SB-1259, As Passed House, September 27, 2012
A bill to amend 1979 PA 152, entitled
"State license fee act,"
by amending sections 2, 3, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29,
31, 37, 38, 39, 43, and 62 (MCL 338.2202, 338.2203, 338.2213,
338.2215, 338.2217, 338.2221, 338.2223, 338.2225, 338.2227,
338.2228, 338.2229, 338.2231, 338.2237, 338.2238, 338.2239,
338.2243, and 338.2262), section 2 as amended by 1999 PA 171,
sections 3, 13, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37, 38, 43, and
62 as amended by 2007 PA 77, section 15 as amended by 2008 PA
491, and section 39 as amended by 2007 PA 158, and by adding
section 5a.
1 Sec. 2. As used in this act:
2 (a) "Department" means the department of consumer
Senate Bill No. 1259 as amended September 20, 2012
1 industry services.licensing
and regulatory affairs.
2 (b) "Occupational code" means 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.101 to
3 339.2721.339.2919.
4 Sec. 3. (1) Except as otherwise provided for in section 37,
5 the fees prescribed by this act shall be used only to offset the
6 cost of operating the department.
7 (2) The
licensing and regulation fund is created in the
8 state treasury. All of the following apply to the licensing and
9 regulation fund:
10 (a) Except as otherwise provided in sections 11, 37, 38, and
11 51, 39, the fees collected pursuant to under this
act shall be
12 credited to deposited
into the general fund.
of the state.
13 (b) Money in the fund shall be used only to offset the cost
14 of operating the department.
15 (c) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the
16 fund and shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund
17 investments.
18 (d) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall
19 remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.
20 (e) The department is the administrator of the fund for
21 auditing purposes.
22 Sec. 5a. (1) The department shall submit a report each year
23 to the house and senate appropriations committees and the house
24 and senate fiscal agencies for the preceding fiscal year
25 concerning the fees charged by each third party exam
26 administrator for each examination or test conducted by that
27 administrator pursuant to an agreement with the department.
<<(2) The department shall utilize a competitive selection
process That meets the requirements of article 2 of the management and
budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1201 to 18.1299, when selecting a third
party exam administrator to administer an examination or test. The
contract with the third party exam administrator shall state the
examination fee an individual is required to pay to take the examination
or test.>>
Senate Bill No. 1259 as amended September 20, 2012
1 (3)>> As used in this act, "third party exam administrator"
2 means a person outside of the department with which the
3 department has entered into an agreement to administer an
4 examination or test required under an article of the occupational
5 code.
6 Sec. 13. (1) Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure
7 as an architect under article 20 of the occupational code, MCL
8 339.2001 to 339.2014, are as follows:
9 (a) Application processing fee................. $ 30.00
10 (b) Supplemental application processing fee.... 20.00
11 (c) License fee, per year...................... 35.00
12 (2) Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure as a
13 professional engineer under article 20 of the occupational code,
14 MCL 339.2001 to 339.2014, are as follows:
15 (a) Application processing fee as follows:
16 (i) If paid after
17 September 30, 2012 2015....................
$ 30.00
18 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
19 September 30, 2012 2015....................
20 (b) Supplemental application processing fee.... 20.00
21 (c) License fee, per year as follows:
22 (i) If paid after
23 September 30, 2012 2015....................
24 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
25 September 30, 2012 2015....................
26 (3) Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure as a
Senate Bill No. 1259 as amended September 20, 2012
1 land surveyor under article 20 of the occupational code, MCL
2 339.2001 to 339.2014, are as follows:
3 (a) Application processing fee as follows:
