June 30, 2005, Introduced by Senator STAMAS and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled
"Public health code,"
by amending section 20161 (MCL 333.20161), as amended by 2004 PA
Sec. 20161. (1) The department shall assess fees and other
assessments for health facility and agency licenses and
certificates of need on an annual basis as provided in this
article. Except as otherwise provided in this article, fees and
assessments shall be paid in accordance with the following
(a) Freestanding surgical outpatient
facilities................................ $238.00 per facility.
(b) Hospitals....................... $8.28 per licensed bed.
(c) Nursing homes, county medical care
facilities, and hospital long-term care
units .................................... $2.20 per licensed bed.
(d) Homes for the aged.............. $6.27 per licensed bed.
(e) Clinical laboratories........... $475.00 per laboratory.
(f) Hospice residences.............. $200.00 per license
survey; and $20.00 per
licensed bed.
(g) Subject to subsection (13), quality
assurance assessment for nongovernmentally
owned nursing homes and hospital long-term
care units................................ an amount resulting in
not more than 6% of
total industry
(h) Subject to subsection (14), quality
assurance assessment for hospitals........ at a fixed or variable
rate that generates
funds not more than the
maximum allowable under
the federal matching
requirements, after
consideration for the
amounts in subsection
(14)(a) and (j).
(2) If a hospital requests the department to conduct a
certification survey for purposes of title XVIII or title XIX of
the social security act, the hospital shall pay a license fee
surcharge of $23.00 per bed. As used in this subsection, "title
XVIII" and "title XIX" mean those terms as defined in section
(3) The base fee for a certificate of need is $1,500.00 for
each application. For a project requiring a projected capital
expenditure of more than $500,000.00 but less than $4,000,000.00,
an additional fee of $4,000.00 shall be added to the base fee. For
a project requiring a projected capital expenditure of
$4,000,000.00 or more, an additional fee of $7,000.00 shall be
added to the base fee. The department of community health shall use
the fees collected under this subsection only to fund the
certificate of need program. Funds remaining in the certificate of
need program at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse to the
general fund but shall remain available to fund the certificate of
need program in subsequent years.
(4) If licensure is for more than 1 year, the fees described
in subsection (1) are multiplied by the number of years for which
the license is issued, and the total amount of the fees shall be
collected in the year in which the license is issued.
(5) Fees described in this section are payable to the
department at the time an application for a license, permit, or
certificate is submitted. If an application for a license, permit,
or certificate is denied or if a license, permit, or certificate is
revoked before its expiration date, the department shall not refund
fees paid to the department.
(6) The fee for a provisional license or temporary permit is
the same as for a license. A license may be issued at the
expiration date of a temporary permit without an additional fee for
the balance of the period for which the fee was paid if the
requirements for licensure are met.
(7) The department may charge a fee to recover the cost of
purchase or production and distribution of proficiency evaluation
samples that are supplied to clinical laboratories pursuant to
section 20521(3).
(8) In addition to the fees imposed under subsection (1), a
clinical laboratory shall submit a fee of $25.00 to the department
for each reissuance during the licensure period of the clinical
laboratory's license.
(9) The cost of licensure activities shall be supported by
license fees.
(10) The application fee for a waiver under section 21564 is
$200.00 plus $40.00 per hour for the professional services and
travel expenses directly related to processing the application. The
travel expenses shall be calculated in accordance with the state
standardized travel regulations of the department of management and
budget in effect at the time of the travel.
(11) An applicant for licensure or renewal of licensure under
part 209 shall pay the applicable fees set forth in part 209.
(12) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the fees
and assessments collected under this section shall be deposited in
the state treasury, to the credit of the general fund.
