November 10, 2011, Introduced by Senators CASPERSON, ROBERTSON, PROOS, EMMONS and BOOHER and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Great Lakes.
A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the state
constitution of 1963, by amending section 35 of article IX, to
modify the allowable expenditures from the Michigan natural
resources trust fund.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
state of Michigan, That the following amendment to the state
constitution of 1963, to modify the allowable expenditures from the
Michigan natural resources trust fund, is proposed, agreed to, and
submitted to the people of the state:
Sec. 35. There is hereby established the Michigan natural
trust fund. The Except as
otherwise provided in this
section, the trust fund shall consist of all bonuses, rentals,
delayed rentals, and royalties collected or reserved by the state
under provisions of leases for the extraction of nonrenewable
resources from state owned lands, except such revenues accruing
under leases of state owned lands acquired with money from state or
federal game and fish protection funds or revenues accruing from
lands purchased with such revenues. The trust fund may receive
appropriations, money, or other things of value. The assets of the
trust fund shall be invested as provided by law.
the trust fund reaches an accumulated principal of
$10,000,000.00 of the revenues from bonuses,
delayed rentals, and royalties described in this section
dedicated to the trust fund that are received by the
each state fiscal year shall be deposited into the Michigan
parks endowment fund. However, until the trust fund reaches
accumulated principal of $500,000,000.00, in any state fiscal
not more than 50 percent of the total revenues from bonuses,
delayed rentals, and royalties described in this section
dedicated to the trust fund that are received by the
each state fiscal year shall be deposited into the Michigan
parks endowment fund.
amount accumulated in the trust fund in any state fiscal
shall not exceed $500,000,000.00, exclusive of interest and
and amounts authorized for expenditure pursuant to this
When the accumulated principal of the trust fund reaches
all revenue Until the
Michigan state parks
endowment fund reaches an accumulated principal of $400,000,000.00,
40 percent of the revenues from bonuses, rentals, delayed rentals,
and royalties described in this section that would be received by
the trust fund but for this limitation shall be deposited into the
state parks endowment fund. until the Michigan state parks
fund reaches an accumulated principal of $800,000,000.00.
the Michigan state parks endowment fund reaches an accumulated
of $800,000,000.00, all revenues from bonuses, rentals,
rentals, and royalties described in this section shall be
as provided by law.
The accumulated principal of the trust fund shall not be
expended. However, the interest and earnings of the trust fund
be expended for the 1
or more of the following:
(a) The acquisition of land or rights in land for recreational
uses or protection of the land because of its environmental
or its scenic beauty. , for the
(b) The management of land and water resources for
recreational purposes.
(c) The development of public recreation facilities. ,
and for
(d) The development and maintenance of trails and roads on
state-owned land.
(e) Infrastructure related to roads in locations where natural
resource based industries, including timber harvest or mining, are
(f) Infrastructure on waterways, including breakwaters and
dredging operations.
(g) Payments in lieu of taxes on state-owned land.
The administration of the trust fund. ,
which may include
in lieu of taxes on state owned land purchased through the
The trust fund may provide grants to units of local government
or public authorities which shall be used for the purposes of this
section. The legislature shall provide that a portion of the cost
of a project funded by such grants be provided by the local unit of
government or public authority.
the trust fund reaches an accumulated principal of
the The legislature may provide, in addition to
the expenditure of interest and earnings authorized by this
that a portion, not to exceed 33-1/3 percent, of the
revenues or a portion of the revenues from bonuses, rentals,
delayed rentals, and royalties described in this section received
by the trust fund during each state fiscal year may be expended
during subsequent state fiscal years for the purposes of this
less more than 25 percent of the total amounts made
available for expenditure from the trust fund from any state fiscal
year shall be expended for acquisition of land and rights in land.
not more than 25 percent of the total amounts made available
expenditure from the trust fund from any state fiscal year
be expended for development of public recreation facilities.
The legislature shall provide by law for the establishment of
a trust fund board within the department of natural resources. The
trust fund board shall recommend the projects to be funded. The
board shall submit its recommendations to the governor who shall
submit the board's recommendations to the legislature in an
appropriations bill.
The legislature shall provide by law for the implementation of
this section.
Resolved further, That the foregoing amendment shall be
submitted to the people of the state at the next general election
in the manner provided by law.