4 (i) If paid after
5 September 30, 2012 2015....................
$ 30.00
6 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
7 September 30, 2012 2015....................
8 (b) Supplemental application processing fee.... 20.00
9 (c) Examination fees<<
12 >>:
13 (i) Complete examination....................... 110.00
14 (ii) Part 1 of the examination (fundamentals)... 55.00
15 (iii) Part 2a of the examination (principles and
16 practice).................................. 45.00
17 (iv) Part 2b of the examination
18 (Michigan practice)........................ 40.00
19 (d) Examination review......................... 20.00
20 (e) License fee, per year...................... 50.00
21 Sec. 15. Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure as
22 a landscape architect under article 22 of the occupational code,
23 MCL 339.2201 to 339.2211, are as follows:
24 (a) Application processing fee................ $ 200.00
25 (b) Supplemental application processing fee... 20.00
26 (c) Examination fees<<
1 >>:
2 (i) Complete examination...................... 265.00
3 (ii) Section 1 of the examination.............. 25.00
4 (iii) Section 2 of the examination.............. 35.00
5 (iv) Section 3 of the examination.............. 100.00
6 (v) Section 4 of the examination.............. 125.00
7 (d) Examination review........................ 25.00
8 (e) Licensure License fee,
per year........... 60.00
9 Sec. 17. (1) Fees for a person licensed or seeking
10 as a barber, student barber, student instructor, or barber
11 instructor, for a person licensed or seeking licensure to operate
12 a barbershop or barber college, or for a person seeking a permit
13 for a demonstration or a demonstrator's permit under article 11
14 of the occupational code, MCL 339.1101 to 339.1118, are as
15 follows:
16 (a) Application processing fees:
17 (i) Student barber as follows:
18 (A) If paid after
19 September 30, 2012 2015....................
$ 15.00
20 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
21 September 30, 2012 2015....................
22 (ii) Barber as follows:
23 (A) If paid after
24 September 30, 2012 2015....................
25 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
26 September 30, 2012 2015....................
27 (iii) Student instructor as follows:
28 (A) If paid after
1 September 30, 2012 2015....................
2 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
3 September 30, 2012 2015....................
4 (iv) Barber instructor as follows:
5 (A) If paid after
6 September 30, 2012 2015....................
7 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
8 September 30, 2012 2015....................
9 (v) Barbershop as follows:
10 (A) If paid after
11 September 30, 2012 2015....................
12 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
13 September 30, 2012 2015....................
14 (vi) Barber college as follows:
15 (A) If paid after
16 September 30, 2012 2015....................
17 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
18 September 30, 2012 2015....................
19 (b) Examination fees<<
22 >>:
23 (i) Complete barber examination................ 75.00
24 (A) Written portion only....................... 35.00
25 (B) Practical portion only..................... 45.00
26 (ii) Complete instructor examination............ 75.00
27 (A) Written portion only....................... 35.00
28 (B) Practical portion only..................... 45.00
29 (c) Examination review......................... 20.00
30 (d) License fees, per year:
31 (i) Student barber as follows:
1 (A) If paid after
2 September 30, 2012 2015....................
3 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
4 September 30, 2012 2015....................
5 (ii) Barber as follows:
6 (A) If paid after
7 September 30, 2012 2015....................
8 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
9 September 30, 2012 2015....................
10 (iii) Student instructor as follows:
11 (A) If paid after
12 September 30, 2012 2015....................
13 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
14 September 30, 2012 2015....................
15 (iv) Barber instructor as follows:
16 (A) If paid after
17 September 30, 2012 2015....................
18 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
19 September 30, 2012 2015....................
20 (v) Barbershop as follows:
21 (A) If paid after
22 September 30, 2012 2015....................
23 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through September 30,
24 2012 2015.................................. 40.00
25 (vi) Barber college............................. 150.00
26 (e) Demonstrator's temporary permit as follows:
27 (i) If paid after
28 September 30, 2012 2015....................
29 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
30 September 30, 2012 2015....................
31 (f) Demonstration temporary permit as follows:
1 (i) If paid after
2 September 30, 2012 2015....................
3 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
4 September 30, 2012 2015....................
5 Sec. 21. Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure to
6 operate a collection agency or to be a collection agency manager
7 under article 9 of the occupational code, MCL 339.901 to 339.920,
8 are as follows:
9 (a) Application processing fees:
10 (i) Agency nonowner manager as follows:
11 (A) If paid after
12 September 30, 2012 2015....................
$ 25.00
13 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
14 September 30, 2012 2015....................
15 (ii) Agency..................................... 100.00
16 (b) Examination fee<<
19 >>.................. 50.00
20 (c) Examination review fee..................... 20.00
21 (d) License fee, per year:
22 (i) Agency nonowner manager.................... 50.00
23 (ii) Agency..................................... 125.00
24 Sec. 23. Fees for a person registered or seeking
25 registration as a professional community planner under article 23
26 of the occupational code, MCL 339.2301 to 339.2310, are as
27 follows:
1 (a) Application processing fee as follows:
2 (i) If paid after
3 September 30, 2012 2015....................
$ 30.00
4 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003
5 through September 30, 2012 2015............
