HB-4862, As Passed House, December 13, 2012HB-4862, As Passed Senate, December 12, 2012




























     A bill to amend 1974 PA 258, entitled


"Mental health code,"


by amending sections 100a, 100b, 100c, 100d, 161, 208, and 210 (MCL


330.1100a, 330.1100b, 330.1100c, 330.1100d, 330.1161, 330.1208, and


330.1210), sections 100a, 100b, and 161 as amended by 2004 PA 499,


section 100c as amended by 2002 PA 589, and section 100d as added


and sections 208 and 210 as amended by 1995 PA 290, and by adding


chapter 2A; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 100a. (1) "Abilities" means the qualities, skills, and


competencies of an individual that reflect the individual's talents


and acquired proficiencies.


     (2) "Abuse" means nonaccidental physical or emotional harm to


a recipient, or sexual contact with or sexual penetration of a


recipient as those terms are defined in section 520a of the


Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.520a, that is committed


by an employee or volunteer of the department, a community mental


health services program, or a licensed hospital or by an employee


or volunteer of a service provider under contract with the


department, community mental health services program, or licensed




     (3) "Adaptive skills" means skills in 1 or more of the


following areas:


     (a) Communication.


     (b) Self-care.


     (c) Home living.


     (d) Social skills.


     (e) Community use.


     (f) Self-direction.


     (g) Health and safety.


     (h) Functional academics.


     (i) Leisure.


     (j) Work.


     (4) "Adult foster care facility" means an adult foster care


facility licensed under the adult foster care facility licensing


act, 1979 PA 218, MCL 400.701 to 400.737.


     (5) "Alcohol and drug abuse counseling" means the act of


counseling, modification of substance use disorder related


behavior, and prevention techniques for individuals with substance


use disorder, their significant others, and individuals who could


potentially develop a substance use disorder.


     (6) (5) "Applicant" means an individual or his or her legal


representative who makes a request for mental health services.


     (7) "Approved service program" means a substance use disorder


services program licensed under part 62 of the public health code,


1978 PA 368, MCL 333.6230 to 333.6251, to provide substance use


disorder treatment and rehabilitation services by the department-


designated community mental health entity and approved by the


federal government to deliver a service or combination of services


for the treatment of incapacitated individuals.


     (8) (6) "Assisted outpatient treatment" or "AOT" means the


categories of outpatient services ordered by the court under


section 433 or 469a. Assisted outpatient treatment includes case


management services to provide care coordination. Assisted


outpatient treatment may also include 1 or more of the following


categories of services: medication; periodic blood tests or


urinalysis to determine compliance with prescribed medications;


individual or group therapy; day or partial day programming


activities; vocational, educational, or self-help training or


activities; assertive community treatment team services; alcohol or


substance abuse use disorder treatment and counseling and periodic


tests for the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs for an


individual with a history of alcohol or substance abuse; abuse or


substance use disorder; supervision of living arrangements; and any


other services within a local or unified services plan developed


under this act that are prescribed to treat the individual's mental


illness and to assist the individual in living and functioning in


the community or to attempt to prevent a relapse or deterioration


that may reasonably be predicted to result in suicide, the need for


hospitalization, or serious violent behavior. The medical review


and direction included in an assisted outpatient treatment plan


shall be provided under the supervision of a psychiatrist.


     (9) (7) "Board" means the governing body of a community mental


health services program.


     (10) (8) "Board of commissioners" means a county board of




     (11) (9) "Center" means a facility operated by the department


to admit individuals with developmental disabilities and provide


habilitation and treatment services.


     (12) (10) "Certification" means formal approval of a program


by the department in accordance with standards developed or


approved by the department.


     (13) (11) "Child abuse" and "child neglect" mean those terms


as defined in section 2 of the child protection law, 1975 PA 238,


MCL 722.622.


     (14) (12) "Child and adolescent psychiatrist" means 1 or more


of the following:


     (a) A physician who has completed a residency program in child


and adolescent psychiatry approved by the accreditation council for


graduate medical education or the American osteopathic association,


or who has completed 12 months of child and adolescent psychiatric


rotation and is enrolled in an approved residency program as


described in this subsection.


     (b) A psychiatrist employed by or under contract as a child


and adolescent psychiatrist with the department or a community


mental health services program on March 28, 1996, who has education


and clinical experience in the evaluation and treatment of children


or adolescents with serious emotional disturbance.


     (c) A psychiatrist who has education and clinical experience


in the evaluation and treatment of children or adolescents with


serious emotional disturbance who is approved by the director.


     (15) (13) "Children's diagnostic and treatment service" means


a program operated by or under contract with a community mental


health services program, that provides examination, evaluation, and


referrals for minors, including emergency referrals, that provides


or facilitates treatment for minors, and that has been certified by


the department.


     (16) (14) "Community mental health authority" means a separate


legal public governmental entity created under section 205 to


operate as a community mental health services program.


     (17) (15) "Community mental health organization" means a


community mental health services program that is organized under


the urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501


to 124.512.


     (18) (16) "Community mental health services program" means a


program operated under chapter 2 as a county community mental


health agency, a community mental health authority, or a community


mental health organization.


     (19) (17) "Consent" means a written agreement executed by a


recipient, a minor recipient's parent, or a recipient's legal


representative with authority to execute a consent, or a verbal


agreement of a recipient that is witnessed and documented by an


individual other than the individual providing treatment.


     (20) (18) "County community mental health agency" means an


official county or multicounty agency created under section 210


that operates as a community mental health services program and


that has not elected to become a community mental health authority


under section 205 or a community mental health organization. under


the urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501


to 124.512.


     (21) "Department" means the department of community health.


     (22) "Department-designated community mental health entity"


means the community mental health authority, community mental


health organization, community mental health services program,


county community mental health agency, or community mental health


regional entity designated by the department to represent a region


of community mental health authorities, community mental health


organizations, community mental health services programs, or county


community mental health agencies.


     (23) (19) "Dependent living setting" means all of the




     (a) An adult foster care facility.


     (b) A nursing home licensed under article 17 of the public


health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20101 to 333.22260.


     (c) A home for the aged licensed under article 17 of the


public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20101 to 333.22260.


     (20) "Department" means the department of community health.


     (24) "Designated representative" means any of the following:


     (a) A registered nurse or licensed practical nurse licensed or


otherwise authorized under part 172 of the public health code, 1978


PA 368, MCL 333.17201 to 333.17242.


     (b) A paramedic licensed or otherwise authorized under part


209 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20901 to




     (c) A physician's assistant licensed or otherwise authorized


under part 170 or 175 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL


333.17001 to 333.17084 and 333.17501 to 333.17556.


