February 1, 2006, Introduced by Reps. Casperson, Emmons, Marleau, Vander Veen and Farhat and referred to the Committee on Conservation, Forestry, and Outdoor Recreation.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending section 50507 (MCL 324.50507), as amended by 2004 PA






     Sec. 50507. (1) The authority shall finance only forest


management operations and practices consistent with part 525 that


follow the guidelines, rules, and objectives prescribed and


approved by the department as these guidelines, rules, and


objectives are amended by the department.


     (2) Funds managed by the authority shall be applied in a


manner consistent with part 525 and the land management planning


policies of the department on lands that have been identified for


forest management practices. In the absence of an approved state


forest management plan covering a candidate area, an interim


procedure, as adopted by the department, shall be used to assure


that all forest values have been considered in selecting sites for


investment with funds of the authority. The department shall


annually submit a list of activities and practices allocated from


the funds generated under this part for the board's review and


determination of consistency with the purposes of this part.


     (3) The executive director of the authority shall notify the


department if the authority projects a probable default on any


bonds or notes issued by the authority, and within 1 year of


receipt of the notification, or within less than 1 year, if the


notification indicates a shorter time period is necessary to avoid


a default, the department shall identify and convey to the


authority sufficient timber on tax reverted lands to enable the


authority to avoid the projected default and to provide for timely


payment of principal of and interest on the authority's bonds or


notes. The authority may only issue contracts for the cutting and


sale of timber that has been conveyed to the authority under this


section to avoid a default on any bonds or notes issued by the


authority. The determination of the board as to the need to cut and


sell timber is conclusive. Contracts for the cutting and sale of


timber shall be consistent with part 525 and with the guidelines,


rules, and objectives prescribed by the department.


     (4) The authority shall establish a fund designated as the


"forest development fund". Any money on hand or received in the


future from bond proceeds and from contracts for the cutting and


sale of timber on tax reverted lands shall be deposited in the


forest development fund. In addition, this fund may receive


revenues from any other source. The authority shall use money in


the forest development fund  for 1 or more of the following  as




     (a) In each state fiscal year, money received by the fund from


the proceeds of the sale of the first 90,000 cords of wood


harvested from the state forest shall be distributed as follows:


     (i) Fifty percent of the money shall be deposited into the


school aid fund established under section 11 of article IX of the


state constitution of 1963.


     (ii) Fifty percent of the money shall be distributed to each


local tax collecting unit in each county that has land classified


as commercial forest under part 511 in proportion to the amount of


commercial forestland in that local tax collecting unit, to be


distributed in the same manner and in the same proportion as ad


valorem taxes collected under the general property tax act, 1893 PA


206, MCL 211.1 to 211.157.


     (b) After money is distributed under subdivision (a), money in


the fund shall be expended as follows:


     (i)  (a)  To provide for the payment of principal of and


interest on any bonds or notes issued by the authority.


     (ii)  (b)  For reforestation, forest protection, and timber


stand improvement.


     (iii)  (c)  To obtain and maintain certification of sustainable


forestry standards in the state forest under section 52505.


     (iv)  (d)  For any other purposes authorized by this part.


     (5) The auditor general shall audit the expenditures of the


forest development fund at least once every 3 years.


     (6) As used in this section, "state forest" means that term as


it is defined in section 52501.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless House Bill No. 5453 of the 93rd Legislature is enacted into

