September 10, 2009, Introduced by Rep. Cushingberry and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy.


     A bill to amend 1993 PA 327, entitled


"Tobacco products tax act,"


by amending sections 2 and 7 (MCL 205.422 and 205.427), section 2


as amended by 2005 PA 238 and section 7 as amended by 2008 PA 458.




     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Cigarette" means a roll for smoking made wholly or in


part of tobacco, irrespective of size or shape and irrespective of


the tobacco being flavored, adulterated, or mixed with any other


ingredient, which roll has a wrapper or cover made of paper or any


other material. Cigarette does not include cigars and little




     (b) "Commissioner" means the state treasurer.


     (c) "Counterfeit cigarette" means a cigarette in an individual


package of cigarettes or other container with a false manufacturing


label or a cigarette in an individual package of cigarettes or


other container with a counterfeit stamp.


     (d) "Counterfeit cigarette paper" means a cigarette paper with


a false manufacturing label or that has not been printed,


manufactured, or made by authority of the trademark owner.


     (e) "Counterfeit stamp" means any stamp, label, or print,


indicium, or character, that evidences, or purports to evidence,


the payment of any tax levied under this act and that has not been


printed, manufactured, or made by authority of the department as


provided in this act and has not been issued, sold, or circulated


by the department.


     (f) "Department" means the department of treasury.


     (g) "Financially sound" means a determination by the


department that the wholesaler or unclassified acquirer is able to


pay for its stamps in the ordinary course of business based on


criteria including, but not limited to, all of the following:


     (i) Past filing and payment history with the department.


     (ii) Outstanding liabilities.


     (iii) Review of current financial statements including, but not


limited to, balance sheets and income statements.


     (iv) Duration that the wholesaler or unclassified acquirer has


been licensed under this act.


     (h) "Gray market cigarette" means any cigarette the package of


which bears any statement, label, stamp, sticker, or notice


indicating that the manufacturer did not intend the cigarettes to


be sold, distributed, or used in the United States, including, but


not limited to, a label stating "For Export Only", "U.S. Tax


Exempt", "For Use Outside U.S.", or similar wording.


     (i) "Gray market cigarette paper" means any cigarette paper


the package of which bears any statement, label, stamp, sticker, or


notice indicating that the manufacturer did not intend the


cigarette papers to be sold, distributed, or used in the United


States, including, but not limited to, a label stating "For Export


Only", "U.S. Tax Exempt", "For Use Outside U.S.", "For Use in


______________ (another country) Only", or similar wording.


     (j) "Individual package" means an individual packet or pack


used to contain or to convey cigarettes to the consumer. Individual


package does not include cartons, cases, or shipping or storage


containers that contain smaller packaging units of cigarettes.


     (k) "Licensee" means a person licensed under this act.


     (l) "Little cigar" means any roll for smoking made wholly or in


part of tobacco that is not a cigarette, that is wrapped in any


substance containing tobacco, other than natural leaf tobacco


wrapper, and that weighs 4-1/2 pounds or less per 1,000.


     (m) (l) "Manufacturer" means a person who manufactures or


produces a tobacco product.


     (n) "Moist snuff" means any finely cut, ground, or powdered


tobacco that is intended to be smoked but shall not include any


finely cut, ground, or powdered tobacco that is intended to be


placed in the nasal cavity.


     (o) (m) "Noncigarette smoking tobacco" means tobacco sold in


loose or bulk form that is intended for consumption by smoking and


includes roll-your-own cigarette tobacco and moist snuff.


     (p) (n) "Person" means an individual, partnership, fiduciary,


association, limited liability company, corporation, or other legal




     (q) (o) "Place of business" means a place where a tobacco


product is sold or where a tobacco product is brought or kept for


the purpose of sale or consumption, including a vessel, airplane,


train, or vending machine.


     (r) (p) "Retailer" means a person other than a transportation


company who operates a place of business for the purpose of making


sales of a tobacco product at retail.


     (s) (q) "Sale" means a transaction by which the ownership of


tangible personal property is transferred for consideration and


applies also to use, gifts, exchanges, barter, and theft.


     (t) (r) "Secondary wholesaler" means a person who sells a


tobacco product for resale, who purchases a tobacco product from a


wholesaler or unclassified acquirer licensed under this act, and


who maintains an established place of business in this state where


a substantial portion of the business is the sale of tobacco


products and related merchandise at wholesale, and where at all


times a substantial stock of tobacco products and related


merchandise is available to retailers for resale.


     (u) (s) "Smokeless tobacco" means snuff, chewing tobacco, and


any other tobacco that is intended to be consumed by means other


than smoking.


     (v) (t) "Stamp" means a distinctive character, indication, or


mark, as determined by the department, attached or affixed to an


individual package of cigarettes by mechanical device or other


means authorized by the department to indicate that the tax imposed


under this act has been paid.


