Rep. Hammel offered the following resolution:
House Resolution No. 303.
A resolution to call on the House Standing Committee on Oversight, Reform, and Ethics to conduct an investigation, with public hearings in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, of any ethics misconduct, violations of House Rules, or misuse of state resources by members and staff in the candidate filings for the 76th House District.
Whereas, The recent filings of candidates for the 76th House District have raised questions about the involvement and role played by members and staff of this legislative body. While the Kent County Prosecutor identified no illegal actions, his report clearly questioned the ethical conduct of members and staff; and
Whereas, A recent report by State Integrity Investigation ranked Michigan's government 43rd in the country in terms of accountability and risk of corruption. The report card gave Michigan an "F" grade in areas like campaign finance and legislative accountability among other areas; and
Whereas, A thorough and transparent investigation is needed to restore the integrity and the public's trust in this legislative body. Michigan's citizens deserve to know what happened and if any misconduct, violations, or misuse occurred or the assurance that their representatives acted ethically and within the standards of conduct expected of public officials; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we call on the House Standing Committee on Oversight, Reform, and Ethics to conduct an investigation, with public hearings in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, of any ethics misconduct, violations of House Rules, or misuse of state resources by members and staff in the candidate filings for the 76th House District; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Chair of the House Standing Committee on Oversight, Reform, and Ethics.