6 (b) Supplemental application processing fee.... 20.00
7 (c) Examination fee, ; Michigan portion<<
11 >>.................. 100.00
12 (d) Examination review......................... 25.00
13 (e) Registration fee, per year................. 50.00
14 Sec. 25. Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure as
15 a cosmetologist, manicurist, natural hair culturist, esthetician,
16 electrologist, or instructor or a person licensed or seeking
17 licensure to operate a cosmetology establishment or school of
18 cosmetology, seeking a student registration or transfer, or
19 seeking a permit to conduct an apprenticeship program under
20 article 12 of the occupational code, MCL 339.1201 to 339.1218,
21 are as follows:
22 (a) Application processing fees:
23 (i) Apprenticeship program..................... $ 25.00
24 (ii) Cosmetologist, manicurist, natural hair
25 culturist, esthetician, electrologist,
26 or instructor as follows:
27 (A) If paid
1 after September 30, 2012 2015..............
2 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
3 September 30, 2012 2015....................
4 (iii) Cosmetology establishment.................. 25.00
5 (iv) School of cosmetology...................... 100.00
6 (b) Examination fees<<
9 >>:
10 (i) Complete examination for cosmetologist,
11 manicurist, natural hair culturist,
12 esthetician, electrologist, or
13 instructor................................. 25.00
14 (ii) Written portion only....................... 15.00
15 (iii) Practical portion only..................... 15.00
16 (iv) Examination review......................... 20.00
17 (c) License fees, per year:
18 (i) Cosmetologist, manicurist, natural hair
19 culturist, esthetician, electrologist,
20 or instructor as follows:
21 (A) If paid
22 after September 30, 2012 2015..............
23 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
24 September 30, 2012 2015....................
25 (ii) Cosmetology establishment.................. 25.00
26 (iii) School of cosmetology...................... 100.00
27 (d) Student registration or transfer
28 fee as follows:
29 (i) If paid
30 after September 30, 2012 2015..............
31 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
1 September 30, 2012 2015....................
2 Sec. 27. Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure as
3 an employment or consulting agent or for a person licensed or
4 seeking licensure to operate a personnel agency under article 10
5 of the occupational code, MCL 339.1001 to 339.1022, are as
6 follows:
7 (a) Application processing fees:
8 (i) Personnel agency.......................... $ 225.00
9 (ii) Employment or consulting agent............. 30.00
10 (iii) Officer or stockholder change.............. 25.00
11 (b) Examination fee<<
14 >>.................. 50.00
15 (c) Examination review......................... 20.00
16 (d) License fee, per year:
17 (i) Personnel agency.......................... 125.00
18 (ii) Employment or consulting agent as follows:
19 (A) If paid after
20 September 30, 2012 2015....................
21 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
22 September 30, 2012 2015....................
23 Sec. 28. Fees for an individual registered or seeking
24 registration as an auctioneer under article 29 of the
25 occupational code, MCL 339.2901 to 339.2919, are as follows:
26 (a) Application processing for registered
1 auctioneer................................. $ 50.00
2 (b) Examination fee for registered auctioneer<<
6 >>........................... 50.00
7 (c) Registration fees, per year:
8 (i) Auctioneer - individual..................... 200.00
9 (ii) Auctioneer - firm........................... 200.00
10 Sec. 29. Fees for a person registered or seeking
11 registration as a forester under article 21 of the occupational
12 code, MCL 339.2101 to 339.2108, are as follows:
13 (a) Application processing fee................. $ 50.00
14 (b) Registration fee, per year as follows:
15 (i) If paid after
16 September 30, 2012 2015....................
17 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
18 September 30, 2012 2015....................
19 Sec. 31. Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure as
20 a hearing aid dealer, salesperson, or trainee under article 13 of
21 the occupational code, MCL 339.1301 to 339.1309, are as follows:
22 (a) Application processing fees:
23 (i) Dealer.................................... $ 20.00
24 (ii) Salesperson................................ 20.00
25 (iii) Trainee.................................... 10.00
26 (b) Examination fees<<
2 >>:
3 (i) Complete dealer examination................ 100.00
4 (ii) Dealer examination, per part............... 35.00
5 (iii) Complete salesperson examination........... 100.00
6 (iv) Salesperson examination, per part.......... 30.00
7 (c) Examination review......................... 20.00
8 (d) License fees, per year:
9 (i) Dealer..................................... 80.00
10 (ii) Salesperson................................ 50.00
11 (iii) Trainee as follows:
12 (A) If paid
13 after September 30, 2012 2015..............
14 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
15 September 30, 2012 2015....................
16 Sec. 37. (1) Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure
17 as a real estate broker, associate broker, salesperson, or branch
18 office or seeking other licenses or approvals issued under
19 article 25 of the occupational code, MCL 339.2501 to 339.2518,
20 are as follows:
21 (a) Application processing fees:
22 (i) Brokers and associate brokers as follows:
23 (A) If paid
24 after September 30, 2012 2015..............
$ 20.00
25 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
26 September 30, 2012 2015....................
27 (ii) Salespersons............................... 10.00
28 (iii) Branch office.............................. 10.00
29 (b) License fees, per year:
1 (i) Brokers and associate brokers.............. 36.00
2 (ii) Salespersons............................... 26.00
3 (c) Branch office fee, per year as follows:
4 (i) If paid
5 after September 30, 2012 2015..............
6 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
7 September 30, 2012 2015....................
8 (d) Sale of out of state property:
9 (i) Application to sell........................ 20.00
10 (ii) Property registration...................... 500.00
11 (iii) Renewal of approval to sell................ 20.00
12 (2) A fee shall not be is not required for the
13 of property approved under the land sales act, 1972 PA 286, MCL
14 565.801 to 565.835.
15 (3) The real estate education fund is established created in
16 the state treasury. and shall be administered by the department.
17 All of the following apply to the real estate education fund:
18 (a) Fifteen dollars of each license fee received by the
19 department under subsection (1)(b) during that 3-year license
20 cycle shall be deposited with forwarded to the state
treasurer to
21 the credit of for
deposit into the real estate education
(b) The department shall utilize
use the money in the real
23 estate education fund only for the operation of departmental
24 programs related to education required of all licensees or
25 applicants for licensure under article 25 of the occupational
26 code, MCL 339.2501 to 339.2518. Any unexpended balance in the
27 real estate education fund at the end of a fiscal year shall
28 carry forward to the next fiscal year.
1 (c) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the
2 fund and shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund
3 investments.
4 (d) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall
5 remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.
6 (e) The department is the administrator of the fund for
7 auditing purposes.
8 (4) The real estate enforcement fund is created in the state
9 treasury. and shall be administered by the department.
10 October 1, 2003, $15.00 All
of the following apply to the real
11 estate enforcement fund:
12 (a) Fifteen dollars of each license fee received by the
13 department under subsection (1)(b) during that 3-year license
14 cycle shall be deposited forwarded to the state treasurer for
15 deposit into the real estate enforcement fund.
16 (b) The department in conjunction with the attorney general
17 shall utilize use
the money in the real estate
enforcement fund
18 only for the investigation and enforcement of actions regarding
19 unlicensed activity and real estate fraud. Any unexpended balance
20 in the real estate enforcement fund at the end of a fiscal year
21 shall carry forward to the next fiscal year.
22 (c) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the
23 fund and shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund
24 investments.
25 (d) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall
26 remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.
27 (e) The department is the administrator of the fund for
1 auditing purposes.