     (w) (u) "Stamping agent" means a wholesaler or unclassified


acquirer other than a manufacturer who is licensed and authorized


by the department to affix stamps to individual packages of


cigarettes on behalf of themselves and other wholesalers or


unclassified acquirers other than manufacturers.


     (x) (v) "Tobacco product" means cigarettes, cigars, little


cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco, or smokeless tobacco.


     (y) (w) "Transportation company" means a person operating, or


supplying to common carriers, cars, boats, or other vehicles for


the transportation or accommodation of passengers and engaged in


the sale of a tobacco product at retail.


     (z) (x) "Transporter" means a person importing or transporting


into this state, or transporting in this state, a tobacco product


obtained from a source located outside this state, or from any


person not duly licensed under this act. Transporter does not


include an interstate commerce carrier licensed by the interstate


commerce commission to carry commodities in interstate commerce, or


a licensee maintaining a warehouse or place of business outside of


this state if the warehouse or place of business is licensed under


this act.


     (aa) (y) "Unclassified acquirer" means a person, except a


transportation company or a purchaser at retail from a retailer


licensed under the general sales tax act, 1933 PA 167, MCL 205.51


to 205.78, who imports or acquires a tobacco product from a source


other than a wholesaler or secondary wholesaler licensed under this


act for use, sale, or distribution. Unclassified acquirer also


means a person who receives cigars, little cigars, noncigarette


smoking tobacco, or smokeless tobacco directly from a manufacturer


licensed under this act or from another source outside this state,


which source is not licensed under this act. An unclassified


acquirer does not include a wholesaler.


     (bb) (z) "Vending machine operator" means a person who


operates 1 or more vending machines for the sale of a tobacco


product and who purchases a tobacco product from a manufacturer,


licensed wholesaler, or secondary wholesaler.


     (cc) (aa) "Wholesale price" means the actual price paid for a


tobacco product, including any tax, by a wholesaler or unclassified


acquirer to a manufacturer, excluding any discounts or reductions.


     (dd) (bb) "Wholesaler" means a person who purchases all or


part of his or her tobacco products from a manufacturer, who sells


75% or more of those tobacco products to others for resale, and who


maintains an established business where substantially all of the


business is the sale of tobacco products or cigarettes and related


merchandise at wholesale and where at all times a substantial stock


of tobacco products and related merchandise is available to


retailers for resale. Wholesaler includes a chain of stores


retailing a tobacco product to the consumer if 75% of its stock of


tobacco products is purchased directly from the manufacturer.


     Sec. 7. (1) Beginning May 1, 1994, a tax is levied on the sale


of tobacco products sold in this state as follows:


     (a) Through July 31, 2002, for cigars, noncigarette smoking


tobacco, and smokeless tobacco, 16% of the wholesale price.


     (b) For cigarettes, 37.5 mills per cigarette.


     (c) Beginning August 1, 2002, for cigarettes, in addition to


the tax levied in subdivision (b), an additional 15 mills per




     (d) Beginning August 1, 2002, for cigarettes, in addition to


the tax levied in subdivisions (b) and (c), an additional 10 mills


per cigarette.


     (e) Beginning July 1, 2004, for cigarettes, in addition to the


tax levied in subdivisions (b), (c), and (d), an additional 37.5


mills per cigarette.


     (f) Beginning August 1, 2002 and through June 30, 2004, for


cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco, and smokeless tobacco, 20% of


the wholesale price.


     (g) Beginning July 1, 2004, for cigars, little cigars,


noncigarette smoking tobacco, and smokeless tobacco, 32% of the


wholesale price.


     (2) On or before the twentieth day of each calendar month,


every licensee under section 3 other than a retailer, unclassified


acquirer licensed as a manufacturer, or vending machine operator


shall file a return with the department stating the wholesale price


of each tobacco product other than cigarettes purchased, the


quantity of cigarettes purchased, the wholesale price charged for


all tobacco products other than cigarettes sold, the number of


individual packages of cigarettes and the number of cigarettes in


those individual packages, and the number and denominations of


stamps affixed to individual packages of cigarettes sold by the


licensee for each place of business in the preceding calendar


month. The return shall also include the number and denomination of


unaffixed stamps in the possession of the licensee at the end of


the preceding calendar month. Wholesalers shall also report


accurate inventories of cigarettes, both stamped and unstamped at


the end of the preceding calendar month. Wholesalers and


unclassified acquirers shall also report accurate inventories of


affixed and unaffixed stamps by denomination at the beginning and


end of each calendar month and all stamps acquired during the


preceding calendar month. The return shall be signed under penalty


of perjury. The return shall be on a form prescribed by the


department and shall contain or be accompanied by any further


information the department requires.


     (3) To cover the cost of expenses incurred in the


administration of this act, at the time of the filing of the


return, the licensee shall pay to the department the tax levied in


subsection (1) for tobacco products sold during the calendar month


covered by the return, less compensation equal to both of the




     (a) One percent of the total amount of the tax due on tobacco


products sold other than cigarettes.


