August 10, 2005, Introduced by Rep. Lemmons, III and referred to the Committee on Commerce.


     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending sections 12601, 12604, 12604a, 12605, and 12611 (MCL


333.12601, 333.12604, 333.12604a, 333.12605, and 333.12611),


section 12601 as amended and section 12604a as added by 1988 PA


315, sections 12604 and 12611 as amended by 1993 PA 217, and


section 12605 as amended by 1988 PA 296.




     Sec. 12601.  (1) As used in this part:


     (a) "Child caring institution" and "child care center" mean


those terms as defined in section 1 of  Act No. 116 of the Public


Acts of 1973, being section 722.111 of the Michigan Compiled Laws


1973 PA 116, MCL 722.111.


     (b) "County medical care facility" means that term as defined


in section 20104.


     (c) "Educational facility" means a building owned, leased, or


under the control of a public or private school system, college, or




     (d) "Food service establishment" means  a food service


establishment  that term as defined in section  12901  1107 of the


food law of 2000, 2000 PA 92, MCL 289.1107.


     (e) "Health facility" means a health facility or agency


licensed under article 17, except a home for the aged, nursing


home, county medical care facility, hospice, or hospital long-term


care unit.


     (f) "Home for the aged" means that term as defined in section




     (g) "Hospice" means that term as defined in section 20106.


     (h) "Hospital long-term care unit" means that term as defined


in section 20106.


     (i) "Licensed premises" means any portion of a building,


structure, room, or enclosure in which alcoholic liquor may be sold


for consumption on the premises pursuant to a license issued by the


Michigan liquor control commission.


     (j) "Meeting" means a meeting as defined in section 2 of the


open meetings act,  Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, being


section 15.262 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  1976 PA 267, MCL




     (k) "Minor" means an individual who is less than 18 years of




     (l)  (k)  "Nursing home" means that term as defined in section




     (m)  (l)  "Public body" means a public body as defined in


section 2 of the open meetings act,  Act No. 267 of the Public Acts


of 1976  1976 PA 267, MCL 15.262.


     (n)  (m)  "Public place", except as otherwise provided in


subsection (2), means both of the following:


     (i) An enclosed, indoor area owned or operated by a state or


local governmental agency and used by the general public or serving


as a place of work for public employees or a meeting place for a


public body, including an office, educational facility, home for


the aged, nursing home, county medical care facility, hospice,


hospital long-term care unit, auditorium, arena, meeting room, or


public conveyance.


     (ii)  An enclosed, indoor area which is not owned or operated


by a state or local governmental agency, is used by the general


public, and is 1 of the following:


     (A) An educational facility.


     (B) A home for the aged, nursing home, county medical care


facility, hospice, or hospital long-term care unit.


     (C) An auditorium.


     (D) An arena.


     (E) A theater.


     (F) A museum.


     (G) A concert hall.


     (H) Any other facility during the period of its use for a


performance or exhibit of the arts.


     (o)  (n)  "Smoking" or "smoke" means the carrying by a person


of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or other lighted smoking




     (2) Public place does not include a private, enclosed room or


office occupied exclusively by a smoker, even if the room or


enclosed office may be visited by a nonsmoker.


     (3) In addition, article 1 contains general definitions and


principles of construction applicable to all articles of this code.


     Sec. 12604.  (1) An individual shall not smoke in a child


caring institution or child care center or on real property that is


under the control of a child caring institution or a child care


center and upon which the child caring institution or child care


center is located, including other related buildings.


     (2) An individual shall not smoke in an enclosed, indoor area


if a minor is present within that same area.


     (3)  (2)  An individual who violates  this section  subsection


(1) is subject to all the penalties described in section 15 of  Act


No. 116 of the Public Acts of 1973, being section 722.125 of the


Michigan Compiled Laws  1973 PA 116, MCL 722.125, except




     Sec. 12604a.  (1) An individual shall not smoke in the common


or treatment area of a private practice office of an individual who


is licensed under article 15.


     (2) An individual shall not smoke in a health facility except


under 1 or more of the following circumstances:


     (a) In cases where a prohibition on smoking would be


detrimental to the patient's treatment as defined by medical


conditions identified by the collective health facility medical


staff. Patients who are permitted to smoke under this subdivision


shall be placed in a separate room from nonsmoking patients.


     (b) If a health facility allows smoking, that smoking is


allowed only in designated areas that are enclosed and ventilated


or otherwise constructed which ensures a smoke free environment in


patient care areas and common areas.  A minor shall be prohibited


from entering a designated area.


     Sec. 12605. (1) A smoking area may be designated by the state


or local governmental agency or the person who owns or operates a


public place, except in a public place in which smoking is


prohibited by law. If a smoking area is designated, existing


physical barriers and ventilation systems shall be used to minimize


the toxic effect of smoke in both smoking and adjacent nonsmoking


areas and minors shall be prohibited from entering the designated




     (2) In the case of a public place consisting of a single room,


the state or local governmental agency or the person who owns or


operates the single room shall be in compliance with this part if


1/2 of the room is reserved and posted as a no smoking area.


     (3) If smoking is permitted in a public place, the state or


local governmental agency or the person who owns or operates the


public place shall develop a written policy for the separation of


smokers and nonsmokers which provides, at a minimum, for all of the




     (a) Nonsmokers to be located closest to the source of fresh




     (b) Special consideration to be given to individuals with a


hypersensitivity to tobacco smoke.


     (c) A procedure to receive, investigate, and take action on




     Sec. 12611. A person who violates section 12603(1), 12604(2),  


or 12604a or a person or state or local governmental agency that


owns or operates a public place and that violates section 12605 or


12607 shall be directed to comply with this part and is subject to


a civil fine of not more than  $100.00  $500.00 for a first


violation and not more than  $500.00  $1,000.00 for a second or


subsequent violation.