual pupil


recruitment report covering the preceding school fiscal year. At a


minimum, the annual pupil recruitment report shall include, in a


form and manner prescribed by the superintendent of public


instruction, a description of all recruitment measures used by the


public school academy or by an educational management organization


on behalf of the public school academy, all costs associated with


those recruitment measures that were paid for by the public school


academy or by the educational management organization, descriptions


of any targeted recruitment plans, and descriptions of all data


used to determine recruitment targeting. For the purposes of this


subdivision, "educational management organization" and "school


fiscal year" mean those terms as defined in section 503c and


"recruitment measures" means all efforts to advertise or market the


public school academy.


     (7) A public school academy shall comply with all applicable


law, including all of the following:


     (a) The open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.

     (b) The freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to




     (c) 1947 PA 336, MCL 423.201 to 423.217.


     (d) 1965 PA 166, MCL 408.551 to 408.558.


     (e) Sections 1134, 1135, 1146, 1153, 1263(3), 1267, and 1274.


     (f) Laws concerning participation in state assessments, data


collection systems, state level student growth models, state


accountability and accreditation systems, and other public


comparative data collection required for public schools.


     (8) A public school academy and its incorporators, board


members, officers, employees, and volunteers have governmental


immunity as provided in section 7 of 1964 PA 170, MCL 691.1407. An


authorizing body and its board members, officers, and employees are


immune from civil liability, both personally and professionally,


for an act or omission in authorizing a public school academy if


the authorizing body or the person acted or reasonably believed he


or she acted within the authorizing body's or the person's scope of




     (9) A public school academy is exempt from all taxation on its


earnings and property. Instruments of conveyance to or from a


public school academy are exempt from all taxation including taxes


imposed by 1966 PA 134, MCL 207.501 to 207.513. Unless the property


is already fully exempt from real and personal property taxes under


the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.155,


property occupied by a public school academy and used exclusively


for educational purposes is exempt from real and personal property


taxes levied for school operating purposes under section 1211, to

the extent exempted under that section, and from real and personal


property taxes levied under the state education tax act, 1993 PA


331, MCL 211.901 to 211.906. A public school academy may not levy


ad valorem property taxes or another tax for any purpose. However,


operation of 1 or more public school academies by a school district


or intermediate school district does not affect the ability of the


school district or intermediate school district to levy ad valorem


property taxes or another tax.


     (10) A public school academy may acquire by purchase, gift,


devise, lease, sublease, installment purchase agreement, land


contract, option, or by any other means, hold and own in its own


name buildings and other property for school purposes, and


interests therein, and other real and personal property, including,


but not limited to, interests in property subject to mortgages,


security interests, or other liens, necessary or convenient to


fulfill its purposes. For the purposes of condemnation, a public


school academy may proceed under the uniform condemnation


procedures act, 1980 PA 87, MCL 213.51 to 213.75, excluding


sections 6 to 9 of that act, MCL 213.56 to 213.59, or other


applicable statutes, but only with the express, written permission


of the authorizing body in each instance of condemnation and only


after just compensation has been determined and paid.


     (11) A member of the board of directors of a public school


academy is a public officer and shall, before entering upon the


duties of the office, take the constitutional oath of office for


public officers under section 1 of article XI of the state


constitution of 1963.

     Sec. 523. (1) An authorizing body is not required to issue a


contract to any entity. Urban high school academy contracts shall


be issued on a competitive basis taking into consideration the


resources available for the proposed urban high school academy, the


population to be served by the proposed urban high school academy,


and the educational goals to be achieved by the proposed urban high


school academy. In evaluating if an applicant is qualified, the


authorizing body shall examine the proposed performance standards,


proposed academic program, financial viability of the applicant,


and the ability of the proposed board of directors to meet the


contract goals and objectives. An authorizing body shall give


priority to applicants that demonstrate all of the following:


     (a) The proposed school will operate at least all of grades 9


through 12 within 5 years after beginning operation.


     (b) The proposed school will occupy a building or buildings


that are newly constructed or renovated after January 1, 2003.


     (c) The proposed school has a stated goal of increasing high


school graduation rates.


     (d) The proposed school has received commitments for financial


and educational support from the entity applying for the contract.


     (e) The entity that submits the application for a contract has


net assets of at least $50,000,000.00.


