March 11, 2009, Introduced by Rep. Hansen and referred to the Committee on Education.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending section 52706 (MCL 324.52706), as amended by 2006 PA






     Sec. 52706. (1) The department, the department of treasury, or


a state officer having charge of state land, may sell homestead,


tax, swamp, or primary school land to a public agency for forestry


purposes, at a price set by the department, department of treasury,


or other state officer. However, the amount of land sold shall not


exceed the amount that may be necessary for the public agency, and


any land that is sold shall be suitable for and used solely for a


forestry purpose unless conveyed as provided in this section. Land


sold to a public agency under this section or section 6 of former


1931 PA 217 shall be used only for a forestry purpose if the land


is prime land. When the prime land is no longer used for a forestry


purpose, the land shall revert to this state.


     (2) Except as provided in subsection (6), the department shall


relinquish a reversionary interest in municipal forestland,


conveyed to a public agency under this section or section 6 of


former 1931 PA 217 before October 12, 2004, within 90 days after


the department receives, on a form prescribed by the department, a


written request for relinquishment from the public agency that owns


the municipal forestland subject to the reversionary interest. The


department shall relinquish its reversionary interest by an


instrument approved by the department of attorney general and


recorded by the department with the register of deeds of the county


where the municipal forestland is located. The instrument shall


include provisions implementing subsections (3) through (9). The


department may charge the public agency an amount equal to the


charge for recording the release.


     (3) Beginning 4 years after the effective date of the 2006


amendatory act that amended this subsection June 6, 2010, a public


agency to which a reversionary interest was relinquished under


subsection (2) shall not convey the municipal forestland formerly


subject to the reversionary interest unless the conveyance is


approved by the department.


     (4) Subject to subsection (5), a public agency to which a


reversionary interest was relinquished under subsection (2) and any


public agency that is a successor in interest shall not convey the


municipal forestland formerly subject to the reversionary interest,


or any part thereof, unless the conveyance is to a public agency


for $1.00 or to a public agency or any other person for fair market


value. If the conveyance is to a public agency for $1.00, the deed


shall recite "MCL 324.52706 requires an accounting and specifies


how proceeds are to be distributed when the property is


subsequently conveyed for fair market value." If the conveyance is


to a public agency or any other person for fair market value, the


public agency conveying the property shall have an accounting


taken, shall retain 50% of the proceeds, or 90% of the proceeds if


that public agency is a school district, and shall submit the


remaining 50% of the proceeds to the department of treasury. for


deposit The 90% of the proceeds retained by a school district shall


be deposited into an endowment fund from which the school district


may expend only interest and earnings from fund investments.


Proceeds received by the department of treasury under this


subsection shall be deposited as follows:


     (a) The first $18,000,000.00 in total proceeds from all such


conveyances shall be deposited in the general fund.


     (b) Any proceeds in excess of $18,000,000.00 shall be


deposited in the fire protection fund created in section 732a of


the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.732a.


     (5) Once the municipal forestland or part thereof formerly


subject to a reversionary interest is conveyed for fair market


value and an accounting is taken and the proceeds are distributed


as provided under subsection (4), subsection (4) does not apply to


subsequent conveyances of that municipal forestland or part


thereof, respectively.


     (6) Subsection (2) does not apply to prime land.


     (7) A public agency to which a reversionary interest is


relinquished under subsection (2) shall not convey the municipal


forestland formerly subject to the reversionary interest to a third


person unless the public agency has conducted a public hearing on


the proposed conveyance. The public agency may conduct a second


public hearing on the proposed conveyance if the public agency


determines that a second public hearing may be necessary. Notice of


a public hearing under this subsection shall be published at least


twice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or


counties where the municipal forestland is located, not more than


28 or less than 7 days before the hearing. The notice shall


describe where the municipal forestland is located, specify the


approximate size of the municipal forestland, describe its current


use, and identify the person to whom the municipal forestland is


proposed to be sold, if known. The public agency shall provide a


copy of the notice to the director of the department not less than


7 days before the hearing.


     (8) The requirements of subsection (7) do not relieve the


public agency of any notice, hearing, or other requirements imposed


by any other law.


     (9) If, before 4 years after the effective date of the 2006


amendatory act that amended this subsection June 6, 2010, municipal


forestland formerly subject to a reversionary interest that was


relinquished under subsection (2) is conveyed by a public agency,


the public agency shall notify the department within 60 days of the


conveyance. Notice of the conveyance shall be in a form prescribed


by the department.


     (10) If municipal forestland was conveyed to a public agency


under this section or section 6 of former 1931 PA 217 and the


municipal forestland is subsequently conveyed by the public agency


to the department, then, for purposes of subparts 13 and 14 of part


21, the municipal forestland shall not be considered to have been


reacquired by the department on or after January 1, 1933 for


natural resource purposes unless the municipal forestland was


originally acquired by the department on or after January 1, 1933


for natural resource purposes.


     (11) As used in this section:


     (a) "Basal area" means the sum of the cross-sectional area of


trees 4 inches or greater in diameter measured at 4.5 feet from the


highest ground at the base of each tree.


     (b) "Municipal forestland" means homestead, tax, swamp, or


primary school land sold to a public agency under this section or


section 6 of former 1931 PA 217 solely for a forestry purpose.


     (c) "Prime land" means municipal forestland that meets 1 or


more of the following requirements:


     (i) Is within a boundary of a program administered by the




     (ii) Provides access to a public body of water.


     (iii) Is not less than 121 acres in size and, at any time during


the preceding 10 years, had a basal area of not less than 90 square


feet per acre.


     (d) "Public agency" means a school district, public


educational institution, governmental unit of this state or agency


of this state, or a municipality.


     (12) The use in this section of the phrase "this section or


section 6 of former 1931 PA 217" does not imply that the term "this


section" as used elsewhere in this act does not include the


relevant section as it existed in former law codified in this act.