May 7, 2008, Introduced by Rep. Mayes and referred to the Committee on Energy and Technology.


     A bill to amend 1986 PA 32, entitled


"Emergency 9-1-1 service enabling act,"


by amending section 401b (MCL 484.1401b), as added by 2007 PA 164,


and by adding sections 401f and 401g.




     Sec. 401b. (1) In addition to the charge allowed under section


401a, after June 30, 2008 a county board of commissioners may, by


resolution, millage or as otherwise allowed by law, with the


approval of the voters in the county, or any combination thereof,


assess a county 9-1-1 charge. The board of commissioners shall


state in the resolution, ballot question , or millage request the


anticipated amount to be generated.


     (2) The charge assessed under this section and section 401e


shall not exceed the amount necessary and reasonable to implement,


maintain, and operate the 9-1-1 system in the county. The charge


assessed under this section and section 401e shall not exceed




     (3) If the voters approve the charge to be assessed on the


service user's monthly bill on a ballot question under this


section, the service provider's bill shall state the following:


     "This amount is for your 9-1-1 service which has been approved


by the voters on (DATE OF VOTER APPROVAL). This is not a charge


assessed by your service supplier. If you have questions concerning


your 9-1-1 service, you may call (INCLUDE APPROPRIATE TELEPHONE




     (4) Within 90 days after the first day of each fiscal or


calendar year of a county, an annual accounting shall be made of


the charge approved under this section.


     (5) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (9), the county


9-1-1 charge collected under this section shall be paid quarterly


directly to the county and distributed by the county to the primary


PSAPs by 1 of the following methods:


     (a) As provided in the final 9-1-1 service plan.


     (b) If distribution is not provided for in the plan, then


according to any agreement for distribution between the county and


public agencies.


     (c) If distribution is not provided in the plan or by


agreement, then according to population within the emergency 9-1-1




     (6) The Subject to section 401f, the county may adjust the


county 9-1-1 charge annually to be effective July 1. The county


shall notify the committee no later than April 1 of each year of


any change in the county 9-1-1 charge under this section.


     (7) If a county has multiple emergency response districts, the


county 9-1-1 charge collected under this section shall be


distributed under subsection (5) in proportion to the population


within the emergency 9-1-1 district.


     (8) This section shall not preclude the distribution of


funding to secondary PSAPs if the distribution is determined by the


primary PSAPs within the emergency 9-1-1 district to be the most


effective method for dispatching of fire or emergency medical


services and the distribution is approved within the final 9-1-1


service plan.


     (9) The service supplier may retain 2% of the approved county


9-1-1 charge to cover the supplier's costs for billings and


collections under this section.


     (10) The charge allowed under this section shall be listed


separately on the customer's bill and shall state by which means


the charge was approved under subsection (1).


     (11) Information submitted by a service supplier to a county


under this section is exempt from the freedom of information act,


1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246, and shall not be released by the


county without the consent of the service supplier.


     (12) If a service user has multiple access points or access


lines, the county 9-1-1 charge will be imposed separately on each


of the first 10 access points or access lines and then 1 charge for


each 10 access points or access lines per billed account.


     Sec. 401f. (1) If a county wishes to increase its surcharge


under section 401b, it shall submit to the commission all of the


following information:


     (a) The county 9-1-1 surcharge in effect for each 9-1-1


service district.


     (b) The amount of revenue generated in each 9-1-1 service


district with the current 9-1-1 surcharge for the previous 12




     (c) The estimated amount of revenue to be generated for 12


months based on the proposed change to the surcharge.


     (2) The commission shall review and either approve or


disapprove the proposed county 9-1-1 surcharge within 45 days of


receiving the information under subsection (1). If the commission


approves the requested surcharge, the county shall, prior to


implementing the surcharge, submit the surcharge approved by the


commission for approval of the voters in the county. If the voters


approve the surcharge, the county may adjust the surcharge to


reflect the amount approved as provided in section 401b(6). A


county may not seek voter approval for a 9-1-1 surcharge unless the


proposed 9-1-1 surcharge has been approved by the commission.


     Sec. 401g. Twelve months after the implementation date of the


surcharge under sections 401b and 401f, and annually thereafter, a


county shall submit sufficient financial information to the


commission to enable the commission to ensure that the revenues


generated by the surcharge do not exceed the amount approved by


voters in the county. If the commission determines that the revenue


generated by the surcharge exceeded the amount approved by the


voters, the commission shall modify the surcharge to generate only


the amount approved by voters in that county.