SB-0683, As Passed Senate, June 12, 2018


























      A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending sections 16215, 16322, 16501, 16511, 16521, 16525,


and 16529 (MCL 333.16215, 333.16322, 333.16501, 333.16511,


333.16521, 333.16525, and 333.16529), section 16215 as amended by


2005 PA 211, sections 16322, 16501, 16525, and 16529 as added by


2006 PA 30, section 16511 as amended by 2006 PA 397, and section


16521 as amended by 2010 PA 79, and by adding sections 16513,


16515, and 16517.




 1        Sec. 16215. (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (6), a


 2  licensee who holds a license other than a health profession


 3  subfield license may delegate to a licensed or unlicensed


 4  individual who is otherwise qualified by education, training, or


 1  experience the performance of selected acts, tasks, or functions


 2  where the acts, tasks, or functions fall within the scope of


 3  practice of the licensee's profession and will be performed under


 4  the licensee's supervision. A licensee shall not delegate an act,


 5  task, or function under this section if the act, task, or


 6  function, under standards of acceptable and prevailing practice,


 7  requires the level of education, skill, and judgment required of


 8  the licensee under this article.


 9        (2) Subject to subsection (1) and except as otherwise


10  provided in this subsection and subsections (3) and (4), a


11  licensee who is an allopathic physician or osteopathic physician


12  and surgeon shall delegate an act, task, or function that


13  involves the performance of a procedure that requires the use of


14  surgical instrumentation only to an individual who is licensed


15  under this article. A licensee who is an allopathic physician or


16  osteopathic physician and surgeon may delegate an act, task, or


17  function described in this subsection to an individual who is not


18  licensed under this article if the unlicensed individual is 1 or


19  more of the following and if the procedure is directly supervised


20  by a licensed allopathic physician or osteopathic physician and


21  surgeon who is physically present during the performance of the


22  procedure:


23        (a) A student enrolled in a school of medicine or


24  osteopathic medicine approved by the Michigan board of medicine


25  or the Michigan board of osteopathic medicine and surgery.


26        (b) A student enrolled in a physician's assistant training


27  program approved by the joint physician's assistant task force


 1  created under part 170.


 2        (3) Subject to subsection (1), a licensee who is an


 3  allopathic physician or osteopathic physician and surgeon may


 4  delegate an act, task, or function described in subsection (2) to


 5  an individual who is not licensed under this article and who is 1


 6  of the following:


 7        (a) Performing Until 12 months after the effective date of


 8  the rules promulgated under section 16525, performing


 9  acupuncture.


10        (b) Surgically removing only bone, skin, blood vessels,


11  cartilage, dura mater, ligaments, tendons, pericardial tissue, or


12  heart valves only from a deceased individual for transplantation,


13  implantation, infusion, injection, or other medical or scientific


14  purpose.


15        (4) Subject to subsection (1), a licensee who is an


16  allopathic physician or osteopathic physician and surgeon may


17  delegate an act, task, or function described in subsection (2) to


18  an individual who is not licensed under this article if the


19  procedure is directly supervised by a licensed allopathic


20  physician or osteopathic physician and surgeon who is physically


21  present during the performance of the procedure, the delegation


22  of such procedure is not prohibited or otherwise restricted by


23  the board or that health facility or agency, and the delegation


24  of that act, task, or function is specifically authorized by that


25  health facility or agency to be delegated and performed by either


26  of the following unlicensed individuals:


27        (a) A surgical technologist who meets the qualifications


 1  established by the health facility or agency with which he or she


 2  is employed or under contract. with.


 3        (b) A surgical first assistant who meets the qualifications


 4  established by the health facility or agency with which he or she


 5  is employed or under contract. with.


 6        (5) A board may promulgate rules to further prohibit or


 7  otherwise restrict delegation of specific acts, tasks, or


 8  functions to a licensed or unlicensed individual if the board


 9  determines that the delegation constitutes or may constitute a


10  danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the patient or


11  public.


12        (6) To promote safe and competent practice, a board may


13  promulgate rules to specify conditions under which, and


14  categories and types of licensed and unlicensed individuals for


15  whom, closer supervision may be required for acts, tasks, and


16  functions delegated under this section.


