June 29, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Casperson, Farhat, Sheen, Schuitmaker, Newell, Emmons, Hansen and Marleau and referred to the Committee on Transportation.
A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled
"Michigan vehicle code,"
by amending section 244 (MCL 257.244), as amended by 2002 PA 642.
Sec. 244. (1) A manufacturer owning a vehicle of a type
otherwise required to be registered under this act may operate or
move the vehicle upon a street or highway primarily for the
purposes of transporting or testing or in connection with a golf
tournament or a public civic event, if the vehicle displays, in the
manner prescribed in section 225, 1 special plate approved by the
secretary of state.
(2) A producer of a vehicle subcomponent system essential to
the operation of the vehicle or the safety of an occupant may
operate or move a motor vehicle upon a street or highway solely to
transport or test the subcomponent system if the motor vehicle
displays, in the manner prescribed in section 225, 1 special plate
approved by the secretary of state. To be eligible for the special
plate, the subcomponent system producer must be either a recognized
subcomponent system producer or must be a subcomponent system
producer under contract with a vehicle manufacturer.
(3) A dealer owning a vehicle of a type otherwise required to
be registered under this act may operate or move the vehicle upon a
street or highway without registering the vehicle if the vehicle
displays, in the manner prescribed in section 225, 1 special plate
issued to the owner by the secretary of state. As used in this
subsection, "dealer" includes an employee, servant, or agent of the
(4) Solely to deliver the vehicle, a transporter may operate
or move a vehicle of a type otherwise required to be registered
under this act upon a street or highway if the vehicle displays, in
the manner prescribed in section 225, a special plate issued to the
transporter under this chapter.
(5) A licensee shall not use a special plate described in this
section on service cars or wreckers operated as an adjunct of a
licensee's business. A manufacturer, transporter, or dealer making
or permitting any unauthorized use of a special plate under this
chapter forfeits the right to use special plates and the secretary
of state, after notice and a hearing, may suspend or cancel the
right to use special plates and require that the special plates be
surrendered to or repossessed by the state.
(6) A transporter shall furnish a sufficient surety bond or
policy of insurance as protection for public liability and property
damage as may be required by the secretary of state.
(7) The secretary of state shall determine the number of
plates a manufacturer, dealer, or transporter reasonably needs in
his or her business.
(8) If a vehicle that is required to be registered under this
act is leased or sold, the vendee or lessee is permitted to operate
the vehicle upon a street or highway for not more than 72 hours
after taking possession if the vehicle has a dealer plate attached
as provided in this section. The application for registration shall
be made in the name of the vendee or lessee before the vehicle is
used. The dealer and the vendee or lessee are jointly responsible
for the return of the dealer plate to the dealer within 72 hours,
and the failure of the vendee or lessee to return or the vendor or
lessor to use due diligence to procure the dealer plate is a
misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days or
a fine of not more than $100.00, or both, and in addition the
license of the dealer may be revoked. While using a dealer's plate,
a vendee or lessee shall have in his or her possession proof that
clearly indicates the date of sale or lease of the motor vehicle.
(9) A vehicle owned by a dealer and bearing the dealer's plate
may be driven upon a street or highway for demonstration purposes,
including commercial transactions, by a prospective buyer or lessee
for a period of 72 hours.