September 6, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Sheltrown, Kehrl, Vagnozzi, Lemmons, Jr., Brown, Adamini, McDowell, Byrum, Meisner, Alma Smith, Hopgood, Williams, Zelenko, Leland, Mayes, Clemente, Tobocman, Polidori, Farrah, Lipsey, Kolb, Byrnes, Bennett, Kathleen Law, Espinoza and Lemmons, III and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.


     A bill to amend 1984 PA 44, entitled


"Motor fuels quality act,"


by amending sections 2, 3, and 5 (MCL 290.642, 290.643, and


290.645), section 2 as amended by 1993 PA 236 and sections 3 and 5


as amended by 2002 PA 13.




     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Additive" means any substance in gasoline other than


gasoline but does not include approved blending components, other


than lead, sodium, and phosphate components, introduced at


refineries or terminals as octane or product quality enhancers in


quantities of less than 1% of volume.


     (b) "American society for testing and materials" means an


international nonprofit scientific and educational society devoted


to the promotion of knowledge of the materials of engineering and


the standardization of specification and methods of testing.


     (c) "Antiknock index" or "AKI" means an index number arrived


at by adding the motor octane number and the research octane


number, then dividing by 2.


     (d) "Biodiesel" means a fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters of


long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats,


and, in accordance with standards specified by the American society


for testing and materials, designated B100, and meeting the


requirements of D-6751, as approved by the department.


     (e)  (d)  "Blender" means a person who as an individual or


through his or her agent adds an oxygenate to a gasoline.


     (f)  (e)  "Bulk purchaser-end user" means a person who is an


ultimate consumer of gasoline and receives delivery of gasoline


into a storage tank of at least 550-gallon capacity substantially


under his or her control.


     (g)  (f)  "CARB" means the California air resources board.


     (h)  (g)  "Delivery vessel" means a tank truck, tank equipped


trailer, or a similar vessel used for the delivery of gasoline to a


dispensing facility.


     (i)  (h)  "Department" means the department of agriculture.


     (j) "Diesel fuel" means any liquid other than gasoline that is


capable of use as a fuel or a component of a fuel in a motor


vehicle that is propelled by a diesel-powered engine or in a


diesel-powered train.


     (k)  (i)  "Director" means the director of the department of


agriculture or his or her authorized representative.


     (l)  (j)  "Dispensing facility" means a site used for vehicle


gasoline refueling that is located in an area of this state that


has been designated as ozone nonattainment and classified as


moderate, serious, severe, or extreme by the E.P.A. pursuant to 40  


C.F.R.  CFR section 81.323, November 6, 1991. Dispensing facility


does not include a facility used exclusively for the refueling of


aircraft, watercraft, or vehicles that are designed for


agricultural purposes and used exclusively in agricultural




     (m)  (k)  "Dispensing unit" means a device designed for the


delivery of gasoline in which 1 nozzle equates to 1 dispensing




     (n)  (l)  "Distributor" means a person who purchases,


transports, or stores or causes the transportation or storage of


gasoline at any point between a gasoline refinery and a retail


outlet or bulk purchaser-end user facility.


     (o)  (m)  "E.P.A." means the United States environmental


protection agency.


     (p)  (n)  "Gasoline" means any fuel sold in this state that is


suitable for use in spark-ignition internal combustion engines, and


commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline.


     (q)  (o)  "Leak" means liquid or vapor loss from the gasoline


dispensing system or stage I or stage II vapor-recovery system as


determined by visual inspection or functional testing.


     (r)  (p)  "Modification" means any change, removal, or


addition, other than an identical replacement, of any component


contained within a stage I or stage II vapor-recovery system. The


resultant modification must constitute an approved vapor-recovery




     (s)  (q)  "Motor octane number" or "MON" means a knock


characteristic of gasoline determined by use of standard procedures


on a motor engine.


     (t)  (r)  "Operator" means a person who owns, leases,


operates, manages, supervises, or controls, directly or indirectly,


a gasoline-dispensing facility.


     (u)  (s)  "Oxygenate" means an oxygen-containing, ashless,


organic compound, such as alcohol or ether, that may be used as


fuel or fuel supplement.


     (v)  (t)  "Person" means an individual, sole proprietorship,


partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity.


