September 11, 2008, Introduced by Rep. Clack and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform.


     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending the heading of part 129 and sections 12601, 12603,


12611, 12613, 12614, 12905, and 12915 (MCL 333.12601, 333.12603,


333.12611, 333.12613, 333.12614, 333.12905, and 333.12915),


sections 12601 and 12613 as amended by 1988 PA 315, sections 12603


and 12611 as amended by 1993 PA 217, section 12614 as added by 1988


PA 296, section 12905 as amended by 1993 PA 242, and section 12915


as amended by 1982 PA 526, and by adding section 12606; and to


repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 12601. (1) As used in this part:


     (a) "Child caring institution" and "child care center" mean


those terms as defined in section 1 of Act No. 116 of the Public


Acts of 1973, being section 722.111 of the Michigan Compiled Laws


1973 PA 116, MCL 722.111.


     (b) "County medical care facility" means that term as defined


in section 20104.


     (c) "Educational facility" means a building owned, leased, or


under the control of a public or private school system, college, or




     (d) "Food service establishment" means a food service


establishment as defined in section 12901 12905.


     (e) "Health facility" means a health facility or agency


licensed under article 17, except a home for the aged, nursing


home, county medical care facility, hospice, or hospital long-term


care unit.


     (f) "Home for the aged" means that term as defined in section




     (g) "Hospice" means that term as defined in section 20106.


     (h) "Hospital long-term care unit" means that term as defined


in section 20106.


     (i) "Licensed premises" means any portion of a building,


structure, room, or enclosure in which alcoholic liquor may be sold


for consumption on the premises pursuant to a license issued by the


Michigan liquor control commission.


     (i) (j) "Meeting" means a meeting as defined in section 2 of


the open meetings act, Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976,


being section 15.262 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 1976 PA 267, MCL




     (j) (k) "Nursing home" means that term as defined in section




     (k) "Place of employment" means an enclosed indoor area that


contains 1 or more work areas for 1 or more persons employed by a


public or private employer. Place of employment does not include


any of the following:


     (i) A structure used primarily as the residence of the owner or


lessee that is also used as an office for the owner or lessee.


     (ii) A food service establishment that is subject to section




     (l) "Public body" means a public body as defined in section 2


of the open meetings act, Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976


1976 PA 267, MCL 15.262.


     (m) "Public place" , except as otherwise provided in


subsection (2), means both any of the following:


     (i) An enclosed, indoor area owned or operated by a state or


local governmental agency and used by the general public or serving


as a place of work for public employees or a meeting place for a


public body, including an office, educational facility, home for


the aged, nursing home, county medical care facility, hospice,


hospital long-term care unit, auditorium, arena, meeting room, or


public conveyance.


     (ii) An enclosed, indoor area which that is not owned or


operated by a state or local governmental agency, is used by the


general public, and is 1 any of the following:


     (A) An educational facility.


     (B) A home for the aged, nursing home, county medical care


facility, hospice, or hospital long-term care unit.


     (C) An auditorium.


     (D) An arena.


     (E) A theater.


     (F) A museum.


     (G) A concert hall.


     (H) Any other facility during the period of its use for a


performance or exhibit of the arts.


     (iii) A place of employment.


     (n) "Smoking" or "smoke" means the carrying by a person


burning of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted


smoking device matter or substance that contains a tobacco product.


     (o) "Smoking paraphernalia" means any equipment, apparatus, or


furnishing that is used in or necessary for the activity of




     (p) "Tobacco product" means a product that contains tobacco


and is intended for human consumption, including, but not limited


to, cigarettes, noncigarette smoking tobacco, or smokeless tobacco,


as those terms are defined in section 2 of the tobacco products tax


act, 1993 PA 327, MCL 205.422, and cigars.


     (q) "Work area" means a site within a place of employment at


which 1 or more employees perform services for an employer.


     (2) Public place does not include a private, enclosed room or


office occupied exclusively by a smoker, even if the room or


enclosed office may be visited by a nonsmoker.


     (2) (3) In addition, article 1 contains general definitions


and principles of construction applicable to all articles of this




     Sec. 12603. (1) Except as otherwise provided by law, A state


or local governmental agency or the person who owns or operates a


public place shall not allow smoking in the public place, and an


individual shall not smoke in a public place or at a meeting of a


public body. , except in a designated smoking area.


     (2) This section does not apply to a room, hall, or building


used for a private function if the seating arrangements are under


the control of the sponsor of the function and not under the


control of the state or local governmental agency or the person who


owns or operates the room, hall, or building.


     (3) This section does not apply to a food service


establishment or to licensed premises.


     (4) This section shall not apply to a private educational


facility after regularly scheduled school hours.


