Act No. 249

Public Acts of 2006

Approved by the Governor

June 28, 2006

Filed with the Secretary of State

July 3, 2006

EFFECTIVE DATE: July 3, 2006




Introduced by Senator Brown


AN ACT to amend 1986 PA 32, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of emergency telephone districts; to provide for the installation, operation, modification, and maintenance of universal emergency number service systems; to provide for the imposition and collection of certain charges; to provide the powers and duties of certain state agencies, local units of government, public officers, telephone service suppliers, and others; to create an emergency telephone service committee; to provide remedies; to provide penalties; and to repeal certain parts of this act on specific dates," by amending sections 301, 401, and 717 (MCL 484.1301, 484.1401, and 484.1717), section 301 as amended by 1994 PA 29, section 401 as amended by 1999 PA 81, and section 717 as added by 1999 PA 79, and by adding section 413.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 301. (1) The board of commissioners of a county may establish an emergency telephone district within all or part of the county and may cause 9-1-1 service to be implemented within the emergency telephone district under this act.

(2) The board of commissioners of a county all or part of which is operating an existing emergency telephone service may modify the existing emergency telephone service or may alter the scope or method of financing of 9-1-1 service within all or part of the county by establishing an emergency telephone district and causing 9-1-1 service to be implemented within the emergency telephone district under this act.

(3) The board of commissioners of a county may create an emergency telephone district board and delegate certain powers to the board.

(4) If the board of commissioners of a county has created multiple emergency telephone districts before March 2, 1994, the emergency telephone districts created shall receive all operational funds collected by the service supplier of the district and operate the systems as provided by this act.

Sec. 401. (1) An emergency telephone district board, a 9-1-1 service district as defined in section 102 and created under section 201b, or a county on behalf of a 9-1-1 service area created by the county may enter into an agreement with a public agency that does either of the following:

(a) Grants a specific pledge or assignment of a lien on or a security interest in any money received by a 9-1-1 service district for the benefit of qualified obligations.

(b) Provides for payment directly to the public entity issuing qualified obligations of a portion of the emergency telephone operational charge sufficient to pay when due principal of and interest on qualified obligations.

(2) A pledge, assignment, lien, or security interest for the benefit of qualified obligations is valid and binding from the time the qualified obligations are issued without a physical delivery or further act. A pledge, assignment, lien, or security interest is valid and binding and has priority over any other claim against the emergency telephone district board, the 9-1-1 service district, or any other person with or without notice of the pledge, assignment, lien, or security interest.

(3) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412, each service supplier within a 9-1-1 service district shall provide a billing and collection service for an emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge from all service users of the service supplier within the geographical boundaries of the emergency telephone or 9-1-1 service district. The billing and collection of the emergency telephone operational charge and that portion of the technical charge used for billing cost shall begin as soon as feasible after the final 9-1-1 service plan has been approved. The billing and collection of the emergency telephone technical charge not already collected for billing costs shall begin as soon as feasible after installation and operation of the 9-1-1 system. The emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge shall be uniform per each exchange access facility within the 9-1-1 service district. The portion of the emergency telephone technical charge that represents start-up costs, nonrecurring billing, installation, service, and equipment charges of the service supplier, including the costs of updating equipment necessary for conversion to 9-1-1 service, shall be amortized at the prime rate plus 1% over a period not to exceed 10 years and shall be billed and collected from all service users only until those amounts are fully recouped by the service supplier. The prime rate to be used for amortization shall be set before the first assessment of nonrecurring charges and remain at that rate for 5 years, at which time a new rate may be set for the remaining amortization period. Recurring costs and charges included in the emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge shall continue to be billed to the service user.

(4) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412 and subject to the limitation provided by this section, the amount of the emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge to be billed to the service user shall be computed by dividing the total emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge by the number of exchange access facilities within the 9-1-1 service district.

(5) Except as provided in subsection (7) and sections 407 to 412, the amount of emergency telephone technical charge payable monthly by a service user for recurring costs and charges shall not exceed 2% of the lesser of $20.00 or the highest monthly rate charged by the service supplier for primary basic local exchange service under section 304 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL 484.2304, within the 9-1-1 service district. The amount of emergency telephone technical charge payable monthly by a service user for nonrecurring costs and charges shall not exceed 5% of the lesser of $20.00 or the highest monthly rate charged by the service supplier for primary basic local exchange service under section 304 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL 484.2304, within the 9-1-1 service district. With the approval of the county board of commissioners, a county may assess an amount for recurring emergency telephone operational costs and charges that shall not exceed 4% of the lesser of $20.00 or the highest monthly rate charged by the service supplier for primary basic local exchange service under section 304 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL 484.2304, within the geographical boundaries of the assessing county. The percentage to be set for the emergency telephone operational charge shall be established by the county board of commissioners under section 312. A change to the percentage set for the emergency telephone operational charge may be made only by the county board of commissioners. The difference, if any, between the amount of the emergency telephone technical charge computed under subsection (4) and the maximum permitted under this section shall be paid by the county from funds available to the county or through cooperative arrangements with public agencies within the 9-1-1 service district.

(6) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412, the emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge shall be collected in accordance with the regular billings of the service supplier. The amount collected for emergency telephone operational charge shall be paid by the service supplier to the county that authorized the collection. The emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge payable by service users pursuant to this act shall be added to and shall be stated separately in the billings to service users.

(7) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412, for a 9-1-1 service district created or enhanced after June 27, 1991, the amount of emergency telephone technical charge payable monthly by a service user for recurring costs and charges shall not exceed 4% of the lesser of $20.00 or the highest monthly rate charged by the service supplier for primary basic local exchange service under section 304 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL 484.2304, within the 9-1-1 service district.

(8) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412, a county may, with the approval of the voters in the county, assess up to 16% of the lesser of $20.00 or the highest monthly rate charged by the service supplier for primary basic local exchange service under section 304 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL 484.2304, within the geographical boundaries of the assessing county or assess a millage or combination of the 2 to cover emergency telephone operational costs. In a ballot question under this subsection, the board of commissioners shall specifically identify how the collected money is to be distributed. An affirmative vote on a ballot question under this subsection shall be considered an amendment to the 9-1-1 service plan pursuant to section 312. Not more than 1 ballot question under this subsection may be submitted to the voters within any 12-month period. An assessment approved under this subsection shall be for a period not greater than 5 years.

(9) The total emergency telephone operational charge as prescribed in subsections (5) and (8) shall not exceed 20% of the lesser of $20.00 or the highest monthly flat rate charged for primary basic service by a service supplier for a 1-party access line.

(10) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412, if the voters approve the charge to be assessed on the service user's telephone bill on a ballot question under subsection (8), the service provider's bill shall state the following:

"This amount is for your 9-1-1 service which has been approved by the voters on (DATE OF VOTER APPROVAL). This is not a charge assessed by your telephone carrier. If you have questions concerning your 9-1-1 service, you may call (INCLUDE APPROPRIATE TELEPHONE NUMBER).".

(11) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412, an annual accounting shall be made of the emergency telephone operational charge approved under this act in the same manner as the annual accounting required by section 405.

(12) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (13), or as provided in sections 407 to 412, the emergency telephone operational charge collected under this section shall be distributed by the county or the counties to the primary PSAPs by 1 of the following methods:

(a) As provided in the final 9-1-1 service plan.

(b) If distribution is not provided for in the plan, then according to any agreement for distribution between the county and public agencies.

(c) If distribution is not provided in the plan or by agreement, then according to the distribution of access lines within the primary PSAPs.

(13) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412, if a county had multiple emergency telephone districts before the effective date of the amendatory act that added this subsection, then the emergency telephone operational charge collected under this section shall be distributed in proportion to the amount of access lines within the primary PSAPs.

(14) Except as provided in sections 407 to 412, this section shall not preclude the distribution of funding to secondary PSAPs if the distribution is determined by the primary PSAPs within the emergency telephone district to be the most effective method for dispatching of fire or emergency medical services and the distribution is approved within the final 9-1-1 service plan.

(15) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the emergency telephone technical charge and the emergency telephone operational charge shall not be levied or collected after December 31, 2007. If all or a portion of the emergency telephone operational charge has been pledged as security for the payment of qualified obligations, the emergency telephone operational charge shall be levied and collected only to the extent required to pay the qualified obligations or satisfy the pledge.

Sec. 413. (1) The state 9-1-1 director shall issue a report to the legislature and the governor no later than December1, 2006, providing recommendations for stable, equitable long-term funding of the 9-1-1 system in this state and recommendations, if any, for the establishment of standards for the training and response time of 9-1-1 personnel.

(2) The report shall contain a recommendation that any 9-1-1 fees collected from communications providers are assessed in a competitively neutral manner.

Sec. 717. This act is repealed effective December 31, 2007.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Secretary of the Senate

Clerk of the House of Representatives

