January 26, 2016, Introduced by Reps. Kelly and Price and referred to the Committee on Education.


     A bill to amend 1947 PA 336, entitled


"An act to prohibit strikes by certain public employees; to provide

review from disciplinary action with respect thereto; to provide

for the mediation of grievances and the holding of elections; to

declare and protect the rights and privileges of public employees;

to require certain provisions in collective bargaining agreements;

to prescribe means of enforcement and penalties for the violation

of the provisions of this act; and to make appropriations,"


by amending sections 2a and 6 (MCL 423.202a and 423.206), section


2a as added and section 6 as amended by 1994 PA 112.




     Sec. 2a. (1) If a public school employee engages in a strike


in violation of section 2, the superintendent of public instruction


shall notify the commission of the full or partial days the public


school employee was engaged in the strike.


     (2) (1) If a public school employer alleges that there is a


strike by 1 or more public school employees in violation of section


2, the If conditions constituting a strike in violation of section

2 by 1 or more public school employees exist, a public school


employer shall notify the commission and the superintendent of


public instruction of the full or partial days a public school


employee was engaged in the alleged strike.


     (3) (2) If a bargaining representative alleges that there is a


lockout by a public school employer in violation of section 2, the


bargaining representative shall notify the commission of the full


or partial days of the alleged lockout.


     (4) (3) Within 60 Not more than 2 days after receipt of a


notice made pursuant to subsection (1), or (2), or (3), the


commission shall conduct a hearing to determine if there has been a


violation and shall issue its decision and order. The hearing shall


offer an opportunity for the bargaining representative, public


school employer, or public school employee to offer testimony or


other evidence to support or contest the allegation of a strike or


lockout. A hearing conducted under this subsection is separate and


distinct from, and is not subject to the procedures and timelines


of, a proceeding conducted under section 6.


     (5) (4) If, after a hearing under subsection (3), (4), a


majority of the commission finds that 1 or more public school


employees engaged in a strike in violation of section 2, the


commission shall fine each public school employee an amount equal


to 1 day of pay for that public school employee for each full or


partial day that he or she engaged in the strike and shall fine the


bargaining representative of the public school employee or


employees $5,000.00 for each full or partial day the public school


employee or employees engaged in the strike.

     (6) (5) If, after a hearing under subsection (3), (4), a


majority of the commission finds that a public school employer


instituted a lockout in violation of section 2, the commission


shall fine the public school employer $5,000.00 for each full or


partial day of the lockout and shall fine each member of the public


school employer's governing board $250.00 for each full or partial


day of the lockout.


     (7) (6) If the commission imposes a fine against a public


school employee under subsection (4) (5) and the public school


employee continues to be employed by a public school employer, the


commission shall order the public school employer to deduct the


fine from the public school employee's annual salary. The public


school employee's annual salary is the annual salary that is


established in the applicable contract in effect at the time of the


strike or, if no applicable contract is in effect at the time of


the strike, in the applicable contract in effect at the time of the


decision and order. However, if no applicable contract is in effect


at either of those times, the public school employee's annual


salary shall be considered to be the annual salary that applied or


would have applied to the public school employee in the most recent


applicable contract in effect before the strike. A public school


employer shall comply promptly with an order under this subsection.


A deduction under this subsection is not a demotion for the


purposes of Act No. 4 of the Extra Session of 1937, being sections


38.71 to 38.191 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.1937 (Ex Sess) PA 4,


MCL 38.71 to 38.191.


     (8) (7) The commission shall transmit money received from

fines imposed under this section, and a public school employer


shall transmit money deducted pursuant to an order under subsection


(6), (7), to the state treasurer for deposit in the state school


aid fund established under section 11 of article IX of the state


constitution of 1963.


     (9) (8) If the commission does not receive payment of a fine


imposed under this section within 30 days after the imposition of


the fine, or if a public school employer does not deduct a fine


from a public school employee's pay pursuant to an order under


subsection (6), (7), the commission shall institute collection




     (10) (9) Fines imposed under this section are in addition to


all other penalties prescribed by this act and by law.


