June 1, 2006, Introduced by Rep. Cushingberry and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


      A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled


"The code of criminal procedure,"


by amending sections 6 and 15 of chapter V (MCL 765.6 and


765.15), section 6 as amended by 2004 PA 167 and section 15 as


amended by 1993 PA 343, and by adding section 3d to chapter XI.




 1                            CHAPTER V


 2        Sec. 6. (1) Except as otherwise provided by law, a person


 3  accused of a criminal offense is entitled to bail. The amount of


 4  bail shall not be excessive. The court in fixing the amount of


 5  the bail shall consider and make findings on the record as to


 6  each of the following:


 7        (a) The seriousness of the offense charged.


 1        (b) The protection of the public.


 2        (c) The previous criminal record and the dangerousness of


 3  the person accused.


 4        (d) The probability or improbability of the person accused


 5  appearing at the trial of the cause.


 6        (2) If the court fixes a bail amount under subsection (1)


 7  and allows for the posting of a 10% deposit bond, the person


 8  accused may post bail by a surety bond in an amount equal to 1/4


 9  of the full bail amount fixed under subsection (1) and executed


10  by a surety approved by the court.


11        (3) If a person is arrested for an ordinance violation or a


12  misdemeanor and if the defendant's operator's or chauffeur's


13  license is not expired, suspended, revoked, or cancelled, the


14  court may require the defendant, in place of other security for


15  the defendant's appearance in court for trial or sentencing or,


16  as a condition for release of the defendant on personal


17  recognizance, to surrender to the court his or her operator's or


18  chauffeur's license. The court shall issue to the defendant a


19  receipt for the license, as provided in section 311a of the


20  Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.311a. If the trial


21  date is set at the arraignment, the court shall specify on the


22  receipt the date on which the defendant is required to appear for


23  trial. If a trial date is not set at the arraignment, the court


24  shall specify on the receipt a date on which the receipt expires.


25  By written notice the court may extend the expiration date of the


26  receipt, as needed, to secure the defendant's appearance for


27  trial and sentencing. The written notice shall instruct the


 1  person to whom the receipt was issued to attach the notice to the


 2  receipt. Upon its attachment to the receipt, the written notice


 3  shall be considered a part of the receipt for purposes of


 4  determining the expiration date. At the conclusion of the trial


 5  or imposition of sentence, as applicable, the court shall return


 6  the license to the defendant unless other disposition of the


 7  license is authorized by law.


 8        (4) A surcharge of 5% of the amount fixed under subsection


 9  (1) shall be included in the amount of bail required of the


10  person. All surcharges collected under this subsection shall be


11  transmitted monthly by the clerk of the court to the state


12  treasurer for deposit in the indigent defense counsel fund


13  created in the state treasury under section 177 of the revised


14  judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.177.


15        Sec. 15. (1) If bond or bail is forfeited, the court shall


16  enter an order upon its records directing the disposition of the


17  cash, check, or security within 45 days of the order. The


18  treasurer or clerk, upon presentation of a certified copy of  


19  such  the order, shall dispose of the cash, check, or security


20  pursuant to the order. The court shall set aside the forfeiture


21  and discharge the bail or bond, within 1 year from the time of


22  the forfeiture judgment, in accordance with subsection (2) if the


23  person who forfeited bond or bail is apprehended, the ends of


24  justice have not been thwarted, and the county has been repaid


25  its costs for apprehending the person.


26        (2) If bond or bail is discharged, the court shall enter an


27  order with a statement of the amount to be returned to the


 1  depositor. If the court ordered the defendant to pay a fine,


 2  costs, restitution, assessment, or other payment, the court shall


 3  order the fine, costs, restitution, assessment, or other payment


 4  collected out of cash bond or bail personally deposited by the


 5  defendant under this chapter, and the cash bond or bail used for


 6  that purpose shall be allocated as provided in section 22 of


 7  chapter XV. The court shall order that the surcharge imposed


 8  under section 6(4) of this chapter be collected and transmitted


 9  by the clerk of the court in the manner prescribed in that


10  section. Upon presentation of a certified copy of the order, the


11  treasurer or clerk having the cash, check, or security shall pay


12  or deliver it as provided in the order to the person named in the


13  order or to that person's order.


14        (3) If the cash, check, or security is in the hands of the


15  sheriff or any officer other than the treasurer or clerk, the


16  officer holding it shall dispose of the cash, check, or security


17  as the court orders upon presentation of a certified copy of the


18  court's order.


19                            CHAPTER XI


20        Sec. 3d. (1) The court shall include in each order of


21  probation for a defendant convicted of a crime that the clerk of


22  the court shall collect an indigent defense counsel fee of not


23  more than $135.00. The fee is payable when the probation order is


24  entered, but the fee may be paid in monthly installments if the


25  court approves installment payments for that probationer. In


26  determining the amount of the fee, the court shall consider the


27  probationer's projected income and financial resources. The court


 1  shall use the following table of projected monthly income in


 2  determining the amount of the fee to be ordered:



3  $       0-249.99         $ 5.00

4  $       250.00-499.99    $10.00

5  $       500.00-749.99    $25.00

6  $       750.00-999.99    $40.00

7  $       1,000.00 or more 5% of projected monthly

8                           income, but not more than $135.00



 9  The court may order a higher amount than indicated by the table,


10  up to the maximum of $135.00, if the court determines that the


11  probationer has sufficient assets or other financial resources to


12  warrant the higher amount. If the court orders a higher amount,


13  the amount and the reasons for ordering that amount shall be


14  stated in the court order. All fees submitted to the clerk of the


15  court under this section shall be transmitted monthly by the


16  clerk to the state treasurer for deposit in the indigent defense


17  counsel fund created in the state treasury under section 177 of


18  the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.177.


19        (2) If a person who is subject to an indigent defense


20  counsel fee is also subject to any combination of fines, costs,


21  restitution orders, assessments, or payments arising out of the


22  same criminal proceeding, the allocation of money collected for


23  those obligations shall be as otherwise provided in section 22 of


24  chapter XV.


25        (3) This section does not apply to a juvenile placed on


26  probation and committed under section 1(3) or (4) of chapter IX


 1  to an institution or agency described in the youth rehabilitation


 2  services act, 1974 PA 150, MCL 803.301 to 803.309.


 3        Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


 4  unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 6123(request no.


 5  02583'05 a) of the 93rd Legislature is enacted into law.