     (d) An individual qualified by education, training, and


experience who performs acts, tasks, or functions under the


supervision of a physician.


     (25) (21) "Developmental disability" means either of the




     (a) If applied to an individual older than 5 years of age, a


severe, chronic condition that meets all of the following




     (i) Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or a


combination of mental and physical impairments.


     (ii) Is manifested before the individual is 22 years old.


     (iii) Is likely to continue indefinitely.


     (iv) Results in substantial functional limitations in 3 or more


of the following areas of major life activity:


     (A) Self-care.


     (B) Receptive and expressive language.


     (C) Learning.


     (D) Mobility.


     (E) Self-direction.


     (F) Capacity for independent living.


     (G) Economic self-sufficiency.


     (v) Reflects the individual's need for a combination and


sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment,


or other services that are of lifelong or extended duration and are


individually planned and coordinated.


     (b) If applied to a minor from birth to 5 years of age, a


substantial developmental delay or a specific congenital or


acquired condition with a high probability of resulting in


developmental disability as defined in subdivision (a) if services


are not provided.


     (26) (22) "Director" means the director of the department or


his or her designee.


     (27) (23) "Discharge" means an absolute, unconditional release


of an individual from a facility by action of the facility or a




     (28) (24) "Eligible minor" means an individual less than 18


years of age who is recommended in the written report of a


multidisciplinary team under rules promulgated by the department of


education to be classified as 1 of the following:


     (a) Severely mentally impaired.


     (b) Severely multiply impaired.


     (c) Autistic impaired and receiving special education services


in a program designed for the autistic impaired under subsection


(1) of R 340.1758 of the Michigan administrative code or in a


program designed for the severely mentally impaired or severely


multiply impaired.


     (29) (25) "Emergency situation" means a situation in which an


individual is experiencing a serious mental illness or a


developmental disability, or a minor is experiencing a serious


emotional disturbance, and 1 of the following applies:


     (a) The individual can reasonably be expected within the near


future to physically injure himself, herself, or another


individual, either intentionally or unintentionally.


     (b) The individual is unable to provide himself or herself


food, clothing, or shelter or to attend to basic physical


activities such as eating, toileting, bathing, grooming, dressing,


or ambulating, and this inability may lead in the near future to


harm to the individual or to another individual.


     (c) The individual's judgment is so impaired that he or she is


unable to understand the need for treatment and, in the opinion of


the mental health professional, his or her continued behavior as a


result of the mental illness, developmental disability, or


emotional disturbance can reasonably be expected in the near future


to result in physical harm to the individual or to another




     (30) (26) "Executive director" means an individual appointed


under section 226 to direct a community mental health services


program or his or her designee.


     Sec. 100b. (1) "Facility" means a residential facility for the


care or treatment of individuals with serious mental illness,


serious emotional disturbance, or developmental disability that is


either a state facility or a licensed facility.


     (2) "Family" as used in sections 156 to 161 means an eligible


minor and his or her parent or legal guardian.


     (3) "Family member" means a parent, stepparent, spouse,


sibling, child, or grandparent of a primary consumer, or an


individual upon whom a primary consumer is dependent for at least


50% of his or her financial support.


     (4) "Federal funds" means funds received from the federal


government under a categorical grant or similar program and does


not include federal funds received under a revenue sharing




     (5) "Functional impairment" means both of the following:


     (a) With regard to serious emotional disturbance, substantial


interference with or limitation of a minor's achievement or


maintenance of 1 or more developmentally appropriate social,


behavioral, cognitive, communicative, or adaptive skills.


     (b) With regard to serious mental illness, substantial


interference or limitation of role functioning in 1 or more major


life activities including basic living skills such as eating,


bathing, and dressing; instrumental living skills such as


maintaining a household, managing money, getting around the


community, and taking prescribed medication; and functioning in


social, vocational, and educational contexts.


     (6) "Guardian" means a person appointed by the court to


exercise specific powers over an individual who is a minor, legally


incapacitated, or developmentally disabled.


     (7) "Hospital" or "psychiatric hospital" means an inpatient


program operated by the department for the treatment of individuals


with serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbance or a


psychiatric hospital or psychiatric unit licensed under section




     (8) "Hospital director" means the chief administrative officer


of a hospital or his or her designee.


     (9) "Hospitalization" or "hospitalize" means to provide


treatment for an individual as an inpatient in a hospital.


     (10) "Incapacitated" means that an individual, as a result of


the use of alcohol, is unconscious or has his or her mental or


physical functioning so impaired that he or she either poses an


immediate and substantial danger to his or her own health and


safety or is endangering the health and safety of the public.


     (11) (10) "Individual plan of services" or "plan of services"


means a written individualized individual plan of services


developed with a recipient as required by section 712.


     (12) (11) "Licensed facility" means a facility licensed by the


department under section 137 or an adult foster care facility.


     (13) (12) "Licensed psychologist" means a doctoral level


psychologist licensed under section 18223(1) of the public health


code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.18223.


     (14) (13) "Medical director" means a psychiatrist appointed


under section 231 to advise the executive director of a community


mental health services program.


     (15) (14) "Mental health professional" means an individual who


is trained and experienced in the area of mental illness or


developmental disabilities and who is 1 of the following:


     (a) A physician. who is licensed to practice medicine or


osteopathic medicine and surgery in this state under article 15 of


the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838.


     (b) A psychologist licensed to practice in this state under


article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to




     (c) A registered professional nurse licensed to practice in


this state under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368,


MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838.


     (d) Until July 1, 2005, a certified social worker registered


under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL


333.16101 to 333.18838. Beginning July 1, 2005, a A licensed


master's social worker licensed under article 15 of the public


health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838.


     (e) A licensed professional counselor licensed to practice in


this state under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368,


MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838.


     (f) A marriage and family therapist licensed under article 15


of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838.


     (16) (15) "Mental retardation" means a condition manifesting


before the age of 18 years that is characterized by significantly


subaverage intellectual functioning and related limitations in 2 or


more adaptive skills and that is diagnosed based on the following




     (a) Valid assessment considers cultural and linguistic


diversity, as well as differences in communication and behavioral




     (b) The existence of limitation in adaptive skills occurs


within the context of community environments typical of the


individual's age peers and is indexed to the individual's


particular needs for support.


     (c) Specific adaptive skill limitations often coexist with


strengths in other adaptive skills or other personal capabilities.


     (d) With appropriate supports over a sustained period, the


life functioning of the individual with mental retardation will


generally improve.


     (17) (16) "Minor" means an individual under the age of 18




     (18) (17) "Multicultural services" means specialized mental


health services for multicultural populations such as African-


Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian and Pacific


Islanders, and Arab/Chaldean-Americans.