2 Sec. 38. (1) Fees for an individual licensed or seeking
3 licensure as a state licensed real estate appraiser, a certified
4 general real estate appraiser, a certified residential real
5 estate appraiser, or a limited real estate appraiser under
6 article 26 of the occupational code, MCL 339.2601 to 339.2637,
7 are as follows:
8 (a) Application processing fees:
9 (i) Certified general real estate appraiser
10 as follows:
11 (A) If paid after
12 September 30, 2012 2015...................
$ 25.00
13 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
14 September 30, 2012 2015...................
$ 35.00
15 (ii) Certified residential real estate appraiser
16 as follows:
17 (A) If paid after
18 September 30, 2012 2015...................
$ 25.00
19 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
20 September 30, 2012 2015...................
$ 35.00
21 (iii) State licensed real estate appraiser
22 as follows:
23 (A) If paid after
24 September 30, 2012 2015...................
$ 25.00
25 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
26 September 30, 2012 2015...................
$ 35.00
27 (iv) Limited real estate appraiser as follows:
28 (A) If paid after
29 September 30, 2012 2015...................
$ 25.00
1 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
2 September 30, 2012 2015...................
$ 35.00
3 (b) Examination fees<<, if
the department
4 conducts its own examination:
8 >>:
9 (i) Certified general real estate appraiser.... $ 100.00
10 (ii) Certified residential real estate
11 appraiser.................................. $ 100.00
12 (iii) State licensed real estate appraiser....... $ 100.00
13 (c) License fee, per year:
14 (i) Certified general real estate appraiser.... $ 175.00
15 (ii) Certified residential real estate
16 appraiser.................................. $ 175.00
17 (iii) State licensed real estate appraiser....... $ 175.00
18 (iv) Limited real estate appraiser.............. $ 125.00
19 (d) Temporary permit fee....................... $ 125.00
20 (2) The license fee includes a fee imposed by the federal
21 government under sections 1113 and 1114 of title XI of the
22 financial institutions reform, recovery, and enforcement act of
23 1989, Public Law 101-73, 12
USC 3331 to 3351, 3338 for certified
24 general real estate appraisers, certified residential real estate
25 appraisers, and state licensed real estate appraisers. ,
26 shall The amount of
the fee described in this subsection shall
27 not exceed $50.00 per licensee, and which the department shall
28 collect and pay the fee to the federal government pursuant to
29 under section 2637 of the occupational code, MCL 339.2637.
1 (3) The real estate appraiser education fund is established
created in the state treasury. and
shall be administered by the
3 department. All of
the following apply to the real estate
4 appraiser education fund:
5 (a) Ten dollars of each fee received under subsection (1)(c)
6 shall be deposited with forwarded
to the state treasurer to the
7 credit of for deposit
into the real estate appraiser
8 fund.
(b) The department shall utilize
use the money in the real
10 estate appraiser education fund only for the operation of
11 departmental programs related to the education required of all
12 licensees or applicants for licensure under article 26 of the
13 occupational code, MCL 339.2601 to 339.2637. Any unexpended
14 balance in the real estate appraiser education fund at the end of
15 a fiscal year shall carry forward to the next fiscal year.
16 (c) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the
17 fund and shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund
18 investments.
19 (d) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall
20 remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.
21 (e) The department is the administrator of the fund for
22 auditing purposes.
