House Bill 4679 (Substitute H-2 as passed by the House)
Sponsor: Representative Jim Lilly
House Committee: Government Operations
Senate Committee: Government Operations
The bill would amend the Legislative Council Act to do the following:
-- Require the Senate Fiscal Agency (SFA) and House Fiscal Agency (HFA) to prepare a fiscal analysis for each bill that was scheduled for a hearing before a standing committee of the Senate or House of Representatives, respectively.
-- Specify the information that would have to be included in a fiscal analysis, such as a summary that explained the bill's changes to existing law, and an estimate of the potential impact or amount by which the bill would increase or decrease governmental revenue and expenditures.
-- Require the SFA or HFA, as applicable, to provide the fiscal analysis to the clerk of the committee and to the public on the internet.
The bill would take effect 90 days after its enactment.
The bill would require the SFA or HFA to prepare, for each bill that was scheduled for a hearing before a standing committee of the Senate or House of Representatives, respectively, a fiscal analysis that contained all of the following:
-- A summary that explained the changes the bill would make to existing law.
-- An estimate of the potential impact or amount by which the bill would increase or decrease governmental revenue and expenditures, and which funds the bill would affect; if Federal funding received by the State would be affected, the analysis would have to include an estimate of that effect.
-- If the bill would increase or decrease State taxes or fees, the analysis could include an estimate of the impact on payers of the taxes or fees.
-- Any other information the fiscal agency considered necessary to explain the fiscal impact of the bill, including potential impacts to local units of government.
The appropriate fiscal agency would have to provide the fiscal analysis to the clerk of the committee and to the public on the internet. Also, the SFA or HFA would have prepare a revised fiscal analysis, as necessary, that incorporated any changes to a bill scheduled for a hearing before a standing committee of the Senate or the House of Representatives, respectively.
Proposed MCL 4.1502 & 4.1602 Legislative Analyst: Jeff Mann
The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government. The bill essentially codifies the current practices of the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies. The extent to which data are available, and the amount of advance notice of the scheduling of a bill for a committee meeting or action on the House or Senate floor, could impact the agencies' ability to fulfill the bill's requirements.
Fiscal Analyst: Ellen Jeffries
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.