     (19) (18) "Neglect" means an act or failure to act committed


by an employee or volunteer of the department, a community mental


health services program, or a licensed hospital; a service provider


under contract with the department, a community mental health


services program, or a licensed hospital; or an employee or


volunteer of a service provider under contract with the department,


a community mental health services program, or a licensed hospital,


that denies a recipient the standard of care or treatment to which


he or she is entitled under this act.


     Sec. 100c. (1) "Peace officer" means an officer of the


department of state police or of a law enforcement agency of a


county, township, city, or village who is responsible for the


prevention and detection of crime and enforcement of the criminal


laws of this state. For the purposes of sections 408 and 427, peace


officer also includes an officer of the United States secret


service with the officer's consent and a police officer of the


veterans' administration medical center reservation.


     (2) "Peer review" means a process, including the review


process required under section 143a, in which mental health


professionals of a state facility, licensed hospital, or community


mental health services program evaluate the clinical competence of


staff and the quality and appropriateness of care provided to


recipients. These evaluations are confidential in accordance with


section 748(9) and are based on criteria established by the


facility or community mental health services program itself, the


accepted standards of the mental health professions, and the


department. of community health.


     (3) "Person requiring treatment" means an individual who meets


the criteria described in section 401.


     (4) "Physician" means an individual licensed by the state to


engage in the practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine and


surgery under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368,


MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838.


     (5) "Primary consumer" means an individual who has received or


is receiving services from the department or a community mental


health services program or services from the private sector


equivalent to those offered by the department or a community mental


health services program.


     (6) "Priority" means preference for and dedication of a major


proportion of resources to specified populations or services.


Priority does not mean serving or funding the specified populations


or services to the exclusion of other populations or services.


     (7) "Protective custody" means the temporary custody of an


individual by a peace officer with or without the individual's


consent for the purpose of protecting that individual's health and


safety, or the health and safety of the public, and for the purpose


of transporting the individual under section 408 or 427 if the


individual appears, in the judgment of the peace officer, to be a


person requiring treatment or is a person requiring treatment.


Protective custody is civil in nature and is not to be construed as


an arrest.


     (8) "Psychiatric partial hospitalization program" means a


nonresidential treatment program that provides psychiatric,


psychological, social, occupational, nursing, music therapy, and


therapeutic recreational services under the supervision of a


physician to adults diagnosed as having serious mental illness or


minors diagnosed as having serious emotional disturbance who do not


require 24-hour continuous mental health care, and that is


affiliated with a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric unit to which


clients may be transferred if they need inpatient psychiatric care.


     (9) "Psychiatric unit" means a unit of a general hospital that


provides inpatient services for individuals with serious mental


illness or serious emotional disturbance. As used in this


subsection, "general hospital" means a hospital as defined in


section 20106 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL




     (10) "Psychiatrist" means 1 or more of the following:


     (a) A physician who has completed a residency program in


psychiatry approved by the accreditation council for graduate


medical education or the American osteopathic association, or who


has completed 12 months of psychiatric rotation and is enrolled in


an approved residency program as described in this subsection.


     (b) A psychiatrist employed by or under contract with the


department or a community mental health services program on March


28, 1996.


     (c) A physician who devotes a substantial portion of his or


her time to the practice of psychiatry and is approved by the




     (11) "Psychologist" means an individual licensed to engage in


the practice of psychology under article 15 of the public health


code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, who devotes a


substantial portion of his or her time to the diagnosis and


treatment of individuals with serious mental illness, serious


emotional disturbance, or developmental disability.


     (12) "Recipient" means an individual who receives mental


health services from the department, a community mental health


services program, or a facility or from a provider that is under


contract with the department or a community mental health services


program. For the purposes of this act, recipient does not include


an individual receiving substance use disorder services under


chapter 2A unless that individual is also receiving mental health


services under this act in conjunction with substance use disorder




     (13) "Recipient rights advisory committee" means a committee


of a community mental health services program board appointed under


section 757 or a recipient rights advisory committee appointed by a


licensed hospital under section 758.


     (14) "Recovery" means a highly individualized process of


healing and transformation where the individual gains control over


his or her life. Related services include recovery management,


recovery support services, recovery houses or transitional living


programs, and relapse prevention. Recovery involves the development


of a new meaning, purpose, and growing beyond the impact of


addiction or a diagnosis. Recovery may include the pursuit of


spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical well-being.


     (15) (14) "Regional entity" means an entity established under


section 204b to provide specialty services and supports.


     (16) "Rehabilitation" means the act of restoring an individual


to a state of mental and physical health or useful activity through


vocational or educational training, therapy, and counseling.


     (17) (15) "Resident" means an individual who receives services


in a facility.


     (18) (16) "Responsible mental health agency" means the


hospital, center, or community mental health services program that


has primary responsibility for the recipient's care or for the


delivery of services or supports to that recipient.


     (19) (17) "Rule" means a rule promulgated under the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to




     Sec. 100d. (1) "Service" means a mental health service.


     (2) "Serious emotional disturbance" means a diagnosable


mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder affecting a minor that


exists or has existed during the past year for a period of time


sufficient to meet diagnostic criteria specified in the most recent


diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders published by


the American psychiatric association and approved by the department


and that has resulted in functional impairment that substantially


interferes with or limits the minor's role or functioning in


family, school, or community activities. The following disorders


are included only if they occur in conjunction with another


diagnosable serious emotional disturbance:


     (a) A substance abuse use disorder.


     (b) A developmental disorder.


     (c) "V" codes in the diagnostic and statistical manual of


mental disorders.


     (3) "Serious mental illness" means a diagnosable mental,


behavioral, or emotional disorder affecting an adult that exists or


has existed within the past year for a period of time sufficient to


meet diagnostic criteria specified in the most recent diagnostic


and statistical manual of mental disorders published by the


American psychiatric association and approved by the department and


that has resulted in functional impairment that substantially


interferes with or limits 1 or more major life activities. Serious


mental illness includes dementia with delusions, dementia with


depressed mood, and dementia with behavioral disturbance but does


not include any other dementia unless the dementia occurs in


conjunction with another diagnosable serious mental illness. The


following disorders also are included only if they occur in


conjunction with another diagnosable serious mental illness:


     (a) A substance abuse use disorder.


     (b) A developmental disorder.


     (c) A "V" code in the diagnostic and statistical manual of


mental disorders.


     (4) "Special compensation" means payment to an adult foster


care facility to ensure the provision of a specialized program in


addition to the basic payment for adult foster care. Special


compensation does not include payment received directly from the


medicaid program for personal care services for a resident, or


payment received under the supplemental security income program.