     (2) A contract issued to organize and administer an urban high


school academy shall contain at least all of the following:


     (a) The educational goals the urban high school academy is to


achieve and the methods by which it will be held accountable. The


educational goals shall include demonstrated improved pupil

academic achievement for all groups of pupils. To the extent


applicable, the pupil performance of an urban high school academy


shall be assessed using at least a Michigan education assessment


program (MEAP) test student test of educational progress (M-STEP)


or the Michigan merit examination developed under section 1279g, as




     (b) A description of the method to be used to monitor the


urban high school academy's compliance with applicable law and its


performance in meeting its targeted educational objectives.


     (c) A description of the process for amending the contract


during the term of the contract. An authorizing body may approve


amendment of the contract with respect to any provision contained


in the contract.


     (d) A certification, signed by an authorized member of the


urban high school academy board of directors, that the urban high


school academy will comply with the contract and all applicable




     (e) Procedures for revoking the contract and grounds for


revoking the contract.


     (f) A description of and address for the proposed building or


buildings in which the urban high school academy will be located.


     (g) Requirements and procedures for financial audits. The


financial audits shall be conducted at least annually by an


independent certified public accountant in accordance with


generally accepted governmental auditing principles.


     (h) A requirement that the board of directors shall ensure


compliance with the requirements of 1968 PA 317, MCL 15.321 to



     (i) A requirement that the board of directors shall prohibit


specifically identified family relationships between members of the


board of directors, individuals who have an ownership interest in


or who are officers or employees of an educational management


company involved in the operation of the urban high school academy,


and employees of the urban high school academy. The contract shall


identify the specific prohibited relationships consistent with


applicable law.


     (j) A requirement that the board of directors of the urban


high school academy shall make information concerning its operation


and management available to the public and to the authorizing body


in the same manner as is required by state law for school




     (k) A requirement that the board of directors of the urban


high school academy shall collect, maintain, and make available to


the public and the authorizing body, in accordance with applicable


law and the contract, at least all of the following information


concerning the operation and management of the urban high school




     (i) A copy of the contract issued by the authorizing body for


the urban high school academy.


     (ii) A list of currently serving members of the board of


directors of the urban high school academy, including name,


address, and term of office; copies of policies approved by the


board of directors; board meeting agendas and minutes; copy of the


budget approved by the board of directors and of any amendments to

the budget; and copies of bills paid for amounts of $10,000.00 or


more as they were submitted to the board of directors.


     (iii) Quarterly financial reports submitted to the authorizing




     (iv) A current list of teachers working at the urban high


school academy that includes their individual salaries as submitted


to the registry of educational personnel; copies of the teaching


certificates or permits of current teaching staff; and evidence of


compliance with the criminal background and records checks and


unprofessional conduct check required under sections 1230, 1230a,


and 1230b for all teachers and administrators working at the urban


high school academy.


     (v) Curriculum documents and materials given to the


authorizing body.


     (vi) Proof of insurance as required by the contract.


     (vii) Copies of facility leases or deeds, or both, and of any


equipment leases.


     (viii) Copies of any management contracts or services


contracts approved by the board of directors.


     (ix) All health and safety reports and certificates, including


those relating to fire safety, environmental matters, asbestos


inspection, boiler inspection, and food service.


     (x) Any management letters issued as part of the annual


financial audit under subdivision (g).


     (xi) Any other information specifically required under this




     (l) A requirement that the authorizing body must review and

may disapprove any agreement between the board of directors and an


educational management company before the agreement is final and


valid. An authorizing body may disapprove an agreement described in


this subdivision only if the agreement is contrary to the contract


or applicable law.


     (m) A requirement that the board of directors shall


demonstrate all of the following to the satisfaction of the


authorizing body with regard to its pupil admission process:


     (i) That the urban high school academy has made a reasonable


effort to advertise its enrollment openings.


     (ii) That the urban high school academy has made the following


additional efforts to recruit pupils who are eligible for special


education programs and services to apply for admission:


     (A) Reasonable efforts to advertise all enrollment openings to


organizations and media that regularly serve and advocate for


individuals with disabilities within the boundaries of the


intermediate school district in which the urban high school academy


is located.


     (B) Inclusion in all pupil recruitment materials of a


statement that appropriate special education services will be made


available to pupils attending the school as required by law.


     (iii) That the open enrollment period for the urban high


school academy is for a duration of at least 2 weeks and that the


enrollment times include some evening and weekend times.


     (n) A requirement that the board of directors shall prohibit


any individual from being employed by the urban high school academy


in more than 1 full-time position and simultaneously being

compensated at a full-time rate for each of those positions.


     (o) A requirement that, if requested, the board of directors


shall report to the authorizing body the total compensation for


each individual working at the urban high school academy.