     (2) "No smoking" signs or the international "no smoking"


symbol shall be clearly and conspicuously posted at the entrances


to and in every building or other area where smoking is prohibited


under this section. The owner, operator, manager, or person having


control of the building or other area shall post the signs. The


owner, operator, manager, or person having control of the area


shall remove all ashtrays and other smoking paraphernalia from


anywhere smoking is prohibited under this section. The owner,


operator, manager, or person having control of the area shall


inform persons smoking in violation of this act that they are in


violation of state law and subject to penalties.


     Sec. 12606. An employer or a food service establishment shall


not take any retaliatory or adverse personnel action against an


employee or applicant for employment on the basis of the


individual's exercise of or attempt to exercise his or her rights


under this part with respect to place of employment or part 129


with respect to food service establishments. Each employer subject


to this part and each food service establishment subject to part


129 shall adopt, implement, publish, maintain, and modify to


reflect any changes a written nonsmoking policy. The employer or


food service establishment shall prominently post the nonsmoking


policy in the workplace and, within 3 weeks of its adoption, shall


disseminate the policy to all employees and to new employees when


hired. The employer or food service establishment shall supply a


written copy of the nonsmoking policy upon request to any employee


or applicant for employment. The employer or food service


establishment shall provide a copy of the nonsmoking policy to the


department upon request. The employer or food service establishment


shall include the following in the written policy required under


this subsection:


     (a) That smoking is prohibited as required in this section or


section 12905.


     (b) That an employee or applicant for employment who exercises


or attempts to exercise his or her rights with respect to place of


employment or with respect to food service establishments is


protected against retaliatory or adverse personnel action.


     Sec. 12611. A person who violates section 12603(1) or 12604a


or a person or state or local governmental agency that owns or


operates a public place and that violates section 12605 or 12607


this part or part 129 shall be directed to comply with this part


act and is subject to a civil fine of not more than $100.00 for a


first violation and not more than $500.00 for a second or


subsequent violation.


     Sec. 12613. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the department


shall enforce this part and part 129 and any rules promulgated


under this part or part 129 pursuant to sections 2262(2) and 2263.


In addition to the civil fine authorized under section 12611, the


department may enforce this part and part 129 and the any rules


promulgated under this part or part 129 through an action commenced


pursuant to section 2255 or any other appropriate action authorized


by law.


     (2) Pursuant to section 2235, the department may authorize a


local health department to enforce this part and part 129 and the


any rules promulgated under this part or part 129. A local health


department authorized to enforce this part and part 129 and the any


rules promulgated under this part or part 129 shall enforce this


part and part 129 and the any rules promulgated under this part or


part 129 pursuant to sections 2461(2) and 2462. In addition to the


civil fine authorized under section 12611, a local health


department may enforce this part and part 129 and the any rules


promulgated under this part or part 129 through an action commenced


pursuant to section 2465 or any other appropriate action authorized


by law.


     (3) In addition to any other enforcement action authorized by


law, a person alleging a violation of this part or part 129 may


bring a civil action for appropriate injunctive relief, if the


person has used the public place, child caring institution, or


child care center , health facility, or private practice office of


an individual who is licensed under article 15 within 60 days after


before the civil action is filed.


     (4) The remedies under this part are independent and


cumulative. The use of 1 remedy by a person shall not bar the use


of other lawful remedies by that person or the use of a lawful


remedy by another person.


     Sec. 12614. (1) The director shall report biennially to the


legislature on the effect and enforcement of this part and part


129. The report shall include, at a minimum, both of the following:


     (a) The policy of each state agency that has developed a


policy for the separation of smokers and nonsmokers.


     (b) Compliance compliance with section 12607 sections 12603


and 12905.


     (2) Upon request of the department, the director of the


department of management and budget annually shall report to the


department, at a minimum, all of the following:


     (a) A a list of each public place owned or operated by the


state .


     (b) Compliance and its compliance with section 12607 12603.


     (c) The smoking policy, if any, adopted by each public place


listed under subdivision (a).






     Sec. 12905. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,


all public areas of a A food service establishment shall be


nonsmoking not allow smoking, and an individual shall not smoke in


a food service establishment. A food service establishment shall


comply with section 12606. As used in this subsection, "public


area" includes, but is not limited to, a bathroom, a coatroom, and


an entrance or other area used by a patron when not seated at a


food service table or counter. Public area does not include the


lobby, waiting room, hallways, and lounge areas of a food service


establishment, but these areas are not required to be designated as


smoking areas.


     (2) Subject to subsection (3), a food service establishment


with a seating capacity of fewer than 50, whether or not it is


owned and operated by a private club, and a food service


establishment that is owned and operated by a private club may


designate up to 75% of its seating capacity as seating for smokers.


