March 30, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Whiteford, Crawford, Allor, Victory and Rendon and referred to the Committee on Communications and Technology.
A bill to require certain coordination between construction
projects in rights-of-way and installation of broadband facilities;
and to provide for the powers and duties of certain state and local
governmental officers and entities.
Sec. 1. As used in this act:
(a) "Broadband service" means that term as defined in section
102 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL
(b) "Broadband conduit" means a conduit, pipe, innerduct, or
microduct for fiber optic or other cables that support broadband
and wireless facilities for broadband service.
(c) "Commission" means the Michigan public service commission
created in section 1 of 1939 PA 3, MCL 460.1.
(d) "Local unit of government" means a city, county, county
road commission, or village.
Sec. 2. (1) The commission shall, in collaboration with the
state transportation department and private entities, encourage and
coordinate efforts for the planning, relocation, installation, or
improvement of broadband conduit within any right-of-way under the
jurisdiction of the state transportation department in conjunction
with any current or planned construction in that right-of-way.
(2) The commission shall, in collaboration with any other
state departments and agencies the commission considers necessary,
develop a strategy to facilitate the timely and efficient
deployment of broadband conduit or other broadband facilities on
state-owned lands and buildings.
(3) The commission shall encourage and assist local units of
government to adopt and implement policies similar to those under
subsections (1) and (2) for construction or other improvements to
any of the following:
(a) Highways, roads, or any other right-of-way under the local
unit of government's jurisdiction.
(b) Lands or buildings owned by the local unit of government.
Sec. 3. The commission shall report on activities taken under
this act, including, but not limited to, the number of current and
planned projects using the approach, any gains in broadband speed
or access associated with the project, and any costs or cost
savings to this state, a private entity, or an end user of
broadband services.
Sec. 4. A local unit of government shall post on its website a
list of any current or planned construction projects in any right-
of-way under that local unit of government's jurisdiction.