     (p) The term of the contract and a description of the process


and standards for renewal of the contract at the end of the term.


The standards for renewal shall include increases in academic


achievement for all groups of pupils as measured by assessments and


other objective criteria as the most important factor in the


decision of whether or not to renew the contract.


     (q) A requirement that, not later than August 1 of each year,


the board of directors of the urban high school academy shall post


on its website, with a link from the homepage, an annual pupil


recruitment report covering the preceding school fiscal year. At a


minimum, the annual pupil recruitment report shall include, in a


form and manner prescribed by the superintendent of public


instruction, a description of all recruitment measures used by the


urban high school academy or by an educational management


organization on behalf of the urban high school academy, all costs


associated with those recruitment measures that were paid for by


the urban high school academy or by the educational management


organization, descriptions of any targeted recruitment plans, and


descriptions of all data used to determine recruitment targeting.


For the purposes of this subdivision, "educational management


organization" and "school fiscal year" mean those terms as defined


in section 523c and "recruitment measures" means all efforts to


advertise or market the urban high school academy.

     (3) An urban high school academy shall comply with all


applicable law, including all of the following:


     (a) The open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.


     (b) The freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to




     (c) 1947 PA 336, MCL 423.201 to 423.217.


     (d) 1965 PA 166, MCL 408.551 to 408.558.


     (e) 1978 PA 566, MCL 15.181 to 15.185.


     (f) 1968 PA 317, MCL 15.321 to 15.330.


     (g) The uniform budgeting and accounting act, 1968 PA 2, MCL


141.421 to 141.440a.


     (h) The revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL


141.2101 to 141.2821.


     (i) The federal no child left behind act of 2001, Public Law


107-110. , 115 Stat. 1425.


     (j) Sections 1134, 1135, 1146, 1153, 1263(3), 1267, 1274, and




     (k) Laws concerning participation in state assessments, data


collection systems, state level student growth models, state


accountability and accreditation systems, and other public


comparative data collection required for public schools.


     (4) An urban high school academy and its incorporators, board


members, officers, employees, and volunteers have governmental


immunity as provided in section 7 of 1964 PA 170, MCL 691.1407. An


authorizing body and its board members, officers, and employees are


immune from civil liability, both personally and professionally,


for any acts or omissions in authorizing or oversight of an urban

high school academy if the authorizing body or the person acted or


reasonably believed he or she acted within the authorizing body's


or the person's scope of authority.


     (5) An urban high school academy is exempt from all taxation


on its earnings and property. Unless the property is already fully


exempt from real and personal property taxes under the general


property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.155, property


occupied by an urban high school academy and used exclusively for


educational purposes is exempt from real and personal property


taxes levied for school operating purposes under section 1211, to


the extent exempted under that section, and from real and personal


property taxes levied under the state education tax act, 1993 PA


331, MCL 211.901 to 211.906. Instruments of conveyance to or from


an urban high school academy are exempt from all taxation,


including taxes imposed by 1966 PA 134, MCL 207.501 to 207.513. An


urban high school academy may not levy ad valorem property taxes or


any other tax for any purpose.


     (6) An urban high school academy may acquire by purchase,


gift, devise, lease, sublease, installment purchase agreement, land


contract, option, or any other means, hold, and own in its own name


buildings and other property for school purposes, and interests


therein, and other real and personal property, including, but not


limited to, interests in property subject to mortgages, security


interests, or other liens, necessary or convenient to fulfill its


purposes. For the purposes of condemnation, an urban high school


academy may proceed under the uniform condemnation procedures act,


1980 PA 87, MCL 213.51 to 213.75, excluding sections 6 to 9 of that

act, MCL 213.56 to 213.59, or other applicable statutes, but only


with the express, written permission of the authorizing body in


each instance of condemnation and only after just compensation has


been determined and paid.


     Sec. 553. (1) An authorizing body is not required to issue a


contract to any person or entity. Schools of excellence contracts


shall be issued on a competitive basis taking into consideration


the resources available for the proposed school of excellence, the


population to be served by the proposed school of excellence, the


educational goals to be achieved by the proposed school of


excellence, and the applicant's track record, if any, in operating


public school academies or other public schools.


