HB-5836, As Passed House, May 4, 2006

























     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending sections 2652, 2653, 2655, 2658, 2663, 2851, 2855, and


10108 (MCL 333.2652, 333.2653, 333.2655, 333.2658, 333.2663,


333.2851, 333.2855, and 333.10108), section 2851 as added by 1996


PA 284, section 2855 as amended by 1982 PA 3, and section 10108 as


amended by 1986 PA 186; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 2652. The  anatomy board  department shall receive dead


human bodies, or parts  thereof  of dead human bodies, designated


for scientific uses and allocate the bodies or parts to hospitals


and educational institutions requiring them for use in medical


instruction or for the purpose of instruction, study, and use in


the promotion of education in the health sciences  within  in this


state. The  anatomy board  department shall keep permanent records


of the receipt and disposition of dead bodies and parts.


     Sec. 2653. (1) As used in sections  2651  2652 to 2663,


"unclaimed body" means a dead human body for which the deceased has


not provided a disposition, for which an estate or assets to defray


costs of burial do not exist, and  the body  that is not claimed


for burial by a person, relative, or court appointed fiduciary who


has the right to control disposition of the body.


     (2) An official of a public institution or a state or local


officer in charge or control of an unclaimed body which would have


to be buried at public expense shall use due diligence to notify


the  relatives of the deceased. In the absence of any known


relative of the deceased or a special administrator of the estate


of the deceased appointed by the probate court desiring  persons


with authority to control the interment or disposition of the


unclaimed body under section 3206 of the estates and protected


individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL 700.3206. If there is no person


under section 3206 of the estates and protected individuals code,


1998 PA 386, MCL 700.3206, to direct the disposition of the


unclaimed body in a manner other than provided by this section and


sections  2653  2655 to 2659, the unclaimed body shall become


available to the  anatomy board  department. Upon written request


by the  anatomy board  department for notification concerning


unclaimed bodies coming under his or her jurisdiction, the officer,


for the definite period specified in the request of the  anatomy


board  department, shall notify  a member of the anatomy board  the


department by  telegraph or  telephone, facsimile, or electronic


mail immediately following 72 hours after death, excluding Sundays


and holidays, stating, when possible, the name, age, sex, religion,


and cause of death of the deceased, and shall release the body


according to the regulations or instructions of the  anatomy board  




     (3) If the deceased was a member of a religious faith


maintaining a benevolent association  which  that will provide for


the burial of the deceased in accordance with the tenets of the


religion, the  anatomy board  department shall notify the


benevolent association of the death of the deceased by telephone,


or telegram collect  facsimile, or electronic mail, and shall


surrender the body to the benevolent association upon request.


     Sec. 2655. An unclaimed body retained by the  anatomy board  


department for scientific or educational purposes shall be embalmed


and disposed of in accordance with standards adopted under section


2678. The unclaimed body shall be held for 30 days by the person to


whom it has been assigned for scientific or educational purposes.


The body is subject during this period to identification and claim


by an authenticated  relative of the deceased or a special


administrator appointed by the probate court of the deceased's


estate  person with authority over the body under section 3206 of


the estates and protected individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL


700.3206, for the purpose of interment or other disposition in


accordance with the directions of  the relative or special


administrator  that person.


     Sec. 2658. A person, unless specifically authorized by law,


shall not hold a postmortem examination of an unclaimed body


without the express permission of the  anatomy board  department.


When, through the failure of a person to notify the  anatomy board  


department or promptly to release an unclaimed body as required by


the  anatomy board  department, the body becomes unfit for


scientific or educational purposes, the  anatomy board  department


shall so certify, and the unclaimed body shall be interred at the


expense of those responsible for the noncompliance.


     Sec. 2663. A person who unlawfully disposes, uses, or sells an


unclaimed body or who violates sections  2651  2652 to 2661 is


guilty of a misdemeanor.


     Sec. 2851. (1) Subject to any other provision of this part, a


person who has authority to make arrangements for a dead human body


under  this part  section 3206 of the estates and protected


individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL 700.3206, also has authority to


request a permit for the disinterment of a dead human body under


section 2853 notwithstanding the lack of consent of, or 1 or more


objections of, a person who owns or possesses ownership rights over


the place of repose. A person who owns or possesses ownership


rights over the place of repose shall not bear any cost associated


with the disinterment unless that person initiates the disinterment


or is otherwise legally obligated for the costs of the




     (2) This section does not void or otherwise affect a gift made


pursuant to part 101.