     (5) "Specialized program" means a program of services,


supports, or treatment that are provided in an adult foster care


facility to meet the unique programmatic needs of individuals with


serious mental illness or developmental disability as set forth in


the resident's individual plan of services and for which the adult


foster care facility receives special compensation.


     (6) "Specialized residential service" means a combination of


residential care and mental health services that are expressly


designed to provide rehabilitation and therapy to a recipient, that


are provided in the residence of the recipient, and that are part


of a comprehensive individual plan of services.


     (7) "State administered funds" means revenues appropriated by


the state legislature exclusively for the purposes provided for in


regard to substance use disorder services and prevention.


     (8) (7) "State facility" means a center or a hospital operated


by the department.


     (9) (8) "State recipient rights advisory committee" means a


committee appointed by the director under section 756 to advise the


director and the director of the department's office of recipient




     (9) "Substance abuse" means that term as defined in section


6107 of the public health code, Act No. 368 of the Public Acts of


1978, being section 333.6107 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.


     (10) "Substance abuse" means the taking of alcohol or other


drugs at dosages that place an individual's social, economic,


psychological, and physical welfare in potential hazard or to the


extent that an individual loses the power of self-control as a


result of the use of alcohol or drugs, or while habitually under


the influence of alcohol or drugs, endangers public health, morals,


safety, or welfare, or a combination thereof.


     (11) "Substance use disorder" means chronic disorder in which


repeated use of alcohol, drugs, or both, results in significant and


adverse consequences. Substance abuse is considered a substance use




     (12) "Substance use disorder prevention services" means


services that are intended to reduce the consequences of substance


use disorders in communities by preventing or delaying the onset of


substance abuse and that are intended to reduce the progression of


substance use disorders in individuals. Substance use disorder


prevention is an ordered set of steps that promotes individual,


family, and community health, prevents mental and behavioral


disorders, supports resilience and recovery, and reinforces


treatment principles to prevent relapse.


     (13) "Substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation


services" means the providing of identifiable recovery-oriented


services including:


     (a) Early intervention and crisis intervention counseling


services for individuals who are current or former individuals with


substance use disorder.


     (b) Referral services for individuals with substance use


disorder, their families, and the general public.


     (c) Planned treatment services, including chemotherapy,


counseling, or rehabilitation for individuals physiologically or


psychologically dependent upon or abusing alcohol or drugs.


     (14) (10) "Supplemental security income" means the program


authorized under title XVI of the social security act, chapter 531,


49 Stat. 620, U.S.C. 42 USC 1381 to 1382j and 1383 to 1383d.1383f.


     (15) "Transfer facility" means a facility selected by the


department-designated community mental health entity, which


facility is physically located in a jail or lockup and is staffed


by at least 1 designated representative when in use according to


chapter 2A.


     (16) (11) "Transition services" means a coordinated set of


activities for a special education student designed within an


outcome-oriented process that promotes movement from school to


postschool activities, including postsecondary education,


vocational training, integrated employment including supported


employment, continuing and adult education, adult services,


independent living, or community participation.


     (17) (12) "Treatment" means care, diagnostic, and therapeutic


services, including the administration of drugs, and any other


service for the treatment of an individual's serious mental illness


or serious emotional disturbance.


     (18) (13) "Treatment position" means a unit of measure of the


client capacity of a psychiatric partial hospitalization program.


Each treatment position represents a minimum of 6 hours per day and


5 days per calendar week.


     (19) (14) "Urgent situation" means a situation in which an


individual is determined to be at risk of experiencing an emergency


situation in the near future if he or she does not receive care,


treatment, or support services.


     (20) (15) "Wraparound services" means an individually designed


set of services provided to minors with serious emotional


disturbance or serious mental illness and their families that


includes treatment services and personal support services or any


other supports necessary to maintain foster education preparedness,


employability, and preservation of the child in the family home.


Wraparound services are to be developed through an interagency


collaborative approach and a minor's parent or guardian and a minor


age 14 or older are to participate in planning the services.


     Sec. 161. In conjunction with community mental health services


programs, the department shall conduct annually and forward to the


governor and the house and senate appropriations committees, and


the senate and house committees with legislative oversight of human


services and mental health, an evaluation of the family support


subsidy program that shall include, but is not limited to, all of


the following:


     (a) The impact of the family support subsidy program upon


children covered by this act in facilities and residential care


programs including, to the extent possible, sample case reviews of


families who choose not to participate.


     (b) Case reviews of families who voluntarily terminate


participation in the family support subsidy program for any reason,


particularly when the eligible minor is placed out of the family


home, including the involvement of the department and community


mental health services programs in offering suitable alternatives.


     (c) Sample assessments of families receiving family support


subsidy payments including adequacy of subsidy and need for


services not available.


     (d) The efforts to encourage program participation of eligible




     (e) The geographic distribution of families receiving subsidy


payments and, to the extent possible, eligible minors presumed to


be eligible for family support subsidy payments.


     (f) Programmatic and legislative recommendations to further


assist families in providing care for eligible minors.


     (g) Problems that arise in identifying eligible minors through


diagnostic evaluations performed under rules promulgated by the


department of education.


     (h) The number of beds reduced in state facilities and foster


care facilities serving severely mentally, multiply, and autistic


impaired children when the children return home to their natural


families as a result of the subsidy program.


     (i) Caseload figures by eligibility category as described in


section 100a(24).110a(27).


     Sec. 208. (1) Services provided by a community mental health


services program shall be directed to individuals who have a


serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, or


developmental disability.


     (2) Services may be directed to individuals who have other


mental disorders that meet criteria specified in the most recent


diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders


published by the American psychiatric association and may also be


directed to the prevention of mental disability and the promotion


of mental health. Resources that have been specifically designated


to community mental health services programs for services to


individuals with dementia, alcoholism, or substance abuse use


disorder or for the prevention of mental disability and the


promotion of mental health shall be utilized for those specific




     (3) Priority shall be given to the provision of services to


individuals with the most severe forms of serious mental illness,


serious emotional disturbance, and developmental disability.


Priority shall also be given to the provision of services to


individuals with a serious mental illness, serious emotional


disturbance, or developmental disability in urgent or emergency




     (4) An individual shall not be denied a service because an


individual who is financially liable is unable to pay for the




     Sec. 210. (1) Any single county or any combination of


adjoining counties may elect to establish a community mental health


services program by a majority vote of each county board of




     (2) A department-designated community mental health entity


shall coordinate the provision of substance use disorder services


in its region and shall ensure services are available for


individuals with substance use disorder.






