June 29, 2006, Introduced by Reps. Meyer, Sak, Vander Veen, Clemente, Murphy, Gaffney, Jones, Shaffer, Ball, Stahl and Pastor and referred to the Committee on Education.
A bill to amend 1982 PA 250, entitled
"Child abuse and neglect prevention act,"
(MCL 722.601 to 722.613) by adding section 9a.
Sec. 9a. (1) The state board may authorize disbursement of
available money from the state general fund and federal funds, upon
legislative appropriations or interdepartmental transfer, to fund
grants for community-based collaborative prevention services and
secondary prevention programs designed to do any of the following:
(a) Foster positive parenting skills especially for parents of
children under 3 years of age.
(b) Improve parent and child interaction.
(c) Promote access to needed community services.
(d) Increase local capacity to serve families at risk.
(e) Improve school readiness.
(f) Support healthy family environments that discourage
alcohol, tobacco, and drug use.
(2) The money disbursed by the state board under subsection
(1) shall be distributed through a request for proposals process
established by the state board in conjunction with the state human
services directors. Projects funded with grants awarded under this
section shall meet all of the following criteria:
(a) The grants must be secondary prevention initiatives and
voluntary to consumers. Money shall not be expended in cases in
which neglect or abuse has been substantiated.
(b) Demonstrate that the planned services are part of
community's integrated comprehensive family support strategy
endorsed by the local community collaborative.
(c) Provide a 25% local match, of which not more than 10% may
be in-kind services, unless the maximum percentage is waived by the
board in conjunction with the state human services directors.
(3) Not later than 122 days following the end of the state
fiscal year in which funds have been disbursed under this section,
the board shall prepare and submit to the governor, the state human
services directors, and the legislature an annual report of
outcomes achieved by the providers of the community-based
collaborative prevention services funded under this section for the
previous fiscal year.
(4) As used in this section, "state human services directors"
means the director of the department of community health, the
director of the department of education, and the director of the
department of human services.