     Sec. 2855. (1) An autopsy shall not be performed upon the body


of a deceased individual except by a physician who has been granted


written consent to perform the autopsy by  whichever 1 of the


following individuals assumes custody of the body for purposes of


burial: parent, surviving spouse, guardian, or next of kin of the


deceased individual or by an individual charged by law with the


responsibility for burial of the body. If 2 or more of those


individuals assume custody of the body, the consent of 1 is


sufficient.  the person with authority over the burial or


disposition of the body under section 3206 of the estates and


protected individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL 700.3206. This section  


shall  does not prevent the ordering of an autopsy by a medical


examiner or a local health officer.


     (2) This section  shall  does not apply to a department of


anatomy in a school of medicine in this state  ,  or to an autopsy,


postmortem, or dissection performed pursuant to and under the


authority of any other law.


     (3) A local health officer may order an autopsy if necessary


to carry out the functions vested in a local health department by


this code.


     (4) A physician, including a medical examiner, performing an


autopsy pursuant to subsection (1), (2), or (3) may remove, retain,


or use the pituitary gland of the deceased individual if the


removal, retention, or use of the pituitary gland is for purposes


of medical research, education, or therapy, and the physician is


unaware of any direction made by the deceased individual before


death or of an objection made by the next of kin of the deceased


individual that a part of the deceased individual's body not be




     (5) If consent for the performance of the autopsy is required


pursuant to subsection (1), the physician shall obtain consent from


the same individual for the removal, retention, or use of the


pituitary gland of the deceased individual pursuant to subsection




     (6) Except for a reasonable charge related to the actual costs


incurred and incident to removing and handling the pituitary gland,


the removed pituitary gland shall be submitted, without charge, to


hospitals, medical education or research institutions, or to


individuals or organizations for the purpose of treating another


human being. The hospital, medical education or research


institution, or other individual or organization receiving the


gland shall agree to furnish the gland, or a hormone produced from


the gland, without charge.


     Sec. 10108. (1) The donee may accept or reject the gift. If


the donee accepts a gift of the entire body, the  surviving spouse,


next of kin, or other persons having  person with authority to


direct and arrange for the funeral and burial or other disposition


of the body under section 3206 of the estates and protected


individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL 700.3206, subject to the terms


of the gift, may authorize embalming and the use of the body in


funeral services. If the gift is a physical part of the body, the


donee, upon the death of the donor and prior to embalming, shall


cause the physical part to be removed without unnecessary


mutilation. After removal of the physical part, custody of the


remainder of the body vests in the  surviving spouse, next of kin,


or such other persons having  person with authority to direct and


arrange for the funeral and burial or other disposition of the


remainder of the body under section 3206 of the estates and


protected individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL 700.3206. The holder


of a license for the practice of mortuary science under article 18


of the occupational code,  Act No. 299 of the Public Acts of 1980,


being sections 339.1801 to 339.1812 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  


1980 PA 299, MCL 339.1801 to 339.1812, who acts pursuant to the


directions of persons alleging to have authority to direct and


arrange for the funeral and burial or other disposition of the


remainder of the body, is relieved of any liability for the funeral


and for the burial or other disposition of the remainder of the


body. A holder of a license for the practice of mortuary science


under that act may rely on the instructions and directions of any


person alleging to be either a donee or a person authorized under


this part to donate a body or any physical part thereof. A holder


of a license for the practice of mortuary science under that act is


not liable for removal of any physical part of a body donated under


this part.


     (2) The time of death shall be determined by a physician who


attends the donor at the death, or, if none, the physician who


certifies the death. The attending or certifying physician shall


not participate in the procedures for removing or transplanting a


physical part.


     (3) A person, including a hospital, who acts in good faith in


accord with the terms of this part or with the anatomical gift laws


of another state or a foreign country is not liable for damages in


any civil action or subject to prosecution in any criminal


proceeding for the act.


     (4) This part is subject to the laws of this state prescribing


powers and duties with respect to autopsies.


     Enacting section 1. Sections 2651 and 2661 of the public


health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.2651 and 333.2661, are repealed.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless House Bill No. 4870 of the 93rd Legislature is enacted into

