SB-0919, As Passed House, June 27, 2006
A bill to amend 1996 PA 376, entitled
"Michigan renaissance zone act,"
(MCL 125.2681 to 125.2696) by adding section 8f.
Sec. 8f. (1) The board, upon recommendation of the board of
the Michigan strategic fund defined in section 4 of the Michigan
strategic fund act, 1984 PA 270, MCL 125.2004, may designate not
more than 10 additional renaissance zones for forest products
processing facilities within this state in 1 or more cities,
villages, or townships if that city, village, or township or
combination of cities, villages, or townships consents to the
creation of a renaissance zone for a forest products processing
facility within their boundaries. The board shall designate not
more than 5 renaissance zones for a forest products processing
facility each year until the maximum number of renaissance zones
for a forest products processing facility is met.
(2) Each renaissance zone designated for a forest products
processing facility under this section shall be 1 continuous
distinct geographic area.
(3) The board may revoke the designation of all or a portion
of a renaissance zone for a forest products processing facility if
the board determines that the forest products processing facility
does 1 or more of the following in a renaissance zone designated
under this section:
(a) Fails to commence operation.
(b) Ceases operation.
(c) Fails to commence construction or renovation within 1 year
from the date the renaissance zone for the forest products
processing facility is designated.
(4) Beginning on the effective date of the amendatory act that
added this subsection, the board shall consider all of the
following when designating a renaissance zone for a forest products
processing facility:
(a) The economic impact on local suppliers who supply raw
materials, goods, and services to the forest products processing
(b) The creation of jobs relative to the employment base of
the community rather than the static number of jobs created.
(c) The viability of the project.
(d) The economic impact on the community in which the forest
products processing facility is located.
(e) Whether the forest products processing facility can be
Senate Bill No. 919 (H-2) as amended June 27, 2006
located in an existing renaissance zone designated under section 8
or 8a.
(5) Beginning on the effective date of the amendatory act that
added this subsection, the board shall require a development
agreement between the Michigan strategic fund and the forest
products processing facility.
(6) As used in this section, "development agreement" means a
written agreement between the Michigan strategic fund and the
forest products processing facility that includes, but is not
limited to, all of the following:
(a) A requirement that the forest products processing facility
comply with all state and local laws.
(b) A requirement that the forest products processing facility
report annually to the Michigan strategic fund on all of the
(i) The amount of capital investment made at the facility.
(ii) The number of individuals employed at the facility at the
beginning and end of the reporting period as well as the number of
individuals transferred to the facility from another facility owned
by the forest products processing facility.
(iii) The percentage of raw materials purchased in this state.
(c) Any other conditions or requirements reasonably required
by the Michigan strategic fund.
[Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect
unless House Bill No. 5456 of the 93rd Legislature is enacted into law.]