June 8, 2005, Introduced by Senator CASSIS and referred to the Committee on Finance.




     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending section 7u (MCL 211.7u), as amended by 2003 PA 140.




     Sec. 7u. (1) The principal residence of persons who, in the


judgment of the supervisor and board of review, by reason of


poverty, are unable to contribute toward the public charges is


eligible for exemption in whole or in part from taxation under this


act. This section does not apply to the property of a corporation.


     (2) To be eligible for exemption under this section, a person


shall do all of the following on an annual basis:


     (a) Be an owner of and occupy as a principal residence the


property for which an exemption is requested.


     (b) File a claim with the supervisor or board of review on a


form provided by the local assessing unit, accompanied by federal


and state income tax returns for all persons residing in the


principal residence who were required to file federal and state


income tax returns, including any property tax credit returns, that


were filed in the immediately preceding year or in the current


year.  The filing of  Filing a claim under this subsection


constitutes an appearance before the board of review for the


purpose of preserving the claimant's right to appeal the decision


of the board of review regarding the claim.


     (c) Produce a valid driver's license or other form of


identification if requested by the supervisor or board of review.


     (d) Produce a deed, land contract, or other evidence of


ownership of the property for which an exemption is requested if


required by the supervisor or board of review.


     (e) Meet the federal poverty guidelines updated annually in


the federal register by the United States department of health and


human services under authority of  section 673 of subtitle B of


title VI of the omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1981, Public


Law 97-35, 42 U.S.C. 9902  42 USC 9902, or alternative guidelines


adopted by the governing body of the local assessing unit provided


the alternative guidelines do not provide income eligibility


requirements less than the federal guidelines.


     (3) The application for an exemption under this section shall


be filed after January 1 but before the day prior to the last day


of the board of review.


     (4) The governing body of the local assessing unit shall


determine and make available to the public the policy and


guidelines the local assessing unit uses for the granting of


exemptions under this section. The guidelines shall include but not


be limited to the specific income and asset levels of the claimant


and total household income and assets.


     (5) The board of review shall follow the policy and guidelines


of the local assessing unit in granting or denying an exemption


under this section unless the board of review determines there are


substantial and compelling reasons why there should be a deviation


from the policy and guidelines and the substantial and compelling


reasons are communicated in writing to the claimant.


     (6) A person who files a claim under this section is not


prohibited from also appealing the assessment on the property for


which that claim is made before the board of review in the same




     (7) As used in this section, "principal residence" means


principal residence or qualified agricultural property as those


terms are defined in section 7dd.