STATE CAPITOL COMMISSION                                                        S.B. 665 (S-1) & 666:

                                                                                                      FLOOR SUMMARY












Senate Bill 665 (Substitute S-1 as reported)

Senate Bill 666 (as reported without amendment)

Sponsor:  Senator Roger Kahn, M.D.  (S.B. 665)

               Senator Randy Richardville (S.B. 666)

Committee:  Government Operations




Senate Bill 665 (S-1) would enact the "Michigan State Capitol Historic Site Act" to:


 --    Establish the Michigan State Capitol Historic Site, consisting of the Capitol building and grounds.

 --    Create the Michigan State Capitol Commission, which would include the Secretary of the Senate; the Clerk of the House; two individuals appointed jointly by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House with expertise in operations, maintenance, or restoration of historic buildings; and one individual appointed by the Governor.

 --    Require the Commission to operate and manage the State Capitol Historic Site; maintain and restore the Capitol building; establish, maintain, and operate parking facilities in the State Capitol area; and perform other duties.

 --    Create the "Michigan State Capitol Historic Site Fund", which the Commission could use to carry out its responsibilities.

 --    Create the "State Capitol Parking Fund", which the Commission could use to operate and maintain the State Capitol parking lot.

 --    Allow the Commission to collect a fee for use of parking facilities under its control, and require the fees to be credited to the State Capitol Parking Fund.

 --    Provide that the Commission would not have authority over the internal decisions of the Senate or the House of Representatives related to the allocation of space in the Capitol building or its parking lot, including legislative or staff offices.

 --    State legislative findings and declarations.


Senate Bill 666 would amend the Legislative Council Act to:


 --    Require the Council Administrator to administer compensation, benefits, and other personnel support for employees of the Michigan State Capitol Commission, and provide technical support to them.

 --    Require the Michigan Capitol Committee to make recommendations to the Commission, rather than the Governor and Senate and House leaders, regarding the State Capitol Building and the grounds.

 --    Delete a provision under which the Committee's recommendations take effect unless rejected.

 --    Provide that the Committee could not make recommendations regarding the internal decisions of the Senate or the House related to the allocation of space in the State Capitol Building or the parking lot, including legislative and staff offices.


The bill also would repeal a section of the Act that requires the Legislative Council to maintain and operate parking facilities in the Capitol area, allows the Council to collect

parking fees, and requires the fees to be credited to the Legislative Council Parking Fund.  Any money in that Fund would be transferred to the proposed State Capitol Parking Fund.


Senate Bill 666 is tie-barred to Senate Bill 665.


MCL 4.1104a & 4.1702 (S.B. 666)                                  Legislative Analyst:  Suzanne Lowe




Senate Bill 665 (S-1) would have no fiscal impact on State resources.  Members of the proposed Commission would serve voluntarily and costs associated with reimbursing members would be minimal and could be absorbed through current appropriations for the Legislature and the Legislative Council.  Any costs associated with renovations or restoration could be paid from additional legislative appropriations.  The amount of these additional appropriations is indeterminate and would depend on the number of projects and the costs of those projects at that time.


The bill would have no fiscal impact on local government.


Senate Bill 666 would have no fiscal impact on State government resources.  According to the Legislative Council, the required responsibilities under the bill are currently performed by the Legislative Council and its staff.  These costs are paid for through current annual appropriations.  The Council does not anticipate that the bill would result in any additional costs to it.


The bill would have no fiscal impact on local government.


Date Completed:  11-13-13                                                  Fiscal Analyst:  Joe Carrasco



This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.