February 24, 2009, Introduced by Rep. Hildenbrand and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.


     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending sections 16184 and 16185 (MCL 333.16184 and 333.16185),


section 16184 as amended by 2006 PA 591 and section 16185 as added


by 2006 PA 25.




     Sec. 16184. (1) An individual who is retired from the active


practice of medicine, osteopathic medicine and surgery, podiatric


medicine and surgery, chiropractic, or dentistry and who wishes to


donate his or her expertise for the medical, chiropractic, or


dental care and treatment of indigent and needy individuals in this


state or for the medical, chiropractic, or dental care and


treatment of individuals in medically underserved areas of this


state may obtain a special volunteer license to engage in the


practice of medicine, osteopathic medicine and surgery, podiatric


medicine and surgery, chiropractic, or dentistry by submitting an


application to the board pursuant to this section. An application


for a special volunteer license shall be on a form provided by the


department and shall include each of the following:


     (a) Documentation that the individual has been previously


licensed to engage in the practice of medicine, osteopathic


medicine and surgery, podiatric medicine and surgery, chiropractic,


or dentistry in this state and that his or her license was in good


standing prior to the expiration of his or her license.


     (b) Acknowledgment and documentation that the applicant will


not receive any payment or compensation, either direct or indirect,


or have the expectation of any payment or compensation, for any


medical, chiropractic, or dental care services provided under the


special volunteer license.


     (c) If the applicant has been out of practice for 3 or more


years, documentation that, during the 3 years immediately preceding


the application, he or she has attended at least 2/3 of the


continuing education courses or programs required under part 170,


175, 180, 164, or 166 for the renewal of a license.


     (2) If the board determines that the application of the


individual satisfies the requirements of subsection (1) and that


the individual meets the requirements for a license as prescribed


by this article and rules promulgated under this article, the board


shall grant a special volunteer license to the applicant. A


licensee seeking renewal under this section shall provide the board


with an updated acknowledgment and documentation as described under


subsection (1)(b). Except as otherwise provided under this


subsection, the board shall not charge a fee for the issuance or


renewal of a special volunteer license under this section.


     (3) Except as otherwise provided under this subsection, an


individual who is granted a special volunteer license pursuant to


this section and who accepts the privilege of practicing medicine,


osteopathic medicine and surgery, podiatric medicine and surgery,


chiropractic, or dentistry in this state is subject to all of the


provisions of this article, including those provisions concerning


continuing education and disciplinary action.


     (4) For purposes of this section, an individual is considered


retired from practice if the individual's license has expired with


the individual's intention of ceasing to engage in the practice of


medicine, osteopathic medicine and surgery, podiatric medicine and


surgery, chiropractic, or dentistry for remuneration.


     Sec. 16185. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a physician an


individual who provides medical, chiropractic, or dental care under


a special volunteer license granted under section 16184 is not


liable in a civil action for personal injury or death proximately


caused by the professional negligence or malpractice of the


physician volunteer licensee in providing the care if both of the


following apply:


     (a) The care is provided at a health facility or agency that


provides at least 75% of its care annually to medically indigent




     (b) The physician licensee does not receive and does not


intend to receive compensation for providing the care.


     (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the negligent conduct or


malpractice of the physician volunteer licensee is gross




     (3) As used in this section:


     (a) "Gross negligence" means conduct so reckless as to


demonstrate a substantial lack of concern for whether an injury




     (b) "Medically indigent individual" means that term as defined


in section 106 of the social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.106.