     Sec. 260. (1) As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Court" means the probate court for the county in which a


minor, for whom a request for substance use disorder treatment and


rehabilitation services has been made, either resides or is found.


     (b) "Minor" means an individual 14 or more years of age and


less than 18 years of age.


     (c) "Person in loco parentis" means an individual who is not


the parent or guardian of a child or minor but who has legal


custody of the child or minor and is providing support and care for


the child or minor.


     (d) "Physiological dependency" means addiction to alcohol or


drugs that alters the body's physical or psychological status, or




     (e) "Program" means a hospital, clinic, organization, or


health professional licensed under part 62 of the public health


code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.6230 to 333.6251, to provide treatment


services or screening and assessment services.


     (2) The department shall begin implementation of the changes


in this chapter not later than October 1, 2013 and shall have the


changes completed by not later than October 1, 2014.


     Sec. 261. Records of the identity, diagnosis, prognosis, and


treatment of an individual maintained in connection with the


performance of a program, an approved service program, or an


emergency medical service authorized or provided or assisted under


this chapter are confidential and may be disclosed only for the


purposes and under the circumstances authorized by section 262 or




     Sec. 262. (1) An individual who is the subject of a record


maintained under section 261 may consent in writing to the


disclosure of the content of the record to:


     (a) Health professionals for the purpose of diagnosis or


treatment of the individual.


     (b) Governmental personnel for the purpose of obtaining


benefits to which the individual is entitled.


     (c) Any other person specifically authorized by the




     (2) The individual consenting under subsection (1) may revoke


the authorization for the disclosure at any time, unless expressly


prohibited by federal legislation on confidentiality of alcohol and


drug abuse patient records, by giving written notice to the




     (3) The authorization or revocation shall be in a form


specified by the department in accordance with regulations


specifying the form of the written consent issued by the United


States department of health, education, and welfare and the special


action office for drug abuse prevention.


     Sec. 263. If an individual who is the subject of a record


maintained under section 261 does not give written consent, the


content of the record may be disclosed only as follows:


     (a) To medical personnel to the extent necessary to meet a


bona fide medical emergency.


     (b) To qualified personnel for the purpose of conducting


scientific statistical research, financial audits, or program


evaluation, but the personnel shall not directly or indirectly


identify an individual in a report of the research audit or


evaluation or otherwise disclose an identity in any manner.


     (c) Upon application, a court of competent jurisdiction may


order disclosure of whether a specific individual is under


treatment by a program. In all other respects, the confidentiality


shall be the same as the physician-patient relationship provided by




     (d) Upon application, a court may order disclosure of a record


for the purpose of a hearing under section 266 or 268.


     Sec. 264. (1) The consent to the provision of substance use


disorder related medical or surgical care, treatment, or services


by a hospital, clinic, or health professional authorized by law


executed by a minor who is or professes to be an individual with a


substance use disorder is valid and binding as if the minor had


achieved the age of majority. The consent is not subject to later


disaffirmance by reason of minority. The consent of any other


person, including a spouse, parent, guardian, or person in loco


parentis, is not necessary to authorize these services to be


provided to a minor.


     (2) For medical reasons, the treating physician, and, on the


advice and direction of the treating physician, a member of the


medical staff of a hospital or clinic or other health professional,


may, but is not obligated to, inform the spouse, parent, guardian,


or person in loco parentis as to the treatment given or needed. The


information may be given to or withheld from these persons without


consent of the minor and notwithstanding the express refusal of the


minor to the providing of the information.


     (3) A spouse, parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis of


a minor is not legally responsible for services provided under this




     Sec. 265. (1) A program that is requested by a minor's parent


or a person in loco parentis to a minor to perform substance use


disorder treatment and rehabilitation services for the minor may


perform those services for the minor without the minor's consent if


the minor is less than 14 years of age, as verified by the minor's


parents or person acting in loco parentis, and if the request is


made in writing.


     (2) A minor's parent or a person in loco parentis to a minor


may request that substance use disorder treatment and


rehabilitation services be provided to the minor by a program.


     (3) If substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation


services are requested under subsection (2) and the minor does not


consent to the substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation


services, the program shall cause to have conducted a diagnostic


evaluation to determine whether the minor is physiologically


dependent. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4), a


diagnostic evaluation shall be conducted within 48 hours of the


request for substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation




     (4) If it is determined during a diagnostic evaluation


conducted under subsection (3) that the minor is in need of


detoxification, the program may arrange for detoxification services


and those services may be performed, with the consent of the


minor's parent or person in loco parentis to the minor and without


the minor's consent, for a period that shall not exceed 5 days.


After the minor's detoxification, the program shall cause to have


the minor's diagnostic evaluation completed within 48 hours.


     (5) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (6), after a


diagnostic evaluation has been completed under this section,


substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation services shall


not be performed unless 1 of the following occurs:


     (a) The minor consents to substance use disorder treatment and


rehabilitation services.


     (b) It is determined under section 266 that substance use


disorder treatment and rehabilitation services are necessary for


the minor.


     (6) If it is determined as a result of a diagnostic evaluation


conducted under this section that the minor is physiologically


dependent, substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation


services may be performed without the minor's consent pending a


hearing under section 266 and for a period that shall not exceed 7


business days.


     (7) Psychotropic drugs shall not be used under this section by


a program on a minor unless the minor consents or the court orders


the use of the drugs at a hearing under section 266.


     Sec. 266. (1) A minor's parent or person in loco parentis to a


minor may petition the court requesting the court's determination


as to whether treatment and rehabilitation services are necessary


for the minor.


     (2) Upon receipt of a petition under subsection (1), the court


shall appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the minor for the


purposes of this section and sections 267 and 268 and shall notify


all of the following persons of the time and place for the hearing:


     (a) The minor's parents or person in loco parentis to the




     (b) The minor.


     (c) The program director.


     (d) The guardian ad litem for the minor.


     (3) A minor has the right to an independent diagnostic


evaluation by a program.


     (4) A hearing on a petition under subsection (1) shall be held


within 7 days of the court's receipt of the petition.


     (5) At a hearing under this section, the court shall determine


whether substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation


services are necessary. If the court determines that substance use


disorder treatment and rehabilitation services are necessary, the


court shall determine a suitable placement for the minor in the


least restrictive setting available.


     (6) In making the determinations under subsection (5), the


court shall obtain and examine the diagnostic evaluation prepared


for the minor under section 265. If an independent diagnostic


evaluation was prepared, the court shall examine that evaluation.


Information obtained under this section shall not be used to


authorize a petition under section 2(a) of chapter XIIA of the


probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2.