23 Sec. 39. (1) Fees for a person licensed or seeking licensure
24 as a residential builder or residential maintenance and
25 alteration contractor, salesperson, or branch office under
26 article 24 of the occupational code, MCL 339.2401 to 339.2412,
27 are as follows:
Senate Bill No. 1259 as amended September 20, 2012
1 (a) Application processing fee..................... $ 15.00
2 (b) Examination fees<<
5 >>:
6 (i) Complete builder or maintenance and
7 alteration contractor examination.............. 50.00
8 (ii) Law and rules portion.......................... 30.00
9 (iii) Practice or trades portion..................... 30.00
10 (iv) Salesperson examination........................ 30.00
11 (c) Examination review............................. 20.00
12 (d) License fee only for the first license
13 cycle of an initial or renewal licensee
14 following the effective date of the
15 amendatory act that added subsection (2),
16 per year....................................... 60.00
17 (e) License fee, per year.......................... 50.00
18 (2) The builder enforcement fund is created in the state
19 treasury. and shall be administered by the department. All of the
20 following apply to the builder enforcement fund:
(a) The department shall be is the
administrator of the fund
22 for audit auditing
23 (b) A 1-time-only $30.00 allocation from a license fee
24 received by the department under subsection (1)(d) during a
25 single 3-year license cycle shall be deposited into the builder
26 enforcement fund. The department shall make the $30.00 allocation
27 only once per licensee. In the case
28 (c) Five dollars of the $50.00 license fee paid under
1 subsection (1)(e) , $5.00 of that $50.00 fee shall be allocated
2 to deposited into the builder enforcement fund. If on December 1
3 of any year following the calendar year 2010, the
4 determines that the balance in the builder enforcement fund is
5 more than $3,000,000.00, the $5.00 allocation to the builder
6 enforcement fund from the $50.00 renewal fee due after January 1
7 of the following year shall not be made. If on any subsequent
8 December 1 the department determines that the balance in the fund
9 is less than $750,000.00, the $5.00 allocation shall resume for
10 any renewal fee due after January 1 of the following year.
11 Notwithstanding section 3, the
12 (d) The department shall utilize the builder enforcement
13 fund only for the enforcement of article 24 of the occupational
14 code, MCL 339.2401 to 339.2412, regarding unlicensed activity as
15 further described in section 601(1) and (2) of the occupational
16 code, MCL 339.601, and to reimburse the attorney general for the
17 reasonable cost of services provided to the department and for
18 expenses incurred in prosecutions for such of unlicensed
19 activity or prosecuting attorney for expenses incurred in
20 conducting prosecutions of such unlicensed practice. Any
21 unexpended balance in the builder enforcement fund at the end of
22 a fiscal year shall carry forward to the next fiscal year.
23 (e) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the
24 fund and shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund
25 investments.
26 (f) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall
27 remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.
Senate Bill No. 1259 as amended September 20, 2012
1 Sec. 43. (1) Fees for a person licensed or seeking
2 to engage in the practice of mortuary science or to operate a
3 funeral establishment or for a person licensed or seeking
4 licensure as a resident trainee or licensed as an embalmer or
5 funeral director under article 18 of the occupational code, MCL
6 339.1801 to 339.1812, are as follows:
7 (a) Application processing fees:
8 (i) Mortuary science license................... $ 20.00
9 (ii) Funeral establishment license.............. 115.00
10 (iii) Resident trainee........................... 15.00
11 (b) Examination fees<<
14 >>:
15 (i) Complete examination....................... 200.00
16 (ii) National examination only.................. 150.00
17 (iii) State examination only..................... 50.00
18 (c) Examination review......................... 25.00
19 (d) License fees, per year:
20 (i) Mortuary science as follows:
21 (A) If paid after
22 September 30, 2012 2015....................
23 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
24 September 30, 2012 2015....................
25 (ii) Funeral establishment...................... 55.00
26 (iii) Embalmer................................... 30.00
27 (iv) Funeral director as follows:
28 (A) If paid after
29 September 30, 2012 2015....................
1 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
2 September 30, 2012 2015....................
3 (v) Resident trainee as follows:
4 (A) If paid after
5 September 30, 2012 2015....................
6 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
7 September 30, 2012 2015....................
8 Sec. 62. Fees for a person registered or seeking
9 registration as an ocularist or an apprentice ocularist under
10 article 27 of the occupational code, MCL 339.2701 to 339.2721,
11 are as follows:
12 (a) Application processing fee as follows:
13 (i) If paid after
14 September 30, 2012 2015....................
15 (ii) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
16 September 30, 2012 2015....................
17 (b) Registration fee, per year:
18 (i) Ocularist as follows:
19 (A) If paid after
20 September 30, 2012 2015....................
21 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
22 September 30, 2012 2015....................
23 (ii) Apprentice as follows:
24 (A) If paid after
25 September 30, 2012 2015....................
26 (B) Beginning October 1, 2003 through
27 September 30, 2012 2015....................