September 16, 2010, Introduced by Rep. Angerer and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to limit civil liability arising from motor vehicle


racing events; to allow exculpatory agreements that limit liability


arising from racing events; and to impose certain duties on


organizers of racing events.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "motor


sports liability act".


     Sec. 3. As used in this act:


     (a) "Child" means an individual who is less than 18 years of




     (b) "Exculpatory agreement" means a document that purports to


waive and release the signatory's, or an individual's on whose


behalf the signatory is signing, prospective claims for personal


injury, death, property damage, or other loss, including claims for


negligence, in connection with participation in motorsports


activities. Exculpatory agreement includes a waiver and release,


waiver of liability, or indemnity agreement.


     (c) "Motorsports activities" means an event or activity,


including practices or trials, that involves the use of or racing


of motor vehicles of any kind, regardless of whether the event or


activity is conducted at a motorsports facility.


     (d) "Motorsports facility" means land or a building,


structure, or area used for motorsports activities, including the


track on which and surrounding area in which a motorsports activity


or other event involving motor vehicles is held, including an area


designated as restricted to participants.


     (e) "Parent" means a biological parent, a guardian, a person


who has legal custody, a legal representative, a physical


custodian, or a responsible person.


     (f) "Participant" means any of the following:


     (i) An individual who is participating in motorsports


activities at a motorsports facility as a rider, passenger, or


driver, official, or owner of a vehicle or equipment used in


motorsports activities.


     (ii) An individual assisting an individual described in


subparagraph (i).


     (iii) An individual, including a spectator, who enters an area


of the motorsports facility that is restricted to participants.


     (g) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation,


association, governmental entity, or other legal entity.


     (h) "Releasee" means any of the following:


     (i) A promoter, participant, racing association, sanctioning


organization or a subdivision of a sanctioning organization, track


operator, track owner, official, car owner, driver, pit crew


member, rescue personnel, sponsor, advertiser, owner or lessee of


premises used to conduct the motorsports activities, premises or


event inspector, surveyor, underwriter, consultant, or other person


who gives recommendations, directions, or instructions to engage in


risk evaluation or loss control activities regarding the premises


or events.


     (ii) A director, officer, agent, or employee of a person


described in subparagraph (i).


     (iii) Any other person specified as a releasee in the


exculpatory agreement.


     Sec. 5. (1) An exculpatory agreement signed by or on behalf of


a participant in favor of a releasee is valid and enforceable


against any claim for personal injury, death, property damage, or


any other loss of the participant or anyone claiming on behalf of


and for the participant against the releasee.


     (2) An exculpatory agreement is valid and enforceable


notwithstanding a claim that the participant did not read,


understand, or comprehend the exculpatory agreement.


     (3) An exculpatory agreement is valid and enforceable


notwithstanding any claim that the formatting of the document was




     (4) This section does not preclude a party from asserting any


other relevant affirmative defenses or legal theories in an action,


including the doctrine of primary, implied assumption of the risk.


     (5) An exculpatory agreement is valid and enforceable


notwithstanding the illegality of any particular provision, term,


or definition contained in it. An exculpatory agreement shall be


considered to be severable, whether or not it contains an explicit


severability provision.


     (6) Regardless of whether an exculpatory agreement has been


executed, a public entity or public employee is not liable to a


participant for personal injury, death, property damage, or other


loss sustained during the person's participation in motorsports




     Sec. 7. A parent of a child may, on behalf of the child,


release or waive the child's prospective claims for personal


injury, death, property damage, or other loss suffered in


connection with motorsports activities by signing an exculpatory


agreement on behalf of the child.


     Sec. 9. (1) An exculpatory agreement executed under this


section that includes a provision in which the signatory agrees to


expressly assume the risks relative to participation in motorsports


activities is valid and enforceable and shall be construed as an


express assumption of the risk by the party executing the




     (2) A parent may execute an exculpatory agreement that


contains an express assumption of the risk provision on behalf of a


child. An express assumption of the risk provision in an


exculpatory agreement described in this subsection is valid and


enforceable against the child.