May 11, 2006, Introduced by Reps. Moore, Nofs, Meyer, Caul and Casperson and referred to the Committee on Education.


     A bill to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled


"The state school aid act of 1979,"


by amending sections 32l and 37 (MCL 388.1632l and 388.1637),


section 32l as added and section 37 as amended by 2005 PA 155.




     Sec. 32l. (1) From the general fund money appropriated in


section 11, there is allocated for 2005-2006 an amount not to


exceed $12,250,000.00 for competitive school readiness program


grants. These grants shall be made available through a competitive


application process as follows:


     (a) Any public or private nonprofit legal entity or agency may


apply for a grant under this section. However, a district or


intermediate district may not apply for a grant under this section


unless the district or intermediate district is acting as a fiscal


agent for a child caring organization regulated under 1973 PA 116,


MCL 722.111 to 722.128.


     (b) An applicant shall submit an application in the form and


manner prescribed by the department.


     (c) The department shall establish a diverse interagency


committee to review the applications. The committee shall be


composed of representatives of the department, appropriate


community, volunteer, and social service agencies and


organizations, and parents.


     (d) The superintendent shall award the grants and shall give


priority for awarding the grants based upon the following criteria:


     (i) Compliance with the state board-approved early childhood


standards of quality for prekindergarten.


     (ii) Active and continuous involvement of the parents or


guardians of the children participating in the program.


     (iii) Employment of teachers possessing proper training,


including a valid Michigan teaching certificate with an early


childhood (ZA) endorsement, a valid Michigan teaching certificate


with a child development associate credential (CDA), or a


bachelor's degree in child development with a specialization in


preschool teaching.  , and employment  If an applicant demonstrates


that it is unable to fully comply with this subparagraph after


making reasonable efforts to comply, the superintendent may still


give priority to the applicant if the applicant will employ


teachers who have proper training in early childhood development


equivalent to 4 years of formal training in early


childhood/preschool education or child development. This may


include 1 or more of the following:


     (A) A valid Michigan teaching certificate with an early


childhood (ZA) endorsement or a child development associate


credential (CDA).


     (B) A bachelor's degree in child care or child development.


     (C) A child development associate credential (CDA) combined


with an associate of arts (AA) degree in early childhood/preschool


education or child development.


     (iv) Employment of paraprofessionals possessing proper training


in early childhood development  , including an associate's degree


in early childhood education or child development or the


equivalent, or a child development associate (CDA) credential, or


the equivalent, as approved by the state board. A paraprofessional


who does not meet these requirements may be employed for not more


than 2 years while obtaining proper credentials if he or she has


completed at least 1 course in an appropriate training program  or


who have completed at least 1 course in an appropriate training


program, including, but not limited to, a child development


associate credential (CDA) program, an associate degree in child


development program, or a similar program, as approved by the




     (v)  (iv)  Evidence of collaboration with the community of


providers in early childhood development programs including


documentation of the total number of children in the community who


would meet the criteria established in subparagraph (vi), and who


are being served by other providers, and the number of children who


will remain unserved by other community early childhood programs if


this program is funded.


     (vi)  (v)  The extent to which these funds will supplement


other federal, state, local, or private funds.


     (vii)  (vi)  The extent to which these funds will be targeted to


children who will be at least 4, but less than 5, years of age as


of December 1 of the year in which the programs are offered and who


show evidence of 2 or more "at-risk" factors as defined in the


state board report entitled "children at risk" that was adopted by


the state board on April 5, 1988.


     (viii)  (vii)  The program offers supplementary day care and


thereby offers full-day programs as part of its early childhood


development program.


     (ix)  (viii)  The application contains a plan approved by the


department to conduct and report annual school readiness program


evaluations and continuous improvement plans using criteria


approved by the department. At a minimum, the evaluations shall


include a self-assessment of program quality and assessment of the


gains in educational readiness and progress of the children


participating in the program.


     (e) An application shall demonstrate that the program has


established or has joined a multidistrict, multiagency school


readiness advisory committee that is involved in the planning and


evaluation of the program and that provides for the involvement of


parents and appropriate community, volunteer, and social service


agencies and organizations. The advisory committee shall include at


least 1 parent or guardian of a program participant for every 18


children enrolled in the program, with a minimum of 2 parent or


guardian representatives. The advisory committee shall do all of


the following:


     (i) Review the mechanisms and criteria used to determine


referrals for participation in the school readiness program.


     (ii) Review the health screening program for all participants.


     (iii) Review the nutritional services provided to all




     (iv) Review the mechanisms in place for the referral of


families to community social service agencies, as appropriate.


     (v) Review the collaboration with and the involvement of


appropriate community, volunteer, and social service agencies and


organizations in addressing all aspects of education disadvantage.


     (vi) Review, evaluate, and make recommendations for changes in


the school readiness program.


     (2) To be eligible for a grant under this section, a program


shall demonstrate that more than 50% of the children participating


in the program live with families with a household income that is


less than or equal to 250% of the federal poverty level.


     (3) The superintendent may award grants under this section at


whatever level the superintendent determines appropriate. However,


the amount of a grant under this section, when combined with other


sources of state revenue for this program, shall not exceed


$3,300.00 per participating child or the cost of the program,


whichever is less.


     (4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an


applicant that receives a grant under this section for 2005-2006


shall also receive priority for funding under this section for


2006-2007 and 2007-2008. However, after 3 fiscal years of


continuous funding, an applicant is required to compete openly with


new programs and other programs completing their third year. All


grant awards under this section are contingent on the availability


of funds and documented evidence of grantee compliance with early


childhood standards of quality for prekindergarten, as approved by


the state board, and with all operational, fiscal, administrative,


and other program requirements.


