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Senate Bill 1147 (Substitute S-1 as reported)
Sponsor: Senator Mark C. Jansen
Committee: Finance
The bill would amend the State Housing Development Authority Act to do the following in regard to supportive housing property:
-- Limit the number of individual living units that may be certified by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) to 250 each year.
-- Limit the number of living units certified in a county to 62, and provide for the certification of additional units among counties that had reached that cap, subject to the 250 maximum.
-- Require property owners to submit an affidavit form to MSHDA for certification before November 1 of the year before the exemption would begin, and to file a certified affidavit with the local assessing officer before December 1.
-- Define "individual living unit", and include property owned by a nonprofit housing corporation in the definition of "supportive housing property".
-- Delete a provision allowing certification or the denial of certification as supportive housing property to be appealed to the circuit court.
Under current law, supportive housing property is exempt from the tax levied by a local school district for school operating purposes, if the property owner claims an exemption by filing an affidavit with the local tax collecting unit. The property owner first must submit an affidavit form to MSHDA for certification that the property is supportive housing property.
MCL 125.1459 & 125.1459a Legislative Analyst: Suzanne Lowe
To the extent that the legislation led to a higher level of investment in supportive housing unit facilities and dwellings than otherwise would have occurred, the additional activity would represent a potential loss of school operating taxes within the affected jurisdictions. The State also would potentially incur increased expenditures due to the need to replace lost school operating property taxes.
The bill would have no fiscal impact on MSHDA, which already has a system in place to certify supportive housing units.
Date Completed: 6-15-10 Fiscal Analyst: Elizabeth Pratt
Eric Scorsone
Maria Tyszkiewicz
Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb1147/0910