A food service establishment with a seating capacity of 50 or more


that is not owned or operated by a private club may designate up to


50% of its seating capacity as seating for smokers. A food service


establishment that designates seating for smokers shall clearly


identify the seats for nonsmokers as nonsmoking, place the seats


for nonsmokers in close proximity to each other, and locate the


seats for nonsmokers so as not to discriminate against nonsmokers.


     (3) A food service establishment shall not use the definition


of seating capacity and the exemption from that definition set


forth in subsection (9)(c) to increase the amount of seating for


smokers above 75%.


     (2) (4) In addition to a food service establishment that


provides its own seating, subsections (1), (2), and (3) also apply


subsection (1) applies to a food service establishment or group of


food service establishments that are located in a shopping mall


where in which the seating for the food service establishment or


group of food service establishments is provided or maintained, or


both, by the person who owns or operates the shopping mall. As used


in this subsection, "shopping mall" means a shopping center with


stores facing an enclosed mall.


     (3) (5) The director, an authorized representative of the


director, or a representative of a local health department to which


the director has delegated responsibility for enforcement of this


part shall , in accordance with R 325.25902 of the Michigan


administrative code, inspect each food service establishment that


is subject to this section. The inspecting entity shall determine


compliance with this section during each inspection.


     (4) (6) The department or a local health department shall


utilize compliance or notify the department of agriculture of any


noncompliance with this section or with rules promulgated to


implement this section. The department of agriculture may use


compliance or noncompliance with this section or any rules


promulgated to implement this section as criteria in the


determination of whether to deny, suspend, limit, or revoke a


license pursuant to section 12907(1) issued under the food law of


2000, 2000 PA 92, MCL 289.1101 to 289.8111.


     (5) (7) Within 5 days after receipt of a written complaint of


violation of this section, a local health department shall


investigate the complaint to determine compliance. If a violation


of this section is identified and not corrected as ordered by the


local health department within 2 days after receipt of the order by


the food service establishment, the local health officer may issue


an order to cease food service operations until compliance with


this section is achieved.


     (8) This section does not apply to a private facility that is


serviced by a catering kitchen or to a separate room in a food


service establishment that is used for private banquets. This


section does not apply to a food service establishment that is


owned and operated by a fraternal organization, if service is


limited to members of the fraternal organization and their guests.


     (6) "No smoking" signs or the international "no smoking"


symbol shall be clearly and conspicuously posted at the entrance to


and in every building or other area where smoking is prohibited


under this section. The owner, operator, manager, or person having


control of the building or other area shall post the signs. The


owner, operator, manager, or person having control of the area


shall remove all ashtrays and other smoking paraphernalia from any


area where smoking is prohibited under this section. The owner,


operator, manager, or person having control of the area shall


inform persons smoking in violation of this act that they are in


violation of state law and subject to penalties.


     (7) (9) As used in this section:


     (a) "Bar" means that term as defined in section 2a of the


Michigan liquor control act, Act No. 8 of the Public Acts of the


Extra Session of 1933, being section 436.2a of the Michigan


Compiled Laws.


     (b) "Room" means an area that is physically distinct from the


main dining area of a food service establishment and from which


smoke cannot pass into the main dining area.


     (c) "Seating capacity" means the actual number of seats for


patrons in a food service establishment. Seating capacity does not


include seats located at a bar or seats at tables that are located


adjacent to a bar, if meals are not served at those tables.


     (a) "Food service establishment" means that term as defined in


section 1107 of the food law of 2000, 2000 PA 92, MCL 289.1107.


     (b) "Shopping mall" means a shopping center with stores facing


an enclosed mall.


     (c) (d) "Smoking", means the carrying by an individual of a


lighted cigar, cigarette, or other lighted smoking device "smoking


paraphernalia", and "tobacco product" mean those terms as defined


in section 12601.


     Sec. 12915. A county, city, village, or township shall not


regulate those aspects of food service establishments or vending


machines which are subject to regulation under this part except to


the extent necessary to carry out the responsibility of a local


health department pursuant to sections 12906 and 12908 may adopt


and enforce local codes, ordinances, or regulations that comply


with at least the minimum applicable standards set forth in this


part. This part shall not relieve the applicant for a license or a


licensee from responsibility for securing a local permit or


complying with applicable local codes, regulations, or ordinances


not that are in conflict with addition to this part.


     Enacting section 1. (1) Sections 12604a, 12605, 12607, 12615,


12617, 12909, 21333, and 21733 of the public health code, 1978 PA


368, MCL 333.12604a, 333.12605, 333.12607, 333.12615, 333.12617,


333.12909, 333.21333, and 333.21733, are repealed.


     (2) Section 6127 of the food law of 2000, 2000 PA 92, MCL


289.6127, is repealed.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 6450(request no.


07554'08) of the 94th Legislature is enacted into law.