     (2) If a person or entity applies to the board of a school


district for a contract to organize and operate 1 or more schools


of excellence within the boundaries of the school district and the


board does not issue the contract, the person or entity may


petition the board to place the question of issuing the contract on


the ballot to be decided by the school electors of the school


district. The petition shall contain all of the information


required to be in the contract application under section 552 and


shall be signed by a number of school electors of the school


district equal to at least 5% of the total number of school


electors of that school district. The petition shall be filed with


the school district filing official. If the board receives a


petition meeting the requirements of this subsection, the board


shall have the question of issuing the contract placed on the


ballot at its next regular school election held at least 60 days

after receiving the petition. If a majority of the school electors


of the school district voting on the question vote to issue the


contract, the board shall issue the contract.


     (3) Within 10 days after issuing a contract for a school of


excellence, the authorizing body shall submit to the superintendent


of public instruction a copy of the contract.


     (4) An authorizing body shall adopt a resolution establishing


the method of selection, length of term, and number of members of


the board of directors of each school of excellence subject to its


jurisdiction. The resolution shall be written or amended as


necessary to include a requirement that each member of the board of


directors must be a citizen of the United States.


     (5) A contract issued to organize and administer a school of


excellence shall contain at least all of the following:


     (a) The educational goals the school of excellence is to


achieve and the methods by which it will be held accountable. The


educational goals shall include demonstrated improved pupil


academic achievement for all groups of pupils. To the extent


applicable, the pupil performance of a school of excellence shall


be assessed using at least a Michigan education assessment program


(MEAP) test student test of educational progress (M-STEP) or the


Michigan merit examination under section 1279g, as applicable.


     (b) A description of the method to be used to monitor the


school of excellence's compliance with applicable law and its


performance in meeting its targeted educational objectives.


     (c) A description of the process for amending the contract


during the term of the contract.

     (d) All of the matters set forth in the application for the




     (e) Procedures for revoking the contract and grounds for


revoking the contract, including at least the grounds listed in


section 561.


     (f) A description of and address for the proposed physical


plant in which the school of excellence will be located. An


authorizing body may include a provision in the contract allowing


the board of directors of the school of excellence to operate the


same configuration of age or grade levels at more than 1 site if


each configuration of age or grade levels and each site identified


in the contract are under the direction and control of the board of




     (g) Requirements and procedures for financial audits. The


financial audits shall be conducted at least annually by a


certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted


governmental auditing principles.


     (h) A certification, signed by an authorized member of the


school of excellence board of directors, that the school of


excellence will comply with the contract and all applicable law.


     (i) A requirement that the board of directors shall ensure


compliance with the requirements of 1968 PA 317, MCL 15.321 to




     (j) A requirement that the board of directors shall prohibit


specifically identified family relationships between members of the


board of directors, individuals who have an ownership interest in


or who are officers or employees of an educational management

organization involved in the operation of the school of excellence,


and employees of the school of excellence. The contract shall


identify the specific prohibited relationships consistent with


applicable law.


     (k) A requirement that the board of directors of the school of


excellence shall make information concerning its operation and


management available to the public and to the authorizing body in


the same manner as is required by state law for school districts.


     (l) A requirement that the board of directors of the school of


excellence shall collect, maintain, and make available to the


public and the authorizing body, in accordance with applicable law


and the contract, at least all of the following information


concerning the operation and management of the school of




     (i) A copy of the contract issued by the authorizing body for


the school of excellence.


     (ii) A list of currently serving members of the board of


directors of the school of excellence, including name, address, and


term of office; copies of policies approved by the board of


directors; board meeting agendas and minutes; copy of the budget


approved by the board of directors and of any amendments to the


budget; and copies of bills paid for amounts of $10,000.00 or more


as they were submitted to the board of directors.


     (iii) Quarterly financial reports submitted to the authorizing




     (iv) A current list of teachers and school administrators


working at the school of excellence that includes their individual

salaries as submitted to the registry of educational personnel;


copies of the teaching or school administrator's certificates or


permits of current teaching and administrative staff; and evidence


of compliance with the criminal background and records checks and


unprofessional conduct check required under sections 1230, 1230a,


and 1230b for all teachers and administrators working at the school


of excellence.


     (v) Curriculum documents and materials given to the


authorizing body.


     (vi) Proof of insurance as required by the contract.


     (vii) Copies of facility leases or deeds, or both, and of any


equipment leases.


     (viii) Copies of any management contracts or services


contracts approved by the board of directors.


     (ix) All health and safety reports and certificates, including


those relating to fire safety, environmental matters, asbestos


inspection, boiler inspection, and food service.


     (x) Any management letters issued as part of the annual


financial audit under subdivision (g).


     (xi) Any other information specifically required under this




     (m) A requirement that the authorizing body must review and


may disapprove any agreement between the board of directors and an


educational management organization before the agreement is final


and valid. An authorizing body may disapprove an agreement


described in this subdivision only if the agreement is contrary to


contract or applicable law.