     (b) Through July 31, 2002, 1.25% of the total amount of the


tax due on cigarettes sold.


     (c) Beginning August 1, 2002, 1.5% of the total amount of the


tax due on cigarettes sold.


     (4) Every licensee and retailer who, on August 1, 2002, has on


hand for sale any cigarettes upon which a tax has been paid


pursuant to subsection (1)(b) shall file a complete inventory of


those cigarettes before September 1, 2002 and shall pay to the


department at the time of filing this inventory a tax equal to the


difference between the tax imposed in subsection (1)(b), (c), and


(d) and the tax that has been paid under subsection (1)(b). Every


licensee and retailer who, on August 1, 2002, has on hand for sale


any cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco, or smokeless tobacco upon


which a tax has been paid pursuant to subsection (1)(a) shall file


a complete inventory of those cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco,


and smokeless tobacco before September 1, 2002 and shall pay to the


department at the time of filing this inventory a tax equal to the


difference between the tax imposed in subsection (1)(f) and the tax


that has been paid under subsection (1)(a).


     (5) Every licensee and retailer who, on July 1, 2004, has on


hand for sale any cigarettes upon which a tax has been paid


pursuant to subsection (1)(b), (c), and (d) shall file a complete


inventory of those cigarettes before August 1, 2004 and shall pay


to the department at the time of filing this inventory a tax equal


to the difference between the tax imposed in subsection (1)(b),


(c), (d), and (e) and the tax that has been paid under subsection


(1)(b), (c), and (d). Every licensee and retailer who, on July 1,


2004, has on hand for sale any cigars, noncigarette smoking


tobacco, or smokeless tobacco upon which a tax has been paid


pursuant to subsection (1)(f) shall file a complete inventory of


those cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco, and smokeless tobacco


before August 1, 2004 and shall pay to the department at the time


of filing this inventory a tax equal to the difference between the


tax imposed in subsection (1)(g) and the tax that has been paid


under subsection (1)(f). The proceeds derived under this subsection


shall be credited to the medicaid benefits trust fund created under


section 5 of the Michigan trust fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.255.


     (6) The department may require the payment of the tax imposed


by this act upon the importation or acquisition of a tobacco


product. A tobacco product for which the tax under this act has


once been imposed and that has not been refunded if paid is not


subject upon a subsequent sale to the tax imposed by this act.


     (7) An abatement or refund of the tax provided by this act may


be made by the department for causes the department considers


expedient. The department shall certify the amount and the state


treasurer shall pay that amount out of the proceeds of the tax.


     (8) A person liable for the tax may reimburse itself by adding


to the price of the tobacco products an amount equal to the tax


levied under this act.


     (9) A wholesaler, unclassified acquirer, or other person shall


not sell or transfer any unaffixed stamps acquired by the


wholesaler or unclassified acquirer from the department. A


wholesaler or unclassified acquirer who has any unaffixed stamps on


hand at the time its license is revoked or expires, or at the time


it discontinues the business of selling cigarettes, shall return


those stamps to the department. The department shall refund the


value of the stamps, less the appropriate discount paid.


     (10) If the wholesaler or unclassified acquirer has unsalable


packs returned from a retailer, secondary wholesaler, vending


machine operator, wholesaler, or unclassified acquirer with stamps


affixed, the department shall refund the amount of the tax less the


appropriate discount paid. If the wholesaler or unclassified


acquirer has unaffixed unsalable stamps, the department shall


exchange with the wholesaler or unclassified acquirer new stamps in


the same quantity as the unaffixed unsalable stamps. An application


for refund of the tax shall be filed on a form prescribed by the


department for that purpose, within 4 years from the date the


stamps were originally acquired from the department. A wholesaler


or unclassified acquirer shall make available for inspection by the


department the unused or spoiled stamps and the stamps affixed to


unsalable individual packages of cigarettes. The department may, at


its own discretion, witness and certify the destruction of the


unused or spoiled stamps and unsalable individual packages of


cigarettes that are not returnable to the manufacturer. The


wholesaler or unclassified acquirer shall provide certification


from the manufacturer for any unsalable individual packages of


cigarettes that are returned to the manufacturer.


     (11) On or before the twentieth of each month, each


manufacturer shall file a report with the department listing all


sales of tobacco products to wholesalers and unclassified acquirers


during the preceding calendar month and any other information the


department finds necessary for the administration of this act. This


report shall be in the form and manner specified by the department.


     (12) Each wholesaler or unclassified acquirer shall submit to


the department an unstamped cigarette sales report on or before the


twentieth day of each month covering the sale, delivery, or


distribution of unstamped cigarettes during the preceding calendar


month to points outside of Michigan. A separate schedule shall be


filed for each state, country, or province into which shipments are


made. For purposes of the report described in this subsection,


"unstamped cigarettes" means individual packages of cigarettes that


do not bear a Michigan stamp. The department may provide the


information contained in this report to a proper officer of another


state, country, or province reciprocating in this privilege.