February 9, 2010, Introduced by Senators HARDIMAN, PAPPAGEORGE, BIRKHOLZ and JANSEN and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.




     A bill to amend 1987 PA 230, entitled


"Municipal health facilities corporations act,"


by amending section 306 (MCL 331.1306), as amended by 1998 PA 62,


and by adding section 308.




     Sec. 306. (1) Subject to applicable licensing and other


regulatory requirements, and subject to any approvals required


under subsections (5) and (6), each the requirements of this


section, a board of trustees and or subsidiary board may enter into


and carry out agreements for the reorganization and the transfer of


ownership or operation of some or all of its the health care


facilities and related assets or health services of its municipal


health facilities corporation to a nonprofit health care


organization or to a public authority on behalf of a nonprofit


health care organization by sale, installment sales agreement, land


contract, lease, lease with an option to purchase, sublease,


contract, option, or by any other means. However, this section does


not apply to a conversion under section 308.


     (2) In establishing the terms of a reorganization pursuant to


of a municipal health facilities corporation under this section,


the board of trustees or subsidiary board of that municipal health


facilities corporation may take into account, in addition to the


monetary consideration for the transfer, if any, 1 or more of the




     (a) The ability and willingness of the nonprofit health care


organization to continue to provide health services to residents of


the local governmental unit.


     (b) The assumption by the nonprofit health care organization


of liabilities, obligations, and risks associated with ownership or


operation of the health care facilities and health services


transferred, including those associated with outstanding bonds,


notes and obligations, pension, retirement, and other benefits for


employees and employees and conditions attached to public or


private grants.


     (c) The willingness and ability of the nonprofit health care


organization to provide services to those unable to pay fully for


their care.


     (d) The elimination of or reduction in support required for


the health care facilities or health services from tax revenues or


other public sources.


     (e) The ability and willingness of the nonprofit health care


corporation to expand or improve the health care facilities or the


health services being transferred.


     (f) Such Any other factors bearing on the health and welfare


of the residents of the local governmental unit as that the board


of trustees or subsidiary board considers appropriate.


     (3) A board of trustees or subsidiary board may accept secured


or unsecured notes, bonds, or obligations given by or on behalf of


a nonprofit health care organization or such any other forms of


payment as that it considers appropriate in full or partial


satisfaction of any monetary consideration provided under an


agreement for reorganization pursuant to of a municipal health


facilities corporation under this section.


     (4) Any board of trustees or subsidiary board transferring


health care facilities pursuant to of a municipal health facilities


corporation under this section shall require, for a term of not


less than 30 years, that use of the health care facilities


transferred shall be open to all regardless of race, religion,


color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status,


sexual preference, or source of payment, and that the nonprofit


health care organization acquiring such the health care facilities


shall provide an equal opportunity for employment, without


discrimination as to race, religion, color, national origin, sex,


age, disability, marital status, or sexual preference.


     (5) Any transfer made by a subsidiary board in reliance upon


on this section shall be made only with the prior approval of the


board of trustees of its the parent corporation of its municipal


health facilities corporation.


     (6) Any transfer by a corporation or a subsidiary corporation


in reliance upon on this section shall be made only with the prior


approval of the county board of commissioners, city council, or


village council that owns the municipal health facilities


corporation, or owns the parent corporation if the municipal health


facilities corporation is a subsidiary corporation, if either of


the following applies:


     (a) The health care facilities or health services to be


transferred provided more than 10% of the gross revenues of the


corporation or subsidiary corporation making the transfer,


determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting


principles, in either of the 2 full fiscal years of the corporation


or subsidiary corporation completed immediately preceding the date


of the transfer.


     (b) A majority of the governing body of the nonprofit health


care organization acquiring the health care facilities or health


services is composed of persons who are also serving as trustees of


the corporation or the subsidiary corporation making the transfer.


     (7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no


transfer shall be made in such a way as to impair the obligation of


the corporation or the subsidiary corporation with respect to any


outstanding corporation obligation, bond, note, or contract.


     Sec. 308. (1) Subject to applicable licensing and other


regulatory requirements, to the requirements of section 746 of the


nonprofit corporation act, 1982 PA 162, MCL 450.2746, and to the


requirements of this section, a board of trustees or a subsidiary


board may convert its health facilities corporation into a


nonprofit corporation, organized on a stock basis.


