September 14, 2006, Introduced by Rep. Pastor and referred to the Committee on House Oversight, Elections, and Ethics.


     A bill to amend 1976 PA 388, entitled


"Michigan campaign finance act,"


by amending sections 4, 42, 54, and 57 (MCL 169.204, 169.242,


169.254, and 169.257), section 4 as amended by 1989 PA 95, sections


42 and 57 as amended by 2001 PA 250, and section 54 as amended by


1995 PA 264.




     Sec. 4. (1) "Contribution" means a payment, gift,


subscription, assessment, expenditure, contract, payment for


services, dues, advance, forbearance, loan, or donation of money or


anything of ascertainable monetary value, or a transfer of anything


of ascertainable monetary value to a person, made for the purpose


of influencing the nomination or election of a candidate, or for


the qualification, passage, or defeat of a ballot question.


     (2) Contribution includes the full purchase price of tickets


or payment of an attendance fee for events such as dinners,


luncheons, rallies, testimonials, and other fund-raising events; an


individual's own money or property other than the individual's


homestead used on behalf of that individual's candidacy; the


granting of discounts or rebates not available to the general


public; or the granting of discounts or rebates by broadcast media


and newspapers not extended on an equal basis to all candidates for


the same office; and the endorsing or guaranteeing of a loan for


the amount the endorser or guarantor is liable.


     (3) Contribution does not include any of the following:


     (a) Volunteer personal services provided without compensation,


or payments of costs incurred of less than $500.00 in a calendar


year by an individual for personal travel expenses if the costs are


voluntarily incurred without any understanding or agreement that


the costs shall be, directly or indirectly, repaid.


     (b) Food and beverages, not to exceed $100.00 in value during


a calendar year,  which  that are donated by an individual and for


which reimbursement is not given.


     (c) An offer or tender of a contribution if expressly and


unconditionally rejected, returned, or refunded in whole or in part  


within 30  not later than 10 business days after  receipt  


receiving a notice from the secretary of state that the


contribution is prohibited under this act.


     Sec. 42. (1) A person who accepts a contribution, other than


by written instrument, on behalf of another and acts as the


intermediary or agent of the person from whom the contribution was


accepted shall disclose to the recipient of the contribution the


intermediary's own name and address and the name and address of the


actual source of the contribution. If the recipient of the


contribution knows that the person making the contribution is


acting as an intermediary, the person shall not accept the


contribution unless it is accompanied by the required disclosure.


     (2) A contribution from a person whose treasurer does not


reside in, whose principal office is not located in, or whose funds


are not kept in this state, shall not be made or accepted by a


person for purposes of supporting or opposing candidates for


elective office or the qualification, passage, or defeat of a


ballot question unless accompanied by a statement certified as true


and correct by an officer of the contributing person setting forth


the full name and address along with the amount contributed, of


each person who contributed to the total amount of the


contribution. The occupation, employer, and principal place of


business shall be listed for each person who contributed more than


$100.00 to the total amount of the contribution. The certified


statement shall also state that the contribution was not made from


an account containing funds prohibited by section 54. This


subsection does not apply if the contributing person is registered


as a committee under section 24.


     (3) A person shall not receive a contribution from a person


other than a committee, and a person other than a committee shall


not make a contribution, unless, for purposes of the recipient


person's record keeping and reporting requirements, the


contribution is accompanied by the name and address of each person


who contributed to the total amount of the contribution and the


name, address, occupation, employer, and principal place of


business of each person who contributed more than $100.00 to the


total amount of the contribution.


     (4) A contribution from a person whose treasurer does not


reside in, whose principal office is not located in, or whose money


is not kept in this state shall not be made or accepted by a person


for purposes of supporting or opposing candidates for elective


office if the contributing person has received contributions on an


automatic basis, including, but not limited to, a payroll deduction


plan, unless the contribution is accompanied by a statement,


certified as true and correct by an officer of the contributing


person, setting forth that all contributions received on an


automatic basis are in full compliance with section 55.


     (5) A person who knowingly violates this section is guilty of


a misdemeanor punishable, if the person is an individual, by a fine


of not more than $1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 90


days, or both, or, if the person is other than an individual, by a


fine of not more than $10,000.00.


     Sec. 54. (1) Except with respect to the exceptions and


conditions in subsections (2) and (3) and section 55, and to loans


made in the ordinary course of business, a corporation, joint stock


company, domestic dependent sovereign, or labor organization shall


not make a contribution or expenditure or provide volunteer


personal services that are excluded from the definition of a


contribution  pursuant to  under section 4(3)(a).


     (2) An officer, director, stockholder, attorney, agent, or any


other person acting for a labor organization, a domestic dependent


sovereign, or a corporation or joint stock company, whether


incorporated under the laws of this or any other state or foreign


country, except corporations formed for political purposes, shall


not make a contribution or expenditure or provide volunteer


personal services that are excluded from the definition of a


contribution  pursuant to  under section 4(3)(a).


     (3) A corporation, joint stock company, domestic dependent


sovereign, or labor organization may make a contribution to a


ballot question committee subject to this act. A corporation, joint


stock company, domestic dependent sovereign, or labor organization


may make an independent expenditure in any amount for the


qualification, passage, or defeat of a ballot question. A


corporation, joint stock company, domestic dependent sovereign, or


labor organization that makes an independent expenditure under this


subsection is considered a ballot question committee for the


purposes of this act.


     (4) A person shall not accept a contribution that is


prohibited by this section.


     (5)  (4)  A person who knowingly violates this section is


guilty of a felony punishable, if the person is an individual, by a


fine of not more than $5,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 3


years, or both, or, if the person is not an individual, by a fine


of not more than $10,000.00.


     Sec. 57. (1) A public body or an individual acting for a


public body shall not use or authorize the use of funds, personnel,


office space, computer hardware or software, property, stationery,


postage, vehicles, equipment, supplies, or other public resources


to make a contribution or expenditure or provide volunteer personal


services that are excluded from the definition of contribution


under section 4(3)(a). This subsection does not apply to any of the




     (a) The expression of views by an elected or appointed public


official who has policy making responsibilities.


     (b) The production or dissemination of factual information


concerning issues relevant to the function of the public body.


     (c) The production or dissemination of debates, interviews,


commentary, or information by a broadcasting station, newspaper,


magazine, or other periodical or publication in the regular course


of broadcasting or publication.


     (d) The use of a public facility owned or leased by, or on


behalf of, a public body if any candidate or committee has an equal


opportunity to use the public facility.


     (e) The use of a public facility owned or leased by, or on


behalf of, a public body if that facility is primarily used as a


family dwelling and is not used to conduct a fund-raising event.


     (f) An elected or appointed public official or an employee of


a public body who, when not acting for a public body but  is  on


his or her own personal time, is expressing his or her own personal


views, is expending his or her own personal funds, or is providing


his or her own personal volunteer services.


     (2) A person shall not accept a contribution that is


prohibited under this section.


     (3)  (2)  A person who knowingly violates this section is


guilty of a misdemeanor punishable, if the person is an individual,


by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more


than 1 year, or both, or if the person is not an individual, by 1


of the following, whichever is greater:


     (a) A fine of not more than $20,000.00.


     (b) A fine equal to the amount of the improper contribution or

