SB-1147, As Passed Senate, June 23, 2010


























     A bill to amend 1966 PA 346, entitled


"State housing development authority act of 1966,"


by amending sections 59 and 59a (MCL 125.1459 and 125.1459a), as


added by 2008 PA 456.




     Sec. 59. (1) The definitions in section 11 apply to this


chapter unless otherwise provided in this chapter.


     (2) As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Area median income" means the median income for the area


as determined under section 8 of the United States housing act of


1937, 42 USC 1437f, adjusted for family size.


     (b) "Income" means an amount determined in a manner consistent


with the determination of lower income families under section 8 of


the United States housing act of 1937, 42 USC 1437f.


     (c) "Supportive housing property" means property that meets


all of the following requirements:


     (i) Is owned by an organization exempt under section 501(c)(3)


of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 501, or by a nonprofit housing


corporation organized under chapter 4.


     (ii) All living units are occupied by 1 or more persons each


having incomes at or below 30% of the area median income and who


each individually receive services for not less than 1 hour per


month either directly from or contracted for by an organization


identified in subparagraph (i), which services include, but are not


limited to, mental health, substance abuse, counseling, and


assistance with daily living.


     (iii) Consists of not more than 6 individual living units.


     (d) "Individual living unit" means an accommodation containing


a living area, 1 to 4 sleeping areas, bathing and sanitation


facilities, and cooking facilities equipped with a cooking range,


refrigerator, and sink, all of which are separate and distinct from


any other accommodations. An individual living unit may be served


by heating or cooling facilities that also serve additional units.


An individual unit shall not provide housing for more than 6




     Sec. 59a. (1) The owner of supportive housing property shall


file with the local assessing officer a notification of that


status, which shall be in an affidavit form as provided by the


authority. The completed affidavit form first shall be submitted to


the authority before November 1 of the year preceding the tax year


in which the exemption is to begin for certification by the


authority that the project is supportive housing property. The


owner then shall file the certified notification of the exemption


with the local assessing officer before November December 1 of the


year preceding the tax year in which the exemption is to begin. The


authority shall not accept any affidavits filed with it for


certification on or after November 1 of any year.


     (2) An owner of property for which certification as supportive


housing property is denied or a local unit of government in which


property certified as supportive housing property is located may


appeal the authority's determination to the circuit court of the


county in which the property is located.


     (3) The authority shall certify property as supportive housing


property on a first-come, first-served basis. However, The


authority shall not certify more than 250 individual living units


in each year, and not more than 25% of the number of living 62


units that may be certified as supportive housing property for a


year can be in a single county. If by October November 1 of that


any year the total number of living units that the authority has


certified for that year is less fewer than the 250 living units,


authorized in subsection (1), the authority may, certify living


units on a first-come, first-served basis in counties that received


25% of the living units for that year. subject to the annual state-


wide limit of 250 living units, certify additional living units in


any county that had previously reached the 62-unit limit. This


certification shall be on a first-come, first-served basis, based


on affidavits filed with the authority before November 1 of that


year, but after the county involved reached the 62-unit limit. If


not all of the affidavits can be certified without reaching the


250-unit limit, and the date and time of the filing of those


affidavits does not establish which were filed earliest, the


authority shall select and certify affidavits within that group


randomly, keeping a balance of certified units among counties that


have more than 62 certified units.