     (n) A requirement that the board of directors shall


demonstrate all of the following to the satisfaction of the


authorizing body with regard to its pupil admission process:


     (i) That the school of excellence has made a reasonable effort


to advertise its enrollment openings.


     (ii) That the school of excellence has made the following


additional efforts to recruit pupils who are eligible for special


education programs and services or English as a second language


services to apply for admission:


     (A) Reasonable efforts to advertise all enrollment openings to


organizations and media that regularly serve and advocate for


individuals with disabilities or children with limited English-


speaking ability within the boundaries of the intermediate school


district in which the school of excellence is located.


     (B) Inclusion in all pupil recruitment materials of a


statement that appropriate special education services and English


as a second language services will be made available to pupils


attending the school as required by law.


     (iii) That the open enrollment period for the school of


excellence is for a duration of at least 2 weeks and that the


enrollment times include some evening and weekend times.


     (o) A requirement that the board of directors shall prohibit


any individual from being employed by the school of excellence in


more than 1 full-time position and simultaneously being compensated


at a full-time rate for each of those positions.


     (p) A requirement that, if requested, the board of directors


shall report to the authorizing body the total compensation for

each individual working at the school of excellence.


     (q) A requirement that, not later than August 1 of each year,


the board of directors of the school of excellence shall post on


its website, with a link from the homepage, an annual pupil


recruitment report covering the preceding school fiscal year. At a


minimum, the annual pupil recruitment report shall include, in a


form and manner prescribed by the superintendent of public


instruction, a description of all recruitment measures used by the


school of excellence or by an educational management organization


on behalf of the school of excellence, all costs associated with


those recruitment measures that were paid for by the school of


excellence or by the educational management organization,


descriptions of any targeted recruitment plans, and descriptions of


all data used to determine recruitment targeting. For the purposes


of this subdivision, "educational management organization" and


"school fiscal year" mean those terms as defined in section 553c


and "recruitment measures" means all efforts to advertise or market


the school of excellence.


     (6) A school of excellence shall comply with all applicable


law, including all of the following:


     (a) The open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.


     (b) The freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to




     (c) 1947 PA 336, MCL 423.201 to 423.217.


     (d) 1965 PA 166, MCL 408.551 to 408.558.


     (e) Sections 1134, 1135, 1146, 1153, 1263(3), 1267, and 1274.


     (f) Laws concerning participation in state assessments, data

collection systems, state level student growth models, state


accountability and accreditation systems, and other public


comparative data collection required for public schools.


     (7) A school of excellence and its incorporators, board


members, officers, employees, and volunteers have governmental


immunity as provided in section 7 of 1964 PA 170, MCL 691.1407. An


authorizing body and its board members, officers, and employees are


immune from civil liability, both personally and professionally,


for an act or omission in authorizing a school of excellence if the


authorizing body or the person acted or reasonably believed he or


she acted within the authorizing body's or the person's scope of




     (8) A school of excellence is exempt from all taxation on its


earnings and property. Unless the property is already fully exempt


from real and personal property taxes under the general property


tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.155, property occupied by a


school of excellence and used exclusively for educational purposes


is exempt from real and personal property taxes levied for school


operating purposes under section 1211, to the extent exempted under


that section, and from real and personal property taxes levied


under the state education tax act, 1993 PA 331, MCL 211.901 to


211.906. Instruments of conveyance to or from a school of


excellence are exempt from all taxation including taxes imposed by


1966 PA 134, MCL 207.501 to 207.513. A school of excellence may not


levy ad valorem property taxes or another tax for any purpose.


However, operation of 1 or more schools of excellence by a school


district or intermediate school district does not affect the

ability of the school district or intermediate school district to


levy ad valorem property taxes or another tax.


     (9) A school of excellence may acquire by purchase, gift,


devise, lease, sublease, installment purchase agreement, land


contract, option, or by any other means, hold, and own in its own


name buildings and other property for school purposes, and


interests therein, and other real and personal property, including,


but not limited to, interests in property subject to mortgages,


security interests, or other liens, necessary or convenient to


fulfill its purposes. For the purposes of condemnation, a school of


excellence may proceed under the uniform condemnation procedures


act, 1980 PA 87, MCL 213.51 to 213.75, excluding sections 6 to 9 of


that act, MCL 213.56 to 213.59, or other applicable statutes, but


only with the express, written permission of the authorizing body


in each instance of condemnation and only after just compensation


has been determined and paid.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.