17        (7) An individual who performs acts, tasks, or functions


18  delegated pursuant to this section does not violate the part that


19  regulates the scope of practice of that health profession.


20        (8) The amendatory act that added this subsection does not


21  require new or additional third party reimbursement or mandated


22  worker's compensation benefits for services rendered by an


23  individual authorized to perform those services under subsection


24  (4).


25        Sec. 16322. Fees for a person registered or seeking


26  registration as an acupuncturist an individual who is licensed or


27  seeking licensure to engage in the practice of acupuncture under


 1  part 165 are as follows:




      (a) Application processing fee.................  $   75.00


      (b) Registration License fee, per year.........  $  200.00


      (c) Limited license, per year..................  $  200.00


      (d) Temporary license fee......................  $  200.00



 6        Sec. 16501. (1) As used in this part:


 7        (a) "Acupressure" means a form of manual therapy in which


 8  physical pressure is applied to various points on the body.


 9        (b) (a) "Acupuncture" means the insertion and manipulation


10  of needles through the surface of the human body. at specific


11  locations on the human body for the prevention or correction of


12  disease, injury, pain, or other condition.Acupuncture includes,


13  but is not limited to, laser acupuncture, electroacupuncture,


14  pricking therapy, dry needling, and intramuscular stimulation.


15        (c) (b) "Acupuncturist" means an individual who practices


16  acupuncture and is registered, or otherwise authorized, licensed


17  under this part to engage in the practice of acupuncture.


18        (d) "Cupping" means the placement of a specially designed


19  cup on the body to create suction.


20        (e) "Dermal friction" means the use of repeated, closely


21  timed, unidirectional press-stroking with a smooth-edged


22  instrument over a lubricated area of the body.


23        (f) "Dietary counseling" means the process of advising a


24  patient about healthy food choices and healthy eating habits in


25  accordance with East Asian medical theory.


26        (g) "Dry needling" means a rehabilitative procedure using


 1  filiform needles to penetrate the skin or underlying tissues by


 2  targeting only myofascial trigger points and muscular and


 3  connective tissues to affect change in body structures and


 4  functions for the evaluation and management of


 5  neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairment. Dry needling


 6  does not include the stimulation of auricular points or other


 7  acupuncture points.


 8        (h) "East Asian medicine techniques" includes, but is not


 9  limited to, acupuncture, manual therapy, moxibustion, heat


10  therapy, dietary counseling, therapeutic exercise, acupressure,


11  cupping, dermal friction, homeopathy, lifestyle coaching, and


12  treatment with herbal medicines.


13        (i) "Heat therapy" means the use of heat in therapy, such as


14  for pain relief and health.


15        (j) "Herbal medicine" means the internal and external use of


16  a plant or a plant extract, a mineral, or an animal product, that


17  is not a prescription drug as that term is defined in section


18  17708.


19        (k) "Homeopathy" means the use of a highly diluted natural


20  remedy from the plant, mineral, and animal domain.


21        (l) "Lifestyle coaching" means the process of advising a


22  patient about healthy lifestyle choices and habits in accordance


23  with East Asian medical theory.


24        (m) "Manual therapy" means the application of an accurately


25  determined and specifically directed manual force to the body,


26  excluding a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust to the spine.


27        (n) "Moxibustion" means burning the dried plant Artemisia


 1  vulgaris on or very near the surface of the skin as a form of


 2  therapy.


 3        (o) "Practice of acupuncture", subject to subsection (2),


 4  means the use of traditional and contemporary east Asian medical


 5  theory to assess and diagnose a patient, to develop a plan to


 6  treat the patient, and to treat the patient through East Asian


 7  medicine techniques.


 8        (p) "Practice of chiropractic" means that term as defined in


 9  section 16401.


10        (q) "Practice of massage therapy" means that term as defined


11  in section 17951.


12        (r) "Practice of medicine" means that term as defined in


13  section 17001.


14        (s) "Practice of osteopathic medicine and surgery" means


15  that term as defined in section 17501.


16        (t) "Practice of physical therapy" means that term as


17  defined in section 17801.


