June 20, 2006, Introduced by Rep. Palmer and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending the heading of part 23 and section 8803 (MCL 324.8803),


as added by 1998 PA 287, and by adding part 86.








                         PART 86. AGRICULTURE


     Sec. 8601. As used in this part:


     (a) "Department" means the department of environmental




     (b) "Director" means the director of the department or his or


her designee to whom the director delegates a power or duty by


written instrument.


     (c) "Farm" means that term as defined in section 2 of the


Michigan right to farm act, 1981 PA 93, MCL 286.472.


     (d) "Farm operation" means that term as defined in section 2


of the Michigan right to farm act, 1981 PA 93, MCL 286.472.


     (e) "Generally accepted agricultural and management practices"


means that term as defined in section 2 of the Michigan right to


farm act, 1981 PA 93, MCL 286.472.


     (f) "Livestock production facility" means that term as defined


within the generally accepted agricultural and management practices


for site selection and odor controls at new and expanding animal


livestock facilities.


     Sec. 8603. As used in this part, "Michigan agriculture


environmental assurance program" or "MAEAP" means a program, as it


existed on the effective date of the amendatory act that added this


section, that was recommended by the Michigan agriculture pollution


prevention implementation plan signed by the director and the


director of the department of agriculture in 1998, that is designed


to help farms and farm operations voluntarily prevent or minimize


agricultural pollution risks, that focuses on livestock, farming,


and cropping systems, and that consists of the following 3 phases:


     (a) An educational program in which producers learn about the


3 MAEAP systems, state and federal environmental rules and


regulations, the impact of agriculture pollution on the


environment, and the Michigan right to farm act, 1981 PA 93, MCL


286.471 to 286.474, with special emphasis on generally accepted


agricultural and management practices. This phase may be completed


by attending educational meetings, workshops, or seminars


established and approved by the Michigan department of agriculture.


     (b) An assessment phase consisting of at least 1 of the




     (i) For livestock systems, an on-farm environmental risk


assessment and development and implementation of a farm-specific


comprehensive nutrient management plan that includes all of the




     (A) An overview of the farm operation, including enterprises,


goals, and long-term plans for resource management.


     (B) A farm headquarters map showing the location of farm


buildings, animal housing, manure storage structures, sources of


manure and wastewater, feed storage, farm houses, and any other


relevant physical features.


     (C) A review of the production, collection, storage,


treatment, and transfer of manure, including, but not limited to,


the inventory of species, total amount and characteristics of


manure, animal mortalities management, manure and wastewater


collection methods, and the method for transport of manure and




     (D) An evaluation of the potential for nitrogen or phosphorus


transport off site, identification of sensitive areas such as


streams and water bodies, identification of conservation and


management practices needed for erosion control and water


management in order to control off-site transport of manure, and


maps showing sensitive areas and conservation practices.


     (E) Land application management in which a nutrient budget is


developed, equipment is calibrated, and the application schedule


and rates are determined.


     (F) Records of plan implementation, including, but not limited


to, records by field regarding soil tests, dates of manure or


wastewater application, method of application, weather conditions,


types and yields of crops previously grown, analysis of manure or


wastewater quantities, and sale or distribution of manure or


wastewater to others.


     (G) Management of animal diets to result in optimum


production, best economical use of feed materials, and minimization


of the amount of nutrients contained in manure.


     (H) Review of environmentally sound off-site utilization and


the transportation of manure.


     (I) Alternative utilization of manure, on a farm-by-farm


basis, at the discretion of the department to address composting or


other value-added options.


     (J) Inspections, operation, and maintenance training for all


existing employees and new hires regarding a farm's comprehensive


nutrient management plan, including scheduling an inspection of


structural and vegetative practices and equipment, as well as


reviewing the operation and maintenance practices, and scheduling


the review of management practices to ensure implementation of the


comprehensive nutrient management plan.


     (K) A schedule, developed by the producer and plan writer


working together, to allow for reasonable implementation of the


comprehensive nutrient management plan. The schedule shall show


when changes occurred or will occur and when the farm's annual


review will take place.


     (L) An emergency action plan to provide producers with actions


to take in the event of a spill or failure of collection or


transfer components. The emergency action plan shall include a list


of emergency telephone numbers, anticipated flow paths in the event


of a spill, and remediation procedures.


     (M) References and appendices to collect information,


environmental documentation, and copies of pertinent references


cited in the comprehensive nutrient management plan.


     (ii) For farmstead systems, both of the following:


     (A) An assessment of areas that present a risk of


contaminating water resources, including work with trained


specialists as determined by the department of agriculture to


assess how effectively farm structures, management practices, and


site conditions protect water resources.


     (B) Development and implementation of a farm-specific action


plan that addresses identified risks and includes the sources of


technical and financial assistance and a targeted date for


completion and MAEAP verification.