     Sec. 37. (1) A district is eligible for an allocation under


section 32d if the district meets all of the requirements in


subsections (2), (3), and (4).


     (2) The district shall submit a preapplication, in a manner


and on forms prescribed by the department, by a date specified by


the department in the immediately preceding state fiscal year. The


preapplication shall include a comprehensive needs assessment and


community collaboration plan, and shall identify all of the




     (a) The estimated total number of children in the community


who meet the criteria of section 32d and how that calculation was




     (b) The estimated number of children in the community who meet


the criteria of section 32d and are being served by other early


childhood development programs operating in the community, and how


that calculation was made.


     (c) The number of children the district will be able to serve


who meet the criteria of section 32d including a verification of


physical facility and staff resources capacity.


     (d) The estimated number of children who meet the criteria of


section 32d who will remain unserved after the district and


community early childhood programs have met their funded


enrollments. The school district shall maintain a waiting list of


identified unserved eligible children who would be served when


openings are available.


     (3) The district shall submit a final application for


approval, in a manner and on forms prescribed by the department, by


a date specified by the department. The final application shall


indicate all of the following that apply:


     (a) The district complies with the state board approved early


childhood standards of quality for prekindergarten.


     (b) The district provides for the active and continuous


participation of parents or guardians of the children in the


program, and describes the district's participation plan as part of


the application.


     (c) The district only employs for this program the following:


     (i) Teachers possessing proper training. For programs the


district manages itself, a valid teaching certificate and an early


childhood (ZA) endorsement are required. This provision does not


apply to a district that subcontracts with an eligible child


development program. In that situation a teacher must have a valid


Michigan teaching certificate with an early childhood (ZA)


endorsement, a valid Michigan teaching certificate with a child


development associate credential (CDA), or a bachelor’s degree in


child development with specialization in preschool teaching.


     (ii) If a district determines that it is unable to fully comply


with subparagraph (i) after making reasonable efforts to comply,


teachers who have proper training in early childhood development


equivalent to 4 years of formal training in early


childhood/preschool education or child development. This may


include 1 or more of the following:


     (A) A valid Michigan teaching certificate with an early


childhood (ZA) endorsement or a child development associate


credential (CDA).


     (B) A bachelor's degree in child care or child development.


     (C) A child development associate credential (CDA) combined


with an associate of arts (AA) degree in early childhood/preschool


education or child development.


     (iii)  (ii)  Paraprofessionals possessing proper training in


early childhood development  , including an associate’s degree in


early childhood education or child development or the equivalent,


or a child development associate (CDA) credential, or the


equivalent as approved by the state board. A paraprofessional who


does not meet these requirements may be employed for not more than


2 years while obtaining proper credentials if he or she has


completed at least 1 course in an appropriate training program  or


who have completed at least 1 course in an appropriate training


program, including, but not limited to, a child development


associate credential (CDA) program, an associate degree in child


development program, or a similar program, as approved by the




     (d) The district has submitted for approval a program budget


that includes only those costs not reimbursed or reimbursable by


federal funding, that are clearly and directly attributable to the


early childhood readiness program, and that would not be incurred


if the program were not being offered. If children other than those


determined to be educationally disadvantaged participate in the


program, state reimbursement under section 32d shall be limited to


the portion of approved costs attributable to educationally


disadvantaged children.


     (e) The district has established a, or has joined a


multidistrict, multiagency, school readiness advisory committee


consisting of, at a minimum, classroom teachers for


prekindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade; parents or


guardians of program participants; representatives from appropriate


community agencies and organizations; the district curriculum


director or equivalent administrator; and, if feasible, a school


psychologist, school social worker, or school counselor. In


addition, there shall be on the committee at least 1 parent or


guardian of a program participant for every 18 children enrolled in


the program, with a minimum of 2 parent or guardian


representatives. The committee shall do all of the following:


     (i) Ensure the ongoing articulation of the early childhood,


kindergarten, and first grade programs offered by the district or




     (ii) Review the mechanisms and criteria used to determine


participation in the early childhood program.


     (iii) Review the health screening program for all participants.


     (iv) Review the nutritional services provided to program




     (v) Review the mechanisms in place for the referral of


families to community social service agencies, as appropriate.


     (vi) Review the collaboration with and the involvement of


appropriate community, volunteer, and social service agencies and


organizations in addressing all aspects of educational




     (vii) Review, evaluate, and make recommendations to a local


school readiness program or programs for changes to the school


readiness program.


     (f) The district has submitted for departmental approval a


plan to conduct and report annual school readiness program


evaluations and continuous improvement plans using criteria


approved by the department. At a minimum, the evaluations shall


include a self-assessment of program quality and assessment of the


gains in educational readiness and progress of the children


participating in the program.


     (g) More than 50% of the children participating in the program


live with families with a household income that is equal to or less


than 250% of the federal poverty level.


     (4) A consortium of 2 or more districts shall be eligible for


an allocation under section 32d if the districts designate a single


fiscal agent for the allocation. A district or intermediate


district may administer a consortium described in this subsection.


A consortium shall submit a single preapplication and application


for the children to be served, regardless of the number of


districts participating in the consortium.


     (5) With the final application, an applicant district shall


submit to the department a resolution adopted by its board


certifying the number of 4-year-old children who show evidence of


risk factors as described in section 32d who live with families


with a household income that is less than or equal to 250% of the


federal poverty level.