     (2) In evaluating whether to pursue a conversion and in


establishing the terms of a conversion under this section and


section 746 of the nonprofit corporation act, 1982 PA 162, MCL


450.2746, in addition to the amount of any monetary consideration


offered for the conversion, the board of trustees or subsidiary


board of the health facilities corporation may consider any of the




     (a) The ability and willingness of the proposed shareholder or


shareholders of the nonprofit corporation to continue to provide


health services to residents of the local governmental unit.


     (b) The continued obligation of the nonprofit corporation for


the liabilities, obligations, and risks associated with ownership


or operation of the health care facilities and health services


owned by the corporation, including those associated with


outstanding bonds, notes, and obligations, pension, retirement, and


other benefits for employees and employees, and conditions attached


to public or private grants.


     (c) The willingness and ability of the proposed shareholder or


shareholders of the nonprofit corporation to provide services to


those unable to pay fully for their care.


     (d) The elimination of or reduction in support required for


the health care facilities or health services from tax revenues or


other public sources.


     (e) The ability and willingness of the proposed shareholder or


shareholders of the nonprofit corporation to expand or improve the


health care facilities or the health services being transferred.


     (f) Any other factors bearing on the health and welfare of the


residents of the local governmental unit that the board of trustees


or subsidiary board considers appropriate.


     (3) All of the following apply to the conversion of a


municipal health facilities corporation into a nonprofit


corporation under this section:


     (a) The board of trustees or subsidiary board may accept


secured or unsecured notes, bonds, or obligations given by or on


behalf of the proposed shareholder or shareholders of the nonprofit


corporation, or any other forms of payment it considers


appropriate, in full or partial satisfaction of any monetary


consideration provided under an agreement for conversion under this




     (b) The agreement of conversion shall require that, for at


least 30 years after the conversion, the health care facilities


owned by the corporation shall be open for use by any person


regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age,


disability, marital status, sexual preference, or source of payment


and that the nonprofit corporation shall provide an equal


opportunity for employment, without discrimination as to race,


religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital


status, or sexual preference.


     (c) The subsidiary board of a subsidiary corporation shall not


convert the corporation into a nonprofit corporation without the


prior approval of the board of trustees of its parent corporation


to the conversion.


     (d) The board of trustees or subsidiary board of a municipal


health facilities corporation shall not convert the corporation


into a nonprofit corporation under this section without the prior


majority approval of the county board of commissioners, city


council, or village council, as applicable, that owns the municipal


health facilities corporation or owns the parent corporation of the


municipal health facilities corporation if it is a subsidiary


corporation, if either of the following applies:


     (i) The health care facilities or health services included in


the conversion provided more than 10% of the gross revenues of the


municipal health facilities corporation, determined in accordance


with generally accepted accounting principles, in either of the 2


full fiscal years of the municipal health facilities corporation or


subsidiary corporation completed immediately preceding the date of


the conversion.


     (ii) A majority of the board of the nonprofit corporation after


the conversion will be individuals who served as trustees of the


municipal health facility corporation before the conversion.


     (e) The board of trustees or subsidiary board of a municipal


health facilities corporation shall not convert the corporation


into a nonprofit corporation under this section if the conversion


in any manner impairs the obligation of the municipal health


facilities corporation with respect to any outstanding obligation,


bond, note, or contract of that corporation.


     (f) The converting municipal health facilities corporation and


the board of trustees or subsidiary board of that municipal health


facilities corporation shall comply with section 746 of the


nonprofit corporation act, 1982 PA 162, MCL 450.2746.


     (g) After the conversion is effective, the surviving nonprofit


corporation is subject to the nonprofit corporation act, 1982 PA


162, MCL 450.2101 to 450.3192, and is not subject to this act.


     (h) After the conversion is effective, the articles of


incorporation of the converting municipal health facility


corporation or the subsidiary corporation are considered terminated


and the articles of incorporation filed with the certificate of


conversion under section 746 of the nonprofit corporation act, 1982


PA 162, MCL 450.2746, apply to the surviving nonprofit corporation.


The surviving corporation shall deliver a copy of its articles of


incorporation and the certificate of conversion to the county


clerk, city clerk, or village clerk to whom the converting


municipal health facilities corporation originally delivered its


articles of incorporation under section 207 or 256, and that clerk


shall file the articles of incorporation and certificate of


conversion in his or her office.


     (4) As used in this section, "nonprofit corporation" means a


domestic corporation, as that term is defined in section 106 of the


nonprofit corporation act, 1982 PA 162, MCL 450.2106.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 1116                                          


          of the 95th Legislature is enacted into law.