HB-5748, As Passed Senate, May 9, 2006















February 23, 2006, Introduced by Rep. Farhat and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


      A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled


"The code of criminal procedure,"


by amending section 16w of chapter XVII (MCL 777.16w), as amended


by 2004 PA 424.




 1                           CHAPTER XVII


 2        Sec. 16w. This chapter applies to the following felonies


 3  enumerated in chapter 750 of the Michigan Compiled Laws:



4  M.C.L.             Category  Class  Description          Stat Max

750.451            Pub ord   G      Prostitution — various offenses — third or subsequent offense    2

750.452            Pub ord   E      Keeping a house of prostitution       5

750.455            Pub ord   G      Pandering            20

750.456            Person    B      Placing spouse into prostitution      20

750.457            Pub ord   G      Accepting earnings of a prostitute    20

750.458            Person    B      Prostitution — detaining female for debt   20

750.459            Person    B      Transporting a female for prostitution   20

750.462b(1)        Person    D      Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm         10

750.462b(2)        Person    C      Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm causing injury   15

750.462b(3)        Person    A      Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm causing death    Life

10 750.462c(1)        Person    D      Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint    10

11 750.462c(2)        Person    C      Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint causing injury      15

12 750.462c(3)        Person    A      Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint causing death       Life

750.462d(1)        Person    D      Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process         10

2         750.462d(2)        Person    C         Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process causing injury  



750.462d(3)        Person    A      Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process causing death   Life

750.462e(1)        Person    D      Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document     10

750.462e(2)        Person    C      Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document causing injury                   15

750.462e(3)        Person    A      Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document causing death                    Life

750.462f(1)        Person    D      Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail             10

750.462f(2)        Person    C      Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail causing injury       15

750.462f(3)        Person    A      Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail causing death        Life

750.462g(1)        Person    B      Human trafficking - obtain minor for child sexual abusive activity        20

750.462h(2)        Person    D      Human trafficking - recruit minor for forced labor                 10

750.462h(3)        Person    C      Human trafficking - recruit minor for forced labor causing injury  15

750.462h(4)        Person    A      Human trafficking -recruit minor for forced labor causing death   Life

750.462i           Person    A      Human trafficking - compound felony   Life

750.465a(1)(b)     Property  G      Operating audiovisual recording device in a theatrical facility — second offense   2

750.465a(1)(c)     Property  F      Operating audiovisual recording device in a theatrical facility — third or subsequent offense           4


          [Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days after
    the date it is enacted.]

 8        Enacting section [2]. This amendatory act does not take effect


 9  unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5747(request no.


10  03615'05) of the 93rd Legislature is enacted into law.