January 24, 2006, Introduced by Reps. Bieda and Condino and referred to the Committee on House Oversight, Elections, and Ethics.


     A bill to amend 1976 PA 388, entitled


"Michigan campaign finance act,"


by amending section 52 (MCL 169.252), as amended by 2001 PA 250.




     Sec. 52. (1) Except as provided in subsection (5) or (11) and


subject to subsection (8), a person other than an independent


committee or a political party committee shall not make


contributions to a candidate committee of a candidate for elective


office that, with respect to an election cycle, are more than the




     (a) $3,400.00 for a candidate for state elective office other


than the office of state legislator, or for a candidate for local


elective office if the district from which he or she is seeking


office has a population of more than 250,000.


     (b) $1,000.00 for a candidate for state senator, or for a


candidate for local elective office if the district from which he


or she is seeking office has a population of more than 85,000 but


250,000 or less.


     (c) $500.00 for a candidate for state representative, or for a


candidate for local elective office if the district from which he


or she is seeking office has a population of 85,000 or less.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection and


subsection (12), an independent committee shall not make


contributions to a candidate committee of a candidate for elective


office that, in the aggregate for that election cycle, are more


than 10 times the amount permitted a person other than an


independent committee or political party committee in subsection


(1). A house political party caucus committee or a senate political


party caucus committee is not limited under this subsection in the


amount of contributions made to the candidate committee of a


candidate for the office of state legislator, except as follows:


     (a) A house political party caucus committee or a senate


political party caucus committee shall not pay a debt incurred by a


candidate if that debt was incurred while the candidate was seeking


nomination at a primary election and the candidate was opposed at


that primary.


     (b) A house political party caucus committee or a senate


political party caucus committee shall not make a contribution to


or make an expenditure on behalf of a candidate if that candidate


is seeking nomination at a primary election and the candidate is


opposed at that primary.


     (3) A political party committee other than a state central


committee shall not make contributions to the candidate committee


of a candidate for elective office that are more than 10 times the


amount permitted a person other than an independent committee or


political party committee in subsection (1).


     (4) A state central committee of a political party shall not


make contributions to the candidate committee of a candidate for


state elective office other than a candidate for the legislature


that are more than 20 times the amount permitted a person other


than an independent committee or political party committee in


subsection (1). A state central committee of a political party


shall not make contributions to the candidate committee of a


candidate for state senator, state representative, or local


elective office that are more than 10 times the amount permitted a


person other than an independent committee or political party


committee in subsection (1).


     (5) A contribution from a member of a candidate's immediate


family to the candidate committee of that candidate is exempt from


the limitations of subsection (1).


     (6) Consistent with the provisions of this section, a


contribution designated in writing for a particular election cycle


is considered made for that election cycle.  A contribution made


after the close of a particular election cycle and designated in


writing for that election cycle shall be made only to the extent


that the contribution does not exceed the candidate committee's net


outstanding debts and obligations from the election cycle so


designated.  If a contribution is not designated in writing for a


particular election cycle, the contribution is considered made for


the election cycle that corresponds to the date of the written




     (7) A candidate committee, a candidate, or a treasurer or


agent of a candidate committee shall not accept a contribution with


respect to an election cycle that exceeds the limitations in


subsection (1), (2), (3), (4), (11), or (12).


     (8) The contribution limits in subsection (1) for a candidate


for local elective office are effective on the effective date of


the amendatory act that provides for those contribution limits,


however, only contributions received by that candidate on and after


that date shall be used to determine if the contribution limit has


been reached.


     (9) A person who knowingly violates this section is guilty of


a misdemeanor punishable, if the person is an individual, by a fine


of not more than $1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 90


days, or both, or, if the person is not an individual, by a fine of


not more than $10,000.00.


     (10) For purposes of the limitations provided in subsections


(1) and (2), all contributions made by political committees or


independent committees established by  any  a corporation, joint


stock company, domestic dependent sovereign, or labor organization,


including  any  a parent, subsidiary, branch, division, department,


or local unit thereof, shall be considered to have been made by a


single independent committee.  By way of illustration and not


limitation, all  All of the following  apply as a result of the


application of this requirement  are examples of the effect of this




     (a) All of the political committees and independent committees


established by a for profit corporation or joint stock company, by


a subsidiary of the for profit corporation or joint stock company,


or by any combination thereof, are treated as a single independent




     (b) All of the political committees and independent committees


established by a single national or international labor


organization, by a labor organization of that national or


international labor organization, by a local labor organization of


that national or international labor organization, or by any other


subordinate organization of that national or international labor


organization, or by any combination thereof, are treated as a


single independent committee.


     (c) All of the political committees and independent committees


established by an organization of national or international unions,


by a state central body of that organization, by a local central


body of that organization, or by any combination thereof, are


treated as a single independent committee.


     (d) All of the political committees and independent committees


established by a nonprofit corporation, by a related state entity


of that nonprofit corporation, by a related local entity of that


nonprofit corporation, or by any combination thereof, are treated


as a single independent committee.


     (11) The limitation on a political committee's contributions


under subsection (1) does not apply to contributions that are part


of 1 or more bundled contributions delivered to the candidate


committee of a candidate for statewide elective office and that are


attributed to the political committee as prescribed in section 31.


A political committee shall not make contributions to a candidate


committee of a candidate for statewide elective office that are


part of 1 or more bundled contributions delivered to that candidate


committee, that are attributed to the political committee as


prescribed in section 31, and that, in the aggregate for that


election cycle, are more than the amount permitted a person other


than an independent committee or political party committee in


subsection (1).


     (12) The limitation on an independent committee's


contributions under subsection (2) does not apply to contributions


that are part of 1 or more bundled contributions delivered to the


candidate committee of a candidate for statewide elective office


and that are attributed to the independent committee as prescribed


in section 31. An independent committee shall not make


contributions to a candidate committee of a candidate for statewide


elective office that are part of 1 or more bundled contributions


delivered to that candidate committee, that are attributed to the


independent committee as prescribed in section 31, and that, in the


aggregate for that election cycle, are more than 10 times the


amount permitted a person other than an independent committee or


political party committee in subsection (1).