HB-5275, As Passed Senate, December 6, 2005





























     A bill to amend 1974 PA 163, entitled


"L.E.I.N. policy council act of 1974,"


by amending the title and sections 1, 2, and 3 (MCL 28.211, 28.212,


and 28.213) and by adding sections 1a and 3a.