     (7) The court shall not order substance use disorder treatment


and rehabilitation services under this section on the grounds that


the minor's parent or person in loco parentis to the minor is


unwilling or unable to provide or arrange for the minor's


management, care, or residence.


     (8) Court records maintained under this section are


confidential and open only by order of the court to persons having


a legitimate interest.


     Sec. 267. (1) Not more than 30 days after the court orders the


admission of a minor to a program under section 266, and at 60-day


intervals after that, the director of the program shall perform or


arrange to have performed a review of the minor's treatment plan.


     (2) The results of the reviews shall be transmitted in writing


within 72 hours after completion of the review to all of the




     (a) The minor.


     (b) The minor's parent or person in loco parentis to the




     (c) The minor's guardian ad litem.


     (d) The court.


     (3) A minor may object to his or her treatment plan within 30


days after receipt of the periodic review under subsection (1). The


objection shall be in writing and shall state the basis on which it


is being raised. At the minor's request, the minor's guardian ad


litem shall assist the minor in properly submitting the objection.


     (4) If it is determined that substance use disorder treatment


and rehabilitation services are no longer necessary, the minor


shall be discharged from the program. If the minor is discharged,


the court shall be notified of the discharge.


     Sec. 268. (1) Upon receipt of an objection filed under section


267, the court shall schedule a hearing to be held within 7


business days. After receipt of the objection, the court shall


notify all of the following persons of the time and place for the




     (a) The minor.


     (b) The minor's parent or person in loco parentis to the




     (c) The minor's guardian.


     (d) The program director.


     (2) The court shall sustain the objection and order the


discharge of the minor unless the court finds by clear and


convincing evidence that substance use disorder treatment and


rehabilitation services are necessary. If the court does not


sustain the objection, an order shall not be entered, the objection


shall be dismissed, and substance use disorder treatment and


rehabilitation services shall continue.


     Sec. 269. The department-designated community mental health


entity and its community mental health services program provider


network may contract for and spend funds for the prevention of


substance use disorder and for the counseling and treatment of


individuals with substance use disorder. A department-designated


community mental health entity and other community mental health


services program may make contracts with the governing bodies of


other department-designated community mental health entities and


other community mental health services programs and other persons


for these purposes.


     Sec. 270. The department shall do all of the following:


     (a) Administer and coordinate state administered funds for


substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation services and


substance use disorder prevention services.


     (b) Use appropriations of revenues from taxes imposed by the


Michigan liquor control code of 1998, 1998 PA 58, MCL 436.1101 to


436.2303, exclusively for the purposes provided in that act.


     (c) Recommend directly to the governor, after review and


comment, budget and grant requests for public funds to be allocated


for substance use disorder services including education, research,


treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention activities.


     (d) Provide technical assistance to department-designated


community mental health entities and community mental health


services programs and to treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention


agencies for the purposes of program development, administration,


and evaluation.


     (e) Develop annually a comprehensive state plan through the


use of federal, state, local, and private resources of adequate


services and facilities for the prevention and control of substance


use disorder and the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of


individuals with substance use disorder.


     (f) Evaluate, in cooperation with appropriate state


departments and agencies, the effectiveness of substance use


disorder services in the state funded by federal, state, local, and


private resources, and annually during the month of November,


report a summary of the detailed evaluation to the governor and the




     Sec. 271. The department shall do both of the following:


     (a) Cooperate with agencies of the federal government and


receive and use federal funds for purposes authorized by the




     (b) Prior to the expenditure of funds appropriated to other


state agencies receiving appropriations for substance use disorder


treatment and rehabilitation services and substance use disorder


prevention services, have a contract signed with the receiving


department-designated community mental health entity. The


department shall submit a copy of each agreement to the governor


and the appropriations committees of the senate and house of




     Sec. 272. The department shall do all of the following:


     (a) Establish a statewide information system for the


collection of statistics, management data, and other information


required for the implementation of this chapter.


     (b) Collect, analyze, and disseminate data concerning


substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation services and


substance use disorder prevention services.


     (c) Prepare, publish, evaluate, and disseminate educational


material as to the nature and effect of alcohol and drugs.


     (d) Organize, sponsor, and fund training programs for persons


directly or indirectly engaged in the treatment, rehabilitation,


and prevention of substance use disorder.


     (e) Conduct and provide grant-in-aid funds to conduct research


on the incidence, prevalence, causes, and treatment of substance


use disorder and disseminate this information to the public and to


substance use disorder services professionals.


     Sec. 273. (1) The department shall do all of the following:


     (a) Annually establish program priority for funding for the


next fiscal year.


     (b) Establish guidelines for project applications.


     (c) Promulgate rules concerning matching requirements for


state alcoholism and drug abuse treatment grants. The rules shall


be reviewed every 2 years.


     (2) The department-designated community mental health entities


and community mental health services program provider networks


shall ensure that applicants for state administered funds are


licensed, unless exempt, as substance use disorder service programs


under part 62 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.6230


to 333.6251.


     (3) The department may issue licenses; require reports;


establish standards and procedures; and make inspections necessary


to enforce this chapter and rules promulgated under this chapter;


and provide technical assistance for the guidance of substance use


disorder service programs in complying with the requirements and


rules promulgated under this chapter.


     Sec. 274. A department-designated community mental health


entity designated by the director to assume responsibility for


providing substance use disorder services for a county or


multicounty region, with assistance from its community mental


health services program provider network, shall do all of the




     (a) Develop comprehensive plans for substance use disorder


treatment and rehabilitation services and substance use disorder


prevention services consistent with guidelines established by the




     (b) Review and comment to the department of licensing and


regulatory affairs on applications for licenses submitted by local


treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention organizations.


     (c) Provide technical assistance for local substance use


disorder service programs.


     (d) Collect and transfer data and financial information from


local programs to the department of licensing and regulatory




     (e) Submit an annual budget request to the department for use


of state administered funds for its substance use disorder


treatment and rehabilitation services and substance use disorder


prevention services in accordance with guidelines established by


the department.


     (f) Make contracts necessary and incidental to the performance


of the department-designated community mental health entity's and


community mental health services program's functions. The contracts


may be made with public or private agencies, organizations,


associations, and individuals to provide for substance use disorder


treatment and rehabilitation services and substance use disorder


prevention services.


     (g) Annually evaluate and assess substance use disorder


services in the department-designated community mental health


entity in accordance with guidelines established by the department.