     (w)  (u)  "Refiner" means a person who owns, leases, operates,


controls, or supervises a refinery.


     (x)  (v)  "Refinery" means a plant at which gasoline or diesel


fuel is produced.


     (y)  (w)  "Research octane number" or "RON" means a knock


characteristic of gasoline determined by use of standard procedures


on a research engine.


     (z)  (x)  "Retail dealer" means a person who owns, leases,


operates, controls, or supervises a retail outlet.


     (aa)  (y)  "Retail outlet" means an establishment at which


gasoline is sold or offered for sale to the public.


     (bb)  (z)  "Rule" means a rule promulgated pursuant to the


administrative procedures act of 1969,  Act No. 306 of the Public


Acts of 1969, being sections 24.201 to 24.328 of the Michigan


Compiled Laws  1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     (cc)  (aa)  "Stage I vapor-recovery system" means a vapor


tight collection system that is approved by the department and is


designed to capture the gasoline vapors displaced during delivery


into a stationary storage tank and to return not less than 90% of


the displaced vapors to the delivery vessel.


     (dd)  (bb)  "Stage II vapor-recovery system" means a gasoline-


dispensing system approved by the department that prevents 95% or


more of the volatile organic compounds from being emitted during


gasoline refueling.


     Sec. 3. (1) The director shall establish standards pursuant to


this act to ensure the purity and quality of gasoline and diesel


fuel sold or offered for sale in this state.


     (2) The director shall establish standards for the amount and


type of additives allowed to be included in gasoline and diesel




     (3) The director shall establish standards for the grading of


gasoline, including, but not limited to, subregular with a minimum


85 AKI, regular with a minimum 87 AKI and a minimum 82 MON,


midgrade 88 with a minimum 88 AKI and a minimum 82 MON, midgrade 89


with a minimum 89 AKI and a minimum 83 MON, premium with a minimum


90 AKI, premium 91 with a minimum 91 AKI, premium 92 with a minimum


92 AKI, premium 93 with a minimum 93 AKI, and premium 94 with a


minimum 94 AKI.


     (4) The director shall establish standards for Reid vapor


pressure as specified by the American society for testing and


materials, except as otherwise required to conform to federal or


state law. The director shall establish the Reid vapor pressure as


9.0 pounds per square inch (psi) for retail outlets during the


period beginning June 1 through September 15 of each year, except


for dispensing facilities where the director shall establish the


Reid vapor pressure as 7.8 psi in the year 1996 and thereafter. As


used in this subsection and section 10d, "Reid vapor pressure"


means the vapor pressure of gasoline or gasoline oxygenate blend as


determined by ASTM test method D323, standard test method for vapor


pressure of petroleum products (Reid method) or test method D4953,


standard test method for vapor pressure of gasoline and gasoline


oxygenate blends (dry method).


     (5) In establishing additive and grading standards the


director shall adopt the latest standards for gasoline established


by the American society for testing and materials and shall adopt


the latest standards for gasoline established by federal law or


regulation. The standards established by the director shall not


prohibit a gasoline blend that is permitted by a valid waiver


granted by the United States environmental protection agency


pursuant to the fuel or fuel additive waiver in section 211(f)(4)


of part A of title II of the clean air act,  chapter 360, 81 Stat.


502,  42  U.S.C.  USC 7545, and the ethanol waiver of 1.0 psi in


section 211(h)(4) of part A of title II of the clean air act,  


chapter 360, 81 Stat. 502,  42  U.S.C.  USC 7545, if the gasoline


blend meets all of the conditions set forth in the waiver.


Beginning June 1, 2003, the director shall not permit the use of


the additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in this state. The


director, in consultation with the department of environmental


quality, shall determine if the additive is likely to cause harmful


effects on the environment or public health within the state. By


June 1, 2002, the director, in consultation with the director of


the department of environmental quality, shall review the status of


the use of MTBE in this state. The review shall include the




     (a) The amount of the additive methyl tertiary butyl ether


(MTBE) currently in use in gasoline in this state.


     (b) An estimate of the amount of MTBE that is imported in


gasoline transported into this state from other states or




     (c) Recommendations as to whether the June 1, 2003 prohibition


can be achieved and, if not, determine a more feasible date.


     (d) Any other information considered appropriate.


     (6) The director shall establish standards pursuant to this


act to ensure the purity and quality of diesel fuel sold or offered


for sale in this state. Beginning June 30, 2006, the director shall


determine the annual capacity for the production of biodiesel fuel


in this state and, within 30 days of making the determination,


shall publish the annual capacity for the production of biodiesel


fuel in this state. Beginning December 31, 2006, within 30 days of


the publication that the annual capacity for the production of


biodiesel fuel in this state is greater than 12,000,000 gallons,


standards for diesel fuel sold or offered for sale in this state


shall include a requirement that the composition of diesel fuel


sold in this state include at least 5% biodiesel. This minimum


content requirement does not apply to diesel fuel sold for use in


railroad locomotives or to diesel fuel sold for use in off-road


taconite and copper mining equipment and machinery.


     (7)  (6)  Standards established pursuant to this section shall


be by rules promulgated pursuant to the administrative procedures


act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     Sec. 5. (1) Except as provided by federal law or regulation,


in the manufacture of gasoline or diesel fuel at any refinery in


this state, a refiner shall not manufacture gasoline or diesel fuel


at a refinery in this state unless the gasoline or diesel fuel


meets the requirements in section 3. Except as provided by federal


law or regulation, a blender shall not blend gasoline unless the


finished blend meets the requirements in section 3.


     (2) Except as provided by federal law or regulation, a


distributor shall not sell or transfer to any distributor, retail


dealer, or bulk purchaser-end user any gasoline or diesel fuel


unless that gasoline or diesel fuel meets the requirements in


section 3.


     (3) A carrier or an employee or agent of a carrier, whether


operating under contract or tariff, shall not cause gasoline or


diesel fuel tendered to the carrier for shipment or transfer to


another carrier, distributor, or retail dealer to fail to comply,


at the time of delivery, with the requirements in section 3.


     (4) A person shall not knowingly sell, dispense, or offer for


sale gasoline or diesel fuel unless that gasoline or diesel fuel


meets the requirements in section 3.


     (5) A refiner or distributor shall not transfer, sell,


dispense, or offer gasoline for sale in this state to a distributor


unless the refiner or distributor indicates on each bill, invoice,


or other instrument evidencing a delivery of gasoline, the name of


the wholesale distributor who received delivery of the gasoline.


     (6) A distributor or refiner shall not transfer, sell,


dispense, or offer gasoline for sale in this state to a retail


dealer unless the distributor indicates on each bill, invoice, or


other instrument evidencing a delivery of gasoline, the name and


license number issued pursuant to this act, of the retail dealer


who received delivery of the gasoline.


     (7) A bill, invoice, or other instrument evidencing a delivery


of gasoline issued by a refiner or distributor for deliveries of


gasoline to purchasers who are not required to hold a license


issued pursuant to the motor fuel tax act, 2000 PA 403, MCL


207.1001 to 207.1170, or this act shall clearly indicate the name


and address and other information necessary to identify the


purchaser of the gasoline.


     (8) A bill, invoice, or other instrument evidencing a delivery


of gasoline required by subsection (5), (6), or (7) shall include a


guarantee that the gasoline delivered meets the requirements in


section 3 and shall indicate the concentration range of alcohol in


the gasoline, except for alcohols or ethers that have a molecular


weight greater than ethanol and are not mixed with methanol or


ethanol, or both, and shall indicate the possible presence, without


regard to concentration range, of any alcohols or ethers that have


a molecular weight greater than ethanol and are not mixed with


methanol or ethanol, or both.


     (9) A refiner, distributor, bulk purchaser-end user, or retail


dealer shall not transfer, sell, dispense, or offer gasoline for


sale unless that gasoline is visibly free of undissolved water,


sediments, and other suspended matter and is clear and bright at an


ambient temperature or 70 degrees Fahrenheit, whichever is greater.


     (10) A person who violates this section or rules promulgated


under this section is liable for a civil fine not to exceed


$10,000.00 for each day of the continuance of the violation. A


civil fine ordered pursuant to this section shall be submitted to


the state treasurer for deposit in the gasoline inspection and


testing fund created by section 8.