October 20, 2016, Introduced by Senator MACGREGOR and referred to the Committee on Oversight.



     A bill to amend 1939 PA 280, entitled


"The social welfare act,"


by amending section 117a (MCL 400.117a), as amended by 2016 PA 279.




     Sec. 117a. (1) As used in this section and sections 117b to




     (a) "County juvenile agency" means that term as defined in


section 2 of the county juvenile agency act, 1998 PA 518, MCL




     (b) "County juvenile agency services" means all juvenile


justice services for a juvenile who is within the court's


jurisdiction under section 2(a) or (d) of chapter XIIA of the


probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2, or within the


jurisdiction of the court of general jurisdiction under section 606


of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.606, if


that court commits the juvenile to a county or court juvenile


facility under section 27a of chapter IV of the code of criminal


procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 764.27a. If a juvenile who comes within


the court's jurisdiction under section 2(a) or (d) of chapter XIIA


of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2, is at that


time subject to a court order in connection with a proceeding for


which the court acquired jurisdiction under section 2(b) or (c) of


chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2,


juvenile justice services provided to the juvenile before the court


enters an order in the subsequent proceeding are not county


juvenile agency services, except for juvenile justice services


related to detention.


     (c) "Juvenile justice service" means a service, exclusive of


judicial functions, provided by a county for juveniles who are


within or likely to come within the court's jurisdiction under


section 2 of chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288,


MCL 712A.2, or within the jurisdiction of the court of general


criminal jurisdiction under section 606 of the revised judicature


act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.606, if that court commits the


juvenile to a county or court juvenile facility under section 27a


of chapter IV of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL


764.27a. A service includes intake, detention, detention


alternatives, probation, foster care, diagnostic evaluation and


treatment, shelter care, or any other service approved by the

office or county juvenile agency, as applicable, including


preventive, diversionary, or protective care services. A juvenile


justice service approved by the office or county juvenile agency


must meet all applicable state and local government licensing




     (2) A juvenile justice funding system for counties that are


not county juvenile agencies, including a child care fund, is


established and shall be administered under the department's


superintending control.


     (3) The department shall promulgate rules under the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to


24.328, to monitor juvenile justice services money and to prescribe


child care fund accounting, reporting, and authorization controls


and procedures and child care fund expenditure classifications. For


counties required to have a child care fund, the department shall


fund services that conform to the child care rules promulgated


under this act.


     (4) The department shall provide for the distribution of


distribute money appropriated by the legislature to counties for


the cost of juvenile justice services purposes described in this


section as follows:


     (a) Payment for expenditures for children placed with the


department for care, supervision, or placement, including children


who are within the court's jurisdiction under section 2(a) and (b)


of chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL


712A.2, may be paid by the department or a county, depending on


which entity expended the money.

     (b) Payment for expenditures for children who are not placed


with the department for care, supervision, or placement, including


children who are within the court's jurisdiction under section 2(a)


and (b) of chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288,


MCL 712A.2, shall be paid by a county and be reimbursed by the




     (c) (a) For a county that is not a county juvenile agency, the


The county amount distributed shall equal 50% of the annual


expenditures from the child care fund of the county established


under section 117c, except that expenditures under section 117c(3)


and expenditures that exceed the amount of a budget approved under


section 117c shall not be included. A distribution under this


subdivision shall not be made to a county that does not comply with


the requirements of this act. The Subject to a county's approval,


the department may reduce the amount distributed to a county by the


amount owed to the state for care received in a state operated


facility or for care received under 1935 PA 220, MCL 400.201 to


400.214, or under the youth rehabilitation services act, 1974 PA


150, MCL 803.301 to 803.309. The distribution may be reduced by the


amount of uncontested liability.


     (d) (b) For a county that is a county juvenile agency, the a


county's block grant amount as determined under section 117g in


equal distributions on October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1 of


each state fiscal year.


     (e) (c) Notwithstanding the provisions in subdivision (a),


subject to appropriations, until September 30, 2017, the department


shall pay 100% of the costs of the $8.00 increase to the

administrative rate for providers of foster care services provided


in the annual appropriation for the department budget. For the


purposes of this subdivision only, "foster care" means 24-hour


substitute care for children placed away from their parents or


guardians, as a result of a court order under section 2(b) of


chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2,


in placements supervised by the department or a private child


placing agency under contract with the department for foster care


services. Foster care services include supervision of placements in


foster family homes, foster family group homes, and preadoptive




     (f) (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (a) (c),


until September 30, 2017, the department shall pay 100% of the


administrative rate for providers of treatment foster care services


and foster care services provided in the annual appropriation for


the department budget. For the purposes of this subdivision only,


"foster care" means 24-hour substitute care for children placed


away from their parents or guardians, as a result of a court order


under section 2(b) of chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939,


1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2, in placements supervised by the department


or a private child placing agency under contract with the


department for foster care services. Foster care services include


supervision of placements in foster family homes, foster family


group homes, treatment foster care, preadoptive placements, and


supervision of children reunified with the parent with whom the


child lived at the time of removal.


     (g) (e) Notwithstanding the provisions in subdivision (a) (c),

until September 30, 2017, the department shall pay 100% of the


costs of any rate increase to the providers of residential foster


care services under contract with the department, as provided in


the annual appropriation for the department budget.


     (h) (f) Notwithstanding the provisions in subdivision (a) (c)


and subject to appropriations, in a county with a population of not


less than 575,000 or more than 650,000, for the purpose of this


subdivision only for cases transferred by the department to a child


placing agency, the department shall pay 100% of the administrative


rate to providers responsible for foster care case management


services to families of children who are court-ordered into foster


care due to child abuse or child neglect and placed in the care and


supervision of the department, regardless of placement setting


until the prospective payment system described in subdivision (g)


(i) is implemented. This subdivision does not apply after May 1,




     (i) (g) Notwithstanding the provisions in subdivision (a) (c)


and subject to appropriations, the department shall implement a


prospective payment system as part of a state-administered


performance-based child welfare system in a county with a


population of not less than 575,000 or more than 650,000, for


foster care case management in accordance with section 503 of


article X of 2014 PA 252. The county is only required to contribute


to foster care services payments in an amount that does not exceed


the average of the annual net contribution made by the county for


cases received under section 2(b) of chapter XIIA of the probate


code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2, in the 5 previous fiscal

years before October 1, 2015. The prospective payment system as


part of the state-administered performance-based child welfare


system shall be implemented as described in this subdivision but


shall not include in-home care service funding. This subdivision


does not apply after May 1, 2018.


     (j) (h) Subdivisions (f) (h) and (g) (i) only impact child


abuse and child neglect services and not juvenile justice program


funding. This subdivision does not apply after May 1, 2018.


     (5) The department is liable for the costs of all juvenile


justice services in a county that is a county juvenile agency other


than county juvenile agency services.


     (6) The department shall establish guidelines for the


development of county juvenile justice service plans in counties


that are not county juvenile agencies.


     (7) A county that is not a county juvenile agency and receives


state funds for in-home or out-of-home care of children shall


submit reports to the department at least quarterly or as the


department otherwise requires. The reports shall be submitted on


forms provided by the executive director and shall include the


number of children receiving foster care services and the number of


days of care provided.


     (8) The department shall maintain a reporting system providing


that reimbursement under subsection (4)(a) (4)(c) shall be made


only on submission of billings based on care given to a specific,


individual child.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.