September 25, 2012, Introduced by Senators KOWALL, SCHUITMAKER and JONES and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.




     A bill to amend 1980 PA 299, entitled


"Occupational code,"


by amending section 721 (MCL 339.721), as amended by 2005 PA 278.




     Sec. 721. (1) The state board of accountancy is created.


     (2) Subject to subsection (3), the board shall consist of 9


members as follows:


     (a) Six members of the board shall be who are certified public


accountants who hold a certificate as a certified public


accountant, who are licensed under section 727, and who have


practiced in this state as certified public accountants for not


less than 5 years.


     (b) Three members shall be representative of the who represent


the general public, 1 of whom shall be an attorney who is a member


in good standing in the bar of this state.


     (3) One of the 9 members of the board shall be a full-time


instructor of accounting above the elementary level at an


accredited college or university.


     (4) (3) The director may promulgate the following rules:


     (a) Rules of professional conduct for establishing and


maintaining high standards of competence and integrity in the


practice of public accounting.


     (b) Rules governing corporations practicing public accounting,


consistent with the professional service corporation act, former


1962 PA 192 , MCL 450.221 to 450.235.or chapter 2A of the business


corporation act, 1972 PA 284, MCL 450.1281 to 450.1289, as




     (c) Rules governing educational and experience requirements


for the issuance of a certificate as a certified public accountant.


     (d) Rules of procedure governing the conduct of matters before


the board.


     (e) Rules governing the recognition of educational


institutions by the board.


     (f) Rules governing continuing education as required by under


section 729.


     (g) Any other rules considered necessary by the director to


implement and enforce this article.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 1320                                   


          of the 96th Legislature is enacted into law.