18        (u) "Registered acupuncturist" means an individual who is


19  registered or otherwise authorized under this part before the


20  effective date of the amendatory act that added section 16513.


21        (v) "Systematic acupuncture education" means a course of


22  education that covers the foundation of acupuncture science and


23  theory, channel and point location, needling techniques,


24  approaches to diagnosis and therapy, and patient management.


25        (w) "Therapeutic exercise" means a range of physical


26  activities that help restore and build physical strength,


27  endurance, flexibility, balance, and stability.


 1        (2) For purposes of this part, practice of acupuncture does


 2  not include the practice of medicine, the practice of osteopathic


 3  medicine and surgery, the practice of physical therapy, the


 4  practice of occupational therapy, the practice of podiatric


 5  medicine and surgery, the practice of nursing, the practice of


 6  dentistry, the practice of massage therapy, or the practice of


 7  chiropractic.


 8        (3) (2) In addition to the definitions in this part, article


 9  1 contains general definitions and principles of construction


10  applicable to all articles in the code and part 161 contains


11  definitions applicable to this part.


12        Sec. 16511. (1) Except as otherwise provided under


13  subsection (2), after in this part, beginning on the effective


14  date of rules are promulgated under section 16145, 16525, an


15  individual shall not use the words, titles, or letters


16  "acupuncturist", "certified acupuncturist", or "registered


17  acupuncturist", "licensed acupuncturist", "L.Ac.", or a


18  combination thereof, with or without qualifying words or phrases,


19  similar word or initial that indicates that the individual is an


20  acupuncturist, unless he or she is registered authorized under


21  this part to use the terms and in a way prescribed in this part.


22        (2) Neither of the following is subject to the provisions of


23  this part:


24        (a) A physician who is licensed under part 170 or 175.


25        (b) An individual who is certified by the national


26  acupuncture detoxification association.


27        Sec. 16513. (1) Beginning on the effective date of rules


 1  promulgated under section 16525, an individual shall not engage


 2  in the practice of acupuncture unless he or she is licensed under


 3  this part or is otherwise authorized under this article. For a


 4  period not to exceed 12 months from the effective date of the


 5  rules promulgated under section 16525, a registered acupuncturist


 6  may, without a license under this part, continue to use the


 7  titles "acupuncturist", "registered acupuncturist", or "certified


 8  acupuncturist" and engage in the practice of acupuncture.


 9        (2) In addition to the exemptions from licensure under


10  section 16171, this part does not apply to any of the following:


11        (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (e), an


12  individual licensed, registered, or otherwise authorized under


13  any other part or act who is performing activities that are


14  considered to be within the practice of acupuncture if those


15  activities are within the individual's scope of practice and if


16  the individual does not use the words, titles, or letters


17  protected under section 16511.


18        (b) A physician who is licensed under part 170 or part 175


19  if the physician has completed a total of not less than 300 hours


20  of systematic acupuncture education that include not less than


21  100 hours of live lectures, demonstrations, and supervised


22  clinical training specific to acupuncture.


23        (c) An individual who meets all of the following


24  requirements:


25        (i) He or she meets the requirements for a certificate of


26  training as an acupuncture detoxification specialist issued by


27  the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association or an


 1  organization that the board determines is a successor


 2  organization.


 3        (ii) He or she only uses the auricular protocol for substance


 4  use disorder prevention and treatment developed by the National


 5  Acupuncture Detoxification Association or an organization that


 6  the board determines is a successor organization.


 7        (iii) He or she is under the supervision of an acupuncturist


 8  or a physician licensed under part 170 or part 175 when using the


 9  protocol described in subparagraph (ii).


10        (iv) He or she does not use the words, titles, or letters


11  protected under section 16511.


12        (d) An individual performing acupressure, cupping, dermal


13  friction, dietary counseling, heat therapy, herbal medicine,


14  homeopathy, lifestyle coaching, manual therapy, or therapeutic


15  exercise, while engaged in the practice of a profession with


16  established standards and ethics and as long as those services


17  are not designated as or implied to be the practice of


18  acupuncture and the individual does not use the titles, words, or


19  letters protected under section 16511.


20        (e) Dry needling by an individual licensed, registered, or


21  otherwise authorized under any other part if dry needling is


22  within the individual's scope of practice.


23        Sec. 16515. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection


24  (2), the department shall issue a license to an applicant who


25  meets the requirements of section 16174 and the requirements for


26  licensure established in rules promulgated under section 16525.


27        (2) On or before the expiration of 12 months after the


 1  effective date of the rules promulgated under section 16525, the


 2  department shall issue a license to an applicant who meets the


 3  requirements of section 16174 and 1 of the following:


 4        (a) He or she is a registered acupuncturist.


 5        (b) He or she has the education, training, and experience


 6  appropriate to the practice of acupuncture as established in


 7  rules promulgated under section 16525. In determining whether an


 8  applicant has met the requirements for licensure under this


 9  subdivision, the department, in consultation with the board,


10  shall promulgate rules establishing criteria for considering


11  patient records, billing records, education records, training


12  records, or other evidence of the applicant's education,


13  training, and experience that is submitted to the department. An


14  applicant shall ensure that any document that is submitted to the


15  department under this subdivision ensures the confidentiality of


16  a patient's identity.


17        Sec. 16517. (1) Notwithstanding the requirements of part


18  161, the department, in consultation with the board, shall


19  promulgate rules requiring a licensee seeking renewal of a


20  license to furnish the department with satisfactory evidence that


21  during the license cycle immediately preceding the application


22  for renewal the licensee has attended continuing education


23  courses or programs approved by the board in subjects related to


24  the practice of acupuncture and designed to further educate


25  licensees. An individual is considered to have completed the


26  continuing education requirements described in this subsection if


27  the department determines that the individual has met the


 1  continuing education standards of the National Certification


 2  Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine or equivalent


 3  standards as determined by the board.


 4        (2) As required under section 16204, the department, in


 5  consultation with the board, shall promulgate rules requiring


 6  each applicant for license renewal to complete as part of the


 7  educational courses or programs required under subsection (1) an


 8  appropriate number of hours or courses in pain and symptom


 9  management.


10        Sec. 16521. (1) The Michigan board of acupuncture is created


11  in the department and shall consist consists of the following 13


12  voting members, who each of whom must meet the requirements of


13  part 161:


14        (a) Until June 30, 2010, 4 acupuncturists. Beginning July 1,


15  2010, 7 Seven acupuncturists. The members appointed under this


16  subdivision shall must meet the requirements of section 16135.


17        (b) Three physicians licensed under part 170 or 175, at


18  least 1 of whom has met the requirement in section 16513(2)(b).


19        (c) Until June 30, 2010, 2 public members. Beginning July 1,


20  2010, 3 Three public members.


21        (2) The terms of office of individual members of the board


22  created under this part, except those appointed to fill


23  vacancies, expire 4 years after appointment on June 30 of the


24  year in which the term expires pursuant to section 16122.


25        Sec. 16525. (1) The Within 12 months after the effective


26  date of the amendatory act that amended this section, the


27  department, in consultation with the board, shall promulgate


 1  rules setting forth the minimum standards for registration as an


 2  acupuncturist. The department, in consultation with the board,


 3  may adopt by reference the professional standards issued by a


 4  certified program that is recognized by the national commission


 5  for certifying agencies or by a nationally recognized trade


 6  association.that establish the minimum standards for licensure as


 7  an acupuncturist and implement the licensure program for the


 8  practice of acupuncture. In promulgating rules for purposes of


 9  section 16515(1), the department, in consultation with the board,


10  may adopt by reference the professional standards issued by a


11  certified program that is recognized by the National Commission


12  for Certifying Agencies. In promulgating rules for purposes of


13  section 16515(2), the department, in consultation with the board,


14  shall consider whether an applicant has completed systematic


15  acupuncture education that includes live lectures,


16  demonstrations, and supervised clinical training specific to


17  acupuncture.


18        (2) The department, in consultation with the board, shall


19  not promulgate rules under this section that diminish competition


20  or exceed the minimum level of regulation necessary to protect


21  the public.


22        Sec. 16529. This part does not require new or additional


23  third party reimbursement or mandated worker's compensation


24  benefits for services by an individual registered licensed as an


25  acupuncturist under this part.


26        Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


27  after the date it is enacted into law.