     (iii) For crop assessment systems, both of the following:


     (A) An assessment of potential environmental risks at the


farmstead and how effectively crop management practices protect


groundwater and surface water resources. The assessment shall


include nutrient management practices, soil and water conservation


practices, pest management practices, water use reporting, crop-


specific management practices, pasture management practices,


irrigation management practices, and operations and maintenance.


     (B) Development and implementation of a farm-specific action


plan that addresses identified risks and includes sources of


technical and financial assistance and a targeted date for


completion and MAEAP verification.


     (c) Third party verification by the department of agriculture.


     Sec. 8605. (1) The owner or operator of a livestock production


facility may submit to the department of agriculture a written


request that the livestock production facility be registered for


the purposes of subsection (5). Upon receipt of the request, the


department of agriculture shall notify the department. Within 180


days after receipt of the request by the department of agriculture,


the department of agriculture and the department shall determine


whether the livestock production facility is entitled to


registration pursuant to subsection (2) or (3), as applicable, and


shall notify the owner or operator of the determination. The


department of agriculture shall enter the livestock production


facility on a registry if it is entitled to registration.


     (2) An existing or expanding livestock production facility is


entitled to registration under subsection (1) if the livestock


production facility meets both of the following requirements:


     (a) Is verified under and continues to be in compliance with


the livestock system of the Michigan agriculture environmental


assurance program.


     (b) Has not had a discharge of waste or waste effluent into


the waters of this state in the last 5 years.


     (3) A new livestock production facility is entitled to


registration under subsection (1) if all of the following


requirements are met:


     (a) Before construction of the livestock production facility,


the owner or operator submits to the department of agriculture a


written notice of intent to submit a request for registration under


subsection (1).


     (b) Before populating the livestock production facility, the


owner or operator obtains from the department of agriculture a


determination of conformance with the generally accepted


agricultural and management practices for site selection and odor


controls at new and expanding animal livestock facilities.


     (c) Not less than 30 days before populating the livestock


production facility, the owner or operator submits to the


department of agriculture a written request for verification of the


livestock production facility under the livestock system of the




     (4) Requests submitted under subsection (1), the registry


developed under subsection (1), and any records of the department


or the department of agriculture developed under subsection (1),


(2), or (3) are confidential and exempt from disclosure under the


freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.


However, the name of the owner or operator and the location of a


livestock production facility for which a request has been


submitted or that has been entered on the registry shall be made


available to the public.


     (5) A livestock production facility registered under


subsection (1) is not required to have a permit under part 31.


     (6) If either of the following applies to a livestock


production facility registered under subsection (1), the department


of agriculture shall promptly remove the livestock production


facility from the registry:


     (a) The department has determined that the livestock


production facility has had a discharge of waste or waste effluent


into the waters of this state and has notified the department of


agriculture of the determination. The department shall consult with


the department of agriculture before making such a determination.


     (b) The farm or farm operation was registered pursuant to


subsection (3) and the farm or farm operation was not verified


under the livestock system of the MAEAP within 1 year of being


populated. The department of agriculture may provide an extension


of the 1-year deadline under this subdivision if the livestock


production facility shows progress toward verification.


     (7) Within 30 days after a livestock production facility is


removed from the registry, the owner or operator of the livestock


production facility shall apply for a permit under part 31 if a


permit is required under rules promulgated under that part.


     (8) If a livestock production facility is on the registry, has


been verified under the livestock system of the MAEAP, and


negligently or willfully violates the requirements of the livestock


system of the MAEAP, the owner or operator of the livestock


production facility may be ordered to pay an administrative fine of


not less than $5,000.00 for the first violation, $10,000.00 for a


second violation, and $20,000.00 for a third or subsequent




     Sec. 8803. (1)  In  Subject to subsection (2), in selecting


projects for a grant award, the department shall consider the


following as they relate to a project:


     (a) The expectation for long-term water quality improvement.


     (b) The expectation for long-term protection of high quality




     (c) The consistency of the project with remedial action plans


and other regional water quality or watershed management plans


approved by the department.


     (d) The placement of the watershed on the list of impaired


waters pursuant to  section 303(d) of title III of the federal


water pollution control act, chapter 758, 86 Stat. 846, 33 U.S.C.  


33 USC 1313.


     (e) Commitments for financial and technical assistance from


the partners in the project.


     (f) Financial and other resource contributions, including in-


kind services, by project participants in excess of that required


in section 8802(4).


     (g) The length of time the applicant has committed to maintain


the physical improvements.


     (h) The commitment to provide monitoring to document


improvement in water quality or the reduction of pollutant loads.


     (i) Whether the project provides benefits to sources of


drinking water.


     (j) Other information the department considers relevant.


     (2) In selecting projects for an award of grant money


deposited into the fund for water quality monitoring and water


resources protection and pollution control activities pursuant to


section 19608(1)(e), the department shall give first priority to


water quality monitoring projects in watersheds with a high


concentration of livestock production facilities as determined


jointly by the department and the department of agriculture.