     Sec. 275. (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a department-


designated community mental health entity under this chapter


maintains a waiting list for services, the department-designated


community mental health entity shall place a parent whose child has


been removed from the home under the child protection laws of this


state or is in danger of being removed from the home under the


child protection laws of this state because of the parent's


substance use disorder in a priority position on the waiting list


above all other applicants with substantially similar clinical




     (2) If a department-designated community mental health entity


receives federal substance abuse prevention and treatment block


grant funds, the priority position of the parent on the waiting


list granted under subsection (1) will come after a priority


position on the waiting list granted under the conditions of the


federal block grant. If the parent qualifies for priority status on


the waiting list under the conditions of the federal block grant,


the department-designated community mental health entity shall


place the parent in that priority position on the waiting list.


     Sec. 276. (1) An individual who appears to be incapacitated in


a public place shall be taken into protective custody by a law


enforcement officer and taken to an approved service program, or to


an emergency medical service, or to a transfer facility according


to subsection (4) for subsequent transportation to an approved


service program or emergency medical service. When requested by a


law enforcement officer, an emergency service unit or staff shall


provide transportation for the individual to an approved service


program or an emergency medical service. This subsection does not


apply to an individual who the law enforcement officer reasonably


believes will attempt escape or will be unreasonably difficult for


staff to control.


     (2) A law enforcement officer may take an individual into


protective custody with that kind and degree of force that would be


lawful were the officer effecting an arrest for a misdemeanor


without a warrant. In taking the individual, a law enforcement


officer may take reasonable steps to protect himself or herself.


The protective steps may include a "pat down" search of the


individual in his or her immediate surroundings, but only to the


extent necessary to discover and seize any dangerous weapon that


may on that occasion be used against the officer or other


individuals present. These protective steps shall be taken by the


law enforcement officer before an emergency service unit or staff


provides transportation of an individual to an approved service


program or emergency medical service.


     (3) The taking of an individual to an approved service


program, emergency medical service, or transfer facility under


subsection (1) is not an arrest, but is a taking into protective


custody with or without consent of the individual. The law


enforcement officer shall inform the individual that he or she is


being held in protective custody and is not under arrest. An entry


or other record shall not be made to indicate that the individual


was arrested or charged with either a crime or being incapacitated.


An entry shall be made indicating the date, time, and place of the


taking, but the entry shall not be treated for any purpose as an


arrest or criminal record.


     (4) An individual taken into protective custody under


subsection (1) may be taken to a transfer facility for not more


than 8 hours, if there is neither an approved service program nor


an emergency medical service in that county and if, due to distance


or other circumstances, a law enforcement officer is unable to


complete transport of the individual to an approved service program


or emergency medical service. The law enforcement officer or agency


shall immediately notify and request the nearest approved service


program or emergency medical service to provide an emergency


service unit or staff as soon as possible to transport the


individual to that approved service program or emergency medical


service. If neither an emergency service unit nor staff is


available for transportation, a law enforcement officer may


transport the individual to an approved service program or


emergency medical service. If an emergency service unit or staff is


to provide transportation, the designated representative of the


transfer facility shall assume custody of the individual and shall


take all reasonable steps to ensure the individual's health and


safety until custody is transferred to the emergency service unit


or staff of an approved service program or emergency medical




     (5) An individual arrested by a law enforcement officer for


the commission of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not


more than 3 months, or by a fine of not more than $500.00, or both,


may be taken to an approved service program or an emergency medical


service for emergency treatment if the individual appears to be


incapacitated at the time of apprehension. This treatment is not in


lieu of criminal prosecution of the individual for the offense with


which the individual is charged, nor shall it preclude the


administration of any tests as provided for by law.


     Sec. 277. (1) An individual who is taken to an approved


service program or emergency medical service under section 276(1)


shall continue to be in protective custody and shall be examined by


a physician or his or her designated representative as soon as


possible, but not longer than 8 hours. The physician or designated


representative may conduct a chemical test to determine the amount


of alcohol in the bloodstream of the individual. The physician or


designated representative shall inform the individual of his or her


right to that test and shall conduct a test at the request of the




     (2) An individual who, by medical examination, is found to be


incapacitated shall then receive treatment from an approved service


program or emergency medical service. An individual shall not be


denied treatment solely because the individual has withdrawn from


treatment against medical advice on a prior occasion or because the


individual has relapsed after earlier treatment. An approved


service program or the emergency medical service may arrange for


necessary transportation.


     (3) Approved service programs are not expected to provide


treatment other than that for which they are licensed, nor shall an


emergency medical service be required to provide treatment other


than that routinely provided for other patients treated.


     Sec. 278. (1) An individual who is taken to an approved


service program or emergency medical service under section 276(1)


shall continue to be in protective custody. The individual shall


not be detained once the individual is medically examined and found


not to be incapacitated. An individual found by medical examination


to be incapacitated shall be detained until the individual is no


longer incapacitated or for not more than 72 hours after the


individual is taken to the approved service program or emergency


medical service. An individual may consent to remain in the program


for as long as the physician in charge believes appropriate.


     (2) An individual who is taken to an approved service program


or emergency medical service under section 276(5) shall be


discharged to a law enforcement officer after the individual is no


longer incapacitated. An individual who remains incapacitated at


the expiration of 72 hours after the individual has been taken to


the approved service program or emergency medical service shall be


discharged to a law enforcement officer unless both of the


following occur:


     (a) The individual agrees to remain in the program longer than


72 hours.


     (b) The physician in charge of the program believes it


appropriate that the individual remain in the program longer than


72 hours.


     Sec. 279. (1) An individual who is brought to an approved


service program or emergency medical service under section 276(1)


and is found by medical examination not to be incapacitated shall


be immediately released and transportation may be arranged by the


approved service program or emergency medical service.


     (2) An individual who is brought to an approved service


program or emergency medical service under section 276(5) and is


found by medical examination not to be incapacitated shall be


released to a law enforcement officer representing the agency that


made the arrest.


     Sec. 280. If an individual held in protective custody is


admitted to an approved service program or emergency medical


service, the individual's family, next of kin, or someone whom the


individual designates shall be notified as promptly as possible.


     Sec. 281. (1) An individual may voluntarily seek admission at


an approved service program or emergency medical service.


     (2) The individual shall be examined by a physician or his or


her designated representative. The physician at the request of the


individual may order a chemical test to determine the amount of


alcohol in the bloodstream of the individual.


     (3) An individual who by medical examination is found to be


incapacitated shall then be admitted or referred for treatment.


Transportation may be provided to an individual admitted or


referred for treatment through the approved service program or the


emergency medical service.


     (4) The voluntarily admitted individual may leave at any time


or may consent to remain as long as the physician believes




     (5) If a voluntarily admitted individual is admitted to an


approved service program or emergency medical service, the family,


next of kin, or someone whom the individual designates, shall be


notified as promptly as possible. If an adult requests that there


be no notification, the request shall be respected.


