March 9, 2005, Introduced by Senator SWITALSKI and referred to the Committee on Finance.







     A bill to amend 1980 PA 119, entitled


"Motor carrier fuel tax act,"


by amending section 2 (MCL 207.212), as amended by 2002 PA 667.




     Sec. 2. (1) A motor carrier licensed under this act shall pay


a road tax calculated on the amount of motor fuel consumed in


qualified commercial motor vehicles on the public roads or highways


within this state.  The  Before January 1, 2006, the tax shall be


at the rate of 15 cents per gallon on motor fuel consumed on the


public roads or highways within this state. On and after January 1,


2006, the tax shall be at the rate of 19 cents per gallon on motor


fuel consumed on the public roads or highways within this state. In


addition, qualified commercial motor vehicles licensed under this


act that travel in interstate commerce will be subject to the


definition of taxable motor fuels and rates as defined by the


respective international fuel tax agreement member jurisdictions. A


return shall be filed, and the tax due paid, quarterly to the


department on or before the last day of January, April, July, and


October of each year on a form prescribed and furnished by the


department. Each quarterly return and tax payment shall cover the


liability for the annual quarter ending on the last day of the


preceding month.


     (2) The amount of motor fuel consumed in the operation of a


motor carrier on public roads or highways within this state shall


be determined by dividing the miles traveled within Michigan by the


average miles per gallon of motor fuel. The average miles per


gallon of motor fuel shall be determined by dividing the miles


traveled within and outside of Michigan by the total amount of


motor fuel consumed within and outside of Michigan.


     (3) In the absence of records showing the average number of


miles operated per gallon of motor fuel, it shall be presumed that


1 gallon of motor fuel is consumed for every 4 miles traveled.


     (4) The quarterly tax return shall be accompanied by a


remittance covering any tax due.


     (5) The commissioner, when he or she considers it necessary to


ensure payment of the tax or to provide a more efficient


administration of the tax, may require the filing of returns and


payment of the tax for other than quarterly periods.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 291                                    


          of the 93rd Legislature is enacted into law.