(13) The quality assurance assessment collected under
subsection (1)(g) and all federal matching funds attributed to that
assessment shall be used only for the following purposes and under
the following specific circumstances:
(a) The quality assurance assessment and all federal matching
funds attributed to that assessment shall be used to finance
medicaid nursing home reimbursement payments. Only licensed nursing
homes and hospital long-term care units that are assessed the
quality assurance assessment and participate in the medicaid
program are eligible for increased per diem medicaid reimbursement
rates under this subdivision.
(b) The quality assurance assessment shall be implemented on
May 10, 2002.
(c) The
Except as otherwise provided
under subdivision (d),
beginning October 1, 2005, the quality assurance assessment is
on the number of licensed nursing home beds and the number
licensed hospital long-term care unit beds in existence on July
of each year, shall be assessed upon implementation pursuant to
(b) total number of patient
days of care each nursing
home and hospital long-term care unit provided to nonmedicare
patients within the immediately preceding year and shall be
assessed at a uniform rate on October 1, 2005 and subsequently on
October 1 of each following year, and is payable on a quarterly
basis, the first payment due 90 days after the date the assessment
is assessed.
(d) The department shall immediately submit an application to
the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services to request a
waiver of the uniformity tax requirement pursuant to 42 CFR
433.68(e)(2) to implement this subdivision. Subject to approval of
the uniformity waiver, the quality assurance assessment rate for a
nursing home or hospital long-term care unit with less than 40
licensed beds or more than 330 licensed beds is $2.00 per
nonmedicare patient day of care provided within the immediately
preceding year or a rate as otherwise altered on the application
for the uniformity waiver to obtain federal approval. Subject to
approval of the uniformity waiver, for all other nursing homes and
long-term care units the quality assurance assessment rate is to be
calculated by dividing the total statewide maximum allowable
assessment permitted under subsection (1)(g) less the total amount
to be paid by the nursing homes and long-term care units with fewer
than 40 or more than 330 licensed beds by the total number of
nonmedicare patient days of care provided within the immediately
preceding year by those nursing homes and long-term care units with
more than 39, but less than 330, licensed beds. The quality
assurance assessment, as provided under this subdivision, shall be
assessed on the October 1 immediately following federal approval of
the waiver and subsequently on October 1 of each following year,
and is payable on a quarterly basis, the first payment due 90 days
after the date the assessment is assessed.
(e) (d)
Beginning October 1, 2007, the department shall no
longer assess or collect the quality assurance assessment or apply
for federal matching funds.
(f) (e)
Upon implementation pursuant to subdivision (b)
Beginning May 10, 2002, the department of community health shall
increase the per diem nursing home medicaid reimbursement rates for
the balance of that year. For each subsequent year in which the
quality assurance assessment is assessed and collected, the
department of community health shall maintain the medicaid nursing
home reimbursement payment increase financed by the quality
assurance assessment.
(g) (f)
The department of community health shall implement
this section in a manner that complies with federal requirements
necessary to assure that the quality assurance assessment qualifies
for federal matching funds.
(h) (g)
If a nursing home or a hospital long-term care unit
fails to pay the assessment required by subsection (1)(g), the
department of community health may assess the nursing home or
hospital long-term care unit a penalty of 5% of the assessment for
each month that the assessment and penalty are not paid up to a
maximum of 50% of the assessment. The department of community
health may also refer for collection to the department of treasury
past due amounts consistent with section 13 of 1941 PA 122, MCL
(i) (h)
The medicaid nursing home quality assurance
assessment fund is established in the state treasury. The
department of community health shall deposit the revenue raised
through the quality assurance assessment with the state treasurer
for deposit in the medicaid nursing home quality assurance
assessment fund.
(j) (i)
The department of community health shall not
implement this subsection in a manner that conflicts with 42 USC
(k) (j)
The quality assurance assessment collected under
subsection (1)(g) shall be prorated on a quarterly basis for any
licensed beds added to or subtracted from a nursing home or
hospital long-term care unit since the immediately preceding July
1. Any adjustments in payments are due on the next quarterly
installment due date.
(l) (k)
In each fiscal year governed by this subsection,
medicaid reimbursement rates shall not be reduced below the
medicaid reimbursement rates in effect on April 1, 2002 as a direct
result of the quality assurance assessment collected under
subsection (1)(g).
(m) (l) In fiscal year 2004-2005, $21,900,000.00 of the
quality assurance assessment collected pursuant to subsection
(1)(g) shall be appropriated to the department of community health
to support medicaid expenditures for long-term care services. These
funds shall offset an identical amount of general fund/general
purpose revenue originally appropriated for that purpose.
(14) The quality assurance dedication is an earmarked
assessment collected under subsection (1)(h). That assessment and
all federal matching funds attributed to that assessment shall be
used only for the following purposes and under the following
specific circumstances:
(a) Part of the quality assurance assessment shall be used to
maintain the increased medicaid reimbursement rate increases as
provided for in subdivision (d). A portion of the funds collected
from the quality assurance assessment may be used to offset any
reduction to existing intergovernmental transfer programs with
public hospitals that may result from implementation of the
enhanced medicaid payments financed by the quality assurance
assessment. Any portion of the funds collected from the quality
assurance assessment reduced because of existing intergovernmental
transfer programs shall be used to finance medicaid hospital
(b) The quality assurance assessment shall be implemented on
October 1, 2002.
(c) The quality assurance assessment shall be assessed on all
net patient revenue, before deduction of expenses, less medicare
net revenue, as reported in the most recently available medicare
cost report and is payable on a quarterly basis, the first payment
due 90 days after the date the assessment is assessed. As used in
this subdivision, "medicare net revenue" includes medicare payments
and amounts collected for coinsurance and deductibles.
(d) Upon
implementation pursuant to subdivision (b)
Beginning October 1, 2002, the department of community health shall
increase the hospital medicaid reimbursement rates for the balance
of that year. For each subsequent year in which the quality
assurance assessment is assessed and collected, the department of
community health shall maintain the hospital medicaid reimbursement
rate increase financed by the quality assurance assessments.
(e) The department of community health shall implement this
section in a manner that complies with federal requirements
necessary to assure that the quality assurance assessment qualifies
for federal matching funds.
(f) If a hospital fails to pay the assessment required by
subsection (1)(h), the department of community health may assess
the hospital a penalty of 5% of the assessment for each month that
the assessment and penalty are not paid up to a maximum of 50% of
the assessment. The department of community health may also refer
for collection to the department of treasury past due amounts
consistent with section 13 of 1941 PA 122, MCL 205.13.
(g) The hospital quality assurance assessment fund is
established in the state treasury. The department of community
health shall deposit the revenue raised through the quality
assurance assessment with the state treasurer for deposit in the
hospital quality assurance assessment fund.
(h) In each fiscal year governed by this subsection, the
quality assurance assessment shall only be collected and expended
if medicaid hospital inpatient DRG and outpatient reimbursement
rates and disproportionate share hospital and graduate medical
education payments are not below the level of rates and payments in
effect on April 1, 2002 as a direct result of the quality assurance
assessment collected under subsection (1)(h), except as provided in
subdivision (i).
(i) The quality assurance assessment collected under
subsection (1)(h) shall no longer be assessed or collected after
September 30, 2007, or in the event that the quality assurance
assessment is not eligible for federal matching funds. Any portion
of the quality assurance assessment collected from a hospital that
is not eligible for federal matching funds shall be returned to the
(j) In fiscal year 2004-2005, $18,900,000.00 of the quality
assurance assessment collected pursuant to subsection (1)(h) shall
be appropriated to the department of community health to support
medicaid expenditures for hospital services and therapy. These
funds shall offset an identical amount of general fund/general
purpose revenue originally appropriated for that purpose.
(15) The quality assurance assessment provided for under this
section is a tax that is levied on a health facility or agency.
(16) As used in this section, "medicaid" means that term as
defined in section 22207.