December 1, 2005, Introduced by Senators BIRKHOLZ, JELINEK, GARCIA, VAN WOERKOM, STAMAS, JOHNSON, ALLEN and GILBERT and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism.




     A bill to amend 1996 PA 376, entitled


"Michigan renaissance zone act,"


by amending sections 3, 6, and 8 (MCL 125.2683, 125.2686, and


125.2688), section 3 as amended by 2000 PA 259, section 6 as


amended by 2004 PA 430, and section 8 as amended by 2003 PA 266,


and by adding section 8e.




     Sec. 3. As used in this act:


     (a) "Agricultural processing facility" means 1 or more


facilities or operations that transform, package, sort, or grade


livestock or livestock products, agricultural commodities, or


plants or plant products into goods that are used for intermediate


or final consumption including goods for nonfood use, and


surrounding property.


     (b) "Board" means the state administrative board created in


1921 PA 2, MCL 17.1 to 17.3.


     (c) "Development plan" means a written plan that addresses the


criteria in section 7 and includes all of the following:


     (i) A map of the proposed renaissance zone that indicates the


geographic boundaries, the total area, and the present use and


conditions generally of the land and structures within those




     (ii) Evidence of community support and commitment from


residential and business interests.


     (iii) A description of the methods proposed to increase economic


opportunity and expansion, facilitate infrastructure improvement,


and identify job training opportunities.


     (iv) Current social, economic, and demographic characteristics


of the proposed renaissance zone and anticipated improvements in


education, health, human services, public safety, and employment if


the renaissance zone is created.


     (v) Any other information required by the board.


     (d) "Elected county executive" means the elected county


executive in a county organized under 1966 PA 293, MCL 45.501 to


45.521, or 1973 PA 139, MCL 45.551 to 45.573.


     (e) "Forest products processing facility" means 1 or more


facilities or operations that harvest, transform, package, sort, or


grade forest products into goods that are used for intermediate or


final use or consumption, and surrounding property.


     (f)  (e)  "Local governmental unit" means a county, city,


village, or township.


     (g)  (f)  "Person" means an individual, partnership,


corporation, association, limited liability company, governmental


entity, or other legal entity.


     (h)  (g)  "Qualified local governmental unit" means either of


the following:


     (i) A county.


     (ii) A city, village, or township that contains an eligible


distressed area as defined in section 11 of the state housing


development authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1411.


     (i)  (h)  "Renaissance zone" means a geographic area


designated under this act.


     (j)  (i)  "Residential rental property" means that term as


defined in section 7ff of the general property tax act, 1893 PA


206, MCL 211.7ff.


     (k)  (j)  "Review board" means the renaissance zone review


board created in section 5.


     (l)  (k)  "Rural area" means an area that lies outside of the


boundaries of an urban area.


     (m)  (l)  "Urban area" means an urbanized area as determined by


the economics and statistics administration, United States bureau


of the census according to the 1990 census.


     Sec. 6. (1) The board shall review all recommendations


submitted by the review board and determine which applications meet


the criteria contained in section 7.


     (2) The board shall do all of the following:


     (a) Designate renaissance zones.


     (b) Subject to subsection (3), approve or reject the duration


of renaissance zone status.


     (c) Subject to subsection (3), approve or reject the


geographic boundaries and the total area of the renaissance zone as


submitted in the application.


     (3) The board shall not alter the geographic boundaries of the


renaissance zone or the duration of renaissance zone status


described in the application unless the qualified local


governmental unit or units and the local governmental unit or units


in which the renaissance zone is to be located consent by


resolution to the alteration.


     (4) The board shall not designate a renaissance zone under


section 8 before November 1, 1996 or after December 31, 1996.


     (5) The designation of a renaissance zone under this act shall


take effect on January 1 in the year following designation.


However, for purposes of the taxes exempted under section 9(2), the


designation of a renaissance zone under this act shall take effect


on December 31 in the year of designation.


     (6) The board shall not designate a renaissance zone under


section 8a after December 31, 2002.


     (7) Through December 31, 2002, a qualified local governmental


unit in which a renaissance zone was designated under section 8 or


8a may modify the boundaries of that renaissance zone to include


contiguous parcels of property as determined by the qualified local


governmental unit and approval by the review board. The additional


contiguous parcels of property included in a renaissance zone under


this subsection do not constitute an additional distinct geographic


area under section 4(1)(d). If the boundaries of the renaissance


zone are modified as provided in this subsection, the additional


contiguous parcels of property shall become part of the original


renaissance zone on the same terms and conditions as the original


designation of that renaissance zone.


     (8) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, before


July 1, 2004, a qualified local governmental unit in which a


renaissance zone was designated under section 8a(1) as a


renaissance zone located in a rural area may modify the boundaries


of that renaissance zone to include a contiguous parcel of property


as determined by the qualified local governmental unit. The


contiguous parcel of property shall only include property that is


less than .5 acres in size and that the qualified local


governmental unit previously sought to have included in the zone by


submitting an application in February 2002 that was not acted upon


by the review board. The additional contiguous parcel of property


included in a renaissance zone under this subsection does not


constitute an additional distinct geographic area under section


4(1)(d). If the boundaries of the renaissance zone are modified as


provided in this subsection, the additional contiguous parcel of


property shall become part of the original renaissance zone on the


same terms and conditions as the rest of the property in that


renaissance zone.


     (9) A business that is located and conducts business activity


within a renaissance zone designated under section 8(1) and (2),


8a(1) and (3), 8c(1),  or  8d(1), or 8e shall not make a payment in


lieu of taxes to any taxing jurisdiction within the qualified local


governmental unit in which the renaissance zone is located.


     Sec. 8. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), section 8a,


section 8c,  and  section 8d, and section 8e, the board shall not


designate more than 9 renaissance zones within this state. Not more


than 6 of the renaissance zones shall be located in urban areas and


not more than 4 of the renaissance zones shall be located in rural


areas. For purposes of determining whether a renaissance zone is


located in an urban area or rural area under this section, if any


part of a renaissance zone is located within an urban area, the


entire renaissance zone shall be considered to be located in an


urban area.


     (2) The board may designate additional renaissance zones


within this state in 1 or more qualified local governmental units


if that qualified local governmental unit or units contain a


military installation that was operated by the United States


department of defense and has closed after 1990.


     (3) Each renaissance zone designated by the board under


section 8a shall be submitted to the legislature, which, by


concurrent resolution adopted by a majority vote of those elected


to and serving in each house, on a record roll call vote, may


reject that designation no later than the earlier of 45 days


following the date of the designation by the board or December 31


of the year of designation.


     Sec. 8e. (1) The board, upon recommendation of the board of


the Michigan strategic fund defined in section 4 of the Michigan


strategic fund act, 1984 PA 270, MCL 125.2004, may designate not


more than 20 additional renaissance zones for forest products


processing facilities within this state in 1 or more cities,


villages, or townships if that city, village, or township or


combination of cities, villages, or townships consents to the


creation of a renaissance zone for a forest products processing


facility within their boundaries. The board shall designate not


more than 5 renaissance zones for a forest products processing


facility each year until the maximum number of renaissance zones


for a forest products processing facility is met.


     (2) Each renaissance zone designated for a forest products


processing facility under this section shall be 1 continuous


distinct geographic area.


     (3) The board may revoke the designation of all or a portion


of a renaissance zone for a forest products processing facility if


the board determines that the forest products processing facility


fails to commence operation or ceases operation in a renaissance


zone designated under this section.