     Sec. 282. (1) A law enforcement officer, a member of the


emergency service unit, or staff member of an approved service


program or an emergency medical service who acts in compliance with


sections 276 to 286 is acting in the course of his or her official


duty and is not criminally or civilly liable as a result.


     (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a law enforcement


officer, member of the emergency service unit, or staff member of


an approved service program or an emergency medical service who,


while acting in compliance with sections 276 to 286, engages in


behavior involving gross negligence or willful and wanton




     (3) Approved service programs, staff of approved service


programs, emergency medical services, staff of emergency medical


services, law enforcement officers, and emergency service units are


not criminally or civilly liable for the subsequent actions of the


apparently incapacitated individual who leaves the approved service


program or emergency medical service.


     Sec. 283. An individual taken, or seeking voluntary admission


under section 281, to an emergency medical service or a transfer


facility shall have his or her possessions inventoried and held in


a secure place. These possessions shall be returned to the


individual when the individual is released. Contraband discovered


in the inventory shall not be returned to the individual.


     Sec. 284. (1) If treatment or transportation, or both, is


provided by an approved service program, emergency service unit, or


emergency medical service, and the individual has not paid the


charge for that treatment or transportation, or both, the approved


service program, emergency service unit, or emergency medical


service is entitled to any payment received by the individual or to


which the individual may be entitled because of the services


rendered, or entitled to any payment from any public or private


source available to the approved service program, emergency service


unit, or emergency medical service because of the treatment or


transportation, or both, provided to the individual.


     (2) If an individual receives treatment or transportation, or


both, from an approved service program, emergency service unit, or


emergency medical service, the estate of the individual or an


individual obligated to provide for the cost of treatment, or


transportation, or both, is liable to the approved service program,


emergency service unit, or emergency medical service for the cost


of the treatment or transportation, or both, of that individual.


     Sec. 285. Records of the diagnostic evaluation, psychiatric,


psychological, social service care, and referral of an individual


that are maintained in connection with the performance of an


approved service program or emergency medical service authorized or


provided under sections 276 to 286 are confidential and may only be


disclosed in either of the following circumstances:


     (a) For the purposes and under the circumstances expressly


authorized under section 262 or 263.


     (b) At the specific written request of a parole or probation


officer seeking the information with regard to a parolee or


probationer in the officer's charge who agrees to release this




     Sec. 286. (1) After January 15, 1978, a city, county,


township, or village may not adopt or enforce a local law,


ordinance, resolution, rule, or portion thereof having the force of


law that imposes a civil or criminal penalty for public


intoxication, being a common drunkard, or being incapacitated,


except as provided in subsection (3) or (4).


     (2) A local unit of government may not interpret or apply any


law of general application to circumvent subsection (1).


     (3) This section and sections 276 to 285 do not affect a law,


ordinance, resolution, or rule against drunken driving, driving


under the influence of alcohol, or other similar offense involving


the operation of a vehicle, snowmobile, aircraft, vessel,


machinery, or other equipment, or motorized conveyance, or


regarding the sale, purchase, dispensing, possession,


transportation, consumption, or use of alcoholic beverages at


stated times and places, or by a particular class of individuals.


     (4) This section and sections 276 to 285 do not prohibit a


local unit of government from adopting an ordinance consistent with


section 167 of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.167.


     Sec. 287. (1) The composition of the department-designated


community mental health entity board shall consist of


representatives of mental health, developmental or intellectual


disabilities, and substance use disorder services.


     (2) The department-designated community mental health entity


shall ensure that funding dedicated to substance use disorder


services shall be retained for substance use disorder services and


not diverted to fund services that are not for substance use




     (3) A department-designated community mental health entity


designated by the director to assume the responsibilities of


providing substance use disorder services for a county or region


shall retain the existing providers who are under contract to


provide substance use disorder treatment and prevention services


for a period of 2 years after the effective date of the amendatory


act that added this section. Unless another plan is approved by the


county board of commissioners, counties or regions that have local


public health departments that contract with substance use disorder


providers on the effective date of the amendatory act that added


this section shall continue to allow the local public health


department to carry out that function for 2 years after the


effective date of the amendatory act that added this section.


     (4) The department and the department-designated community


mental health entity shall continue to use the allocation formula


based on federal and state data sources to allocate and distribute


nonmedical assistance substance use disorder services funds.


     (5) A department-designated community mental health entity


shall establish a substance use disorder oversight policy board


House Bill No. 4862 as amended December 12, 2012


through a contractual agreement between the department-designated


community mental health entity and each of the counties served by


the community mental health services program under 1967 (Ex Sess)


PA 8, MCL 124.531 to 124.536, or other appropriate state law. The


substance use disorder oversight policy board shall include the


members called for in the establishing agreement, but shall have at


least 1 board member appointed by the county board of commissioners


for each county served by the department-designated community


mental health entity. The substance use disorder oversight policy


board shall perform the functions and responsibilities assigned to


it through the establishing agreement, which shall include at least


the following responsibilities:


     (a) Approval of any department-designated community mental


health entity budget containing local funds for treatment or


prevention of substance use disorders.


     (b) Advice and recommendations regarding <<DEPARTMENT-DESIGNATED


community mental health entities>> budgets for substance use disorder

treatment or


prevention using other nonlocal funding sources.


     (c) Advice and recommendations regarding contracts with


substance use disorder treatment or prevention providers.


     (d) Any other terms as agreed to by the participating parties


consistent with the authorizing legislation.


     (6) The department shall report to the house of


representatives and the senate appropriations subcommittee on


community health on the redistricting of regions not later than 30


days before implementation of the plan.


     (7) The department shall work with department-designated


community mental health entities and community mental health


services programs to simplify the administrative and reporting


requirements for mental health services and substance use disorder




     (8) Beginning not later than October 1, 2014, or at the time


the implementation of the changes in this chapter are complete,


whichever is sooner, department-designated community mental health


entities are coordinating agencies for purposes of receiving any


funds statutorily required to be distributed to coordinating




     Enacting section 1. The following parts and sections of the


public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.1101 to 333.25211, are




     (a) Part 61, MCL 333.6101 to 333.6141.


     (b) Sections 6201, 6203, 6205, 6207, 6209, 6211, 6213, 6215,


6217, 6221, 6222, 6223, 6226, 6228, 6231, and 6232, MCL 333.6201,


333.6203, 333.6205, 333.6207, 333.6209, 333.6211, 333.6213,


333.6215, 333.6217, 333.6221, 333.6222, 333.6223, 333.6226,


333.6228, 333.6231, and 333.6232.


     (c) Part 65, MCL 333.6501 to 333.6523.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless House Bill No. 4863 of the 96th Legislature is enacted into