     (11) (10) A public school employer or the superintendent of


public instruction may bring an action to enjoin a strike by public


school employees in violation of section 2, and a bargaining


representative may bring an action to enjoin a lockout by a public


school employer in violation of section 2, in the circuit court for


the county in which the affected public school is located. A If the


commission has made a determination that a strike or lockout exists


after a hearing under subsection (4), that finding shall not be


overturned except by clear and convincing evidence. If the court


having jurisdiction of an action brought under this subsection


shall grant injunctive relief if the court finds that a strike or


lockout has occurred, without regard to the existence of other


remedies, demonstration of irreparable harm, or other factors.


Failure to comply with an order of the court may be punished as

contempt. In addition, the court shall award court costs and


reasonable attorney fees to a plaintiff who prevails in an action


brought under this subsection.finds that conditions constituting a


strike or lockout in violation of section 2 exist and unless clear


and convincing evidence has shown that the sanction would not be


equitable or the sanction would duplicate a sanction imposed by the


commission for the same activity under subsection (5) or (6), the


court shall do all of the following:


     (a) For a strike in violation of section 2, order the


bargaining representative to pay a fine of $5,000.00 for each full


or partial day the public school employee or employees engaged in


the strike and order each public school employee to pay a fine in


an amount equal to 1 day of pay for that public school employee for


each full or partial day the public school employee engaged in the


strike. For a lockout in violation of section 2, order the public


school employer to pay a fine of $5,000.00 for each full or partial


day of the lockout and order each member of the public school


employer's governing board to pay a fine of $250.00 for each full


or partial day of the lockout.


     (b) Order the public school employees or public school


employer acting in violation of section 2 to end the strike or




     (c) Award costs and attorney fees to a plaintiff who prevails


in an action under this subsection.


     (d) Grant additional equitable relief that the court finds




     (12) An order issued under subsection (11) is enforceable

through the court's contempt power.


     (13) (11) A public school employer shall not provide to a


public school employee or to a board member any compensation or


additional work assignment that is intended to reimburse the public


school employee or board member for a monetary penalty imposed


under this section or that is intended to allow the public school


employee or board member to recover a monetary penalty imposed


under this section.


     (14) (12) As used in this section, "public school employee"


means a person employed by a public school employer.


     Sec. 6. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, a


public employee who, by concerted action with others and without


the lawful approval of his or her superior, willfully absents


himself or herself from his or her position, or abstains in whole


or in part from the full, faithful, and proper performance of his


or her duties for the purpose of inducing, influencing, or coercing


a change in employment conditions, compensation, or the rights,


privileges, or obligations of employment, or a public employee


employed by a public school employer who engages in an action


described in this subsection for the purpose of protesting or


responding to an act alleged or determined to be an unfair labor


practice committed by the public school employer, shall be


considered to be on strike.


     (2) Before a public employer may discipline or discharge a


public employee for engaging in a strike, the public employee, upon


request, is entitled to a determination under this section as to


whether he or she violated this act. The request shall be filed in

writing, with the officer or body having power to remove or


discipline the employee, within 10 days after regular compensation


of the employee has ceased or other discipline has been imposed. If


a request is filed, the officer or body, within 10 5 days after


receipt of the request, shall commence a proceeding for the


determination of whether the public employee has violated this act.


The proceedings shall be held in accordance with the law and


regulations appropriate to a proceeding to remove the public


employee and shall be held without unnecessary delay. The decision


of the officer or body shall be made within 10 2 days after the


conclusion of the proceeding. If the employee involved is found to


have violated this act and his or her employment is terminated or


other discipline is imposed, the employee has the right of review


to the circuit court having jurisdiction of the parties, within 30


days from the date of the decision, for a determination as to


whether the decision is supported by competent, material, and


substantial evidence on the whole record. A public employer may


consolidate employee hearings under this subsection unless the


employee demonstrates manifest injustice from the consolidation.


This subsection does not apply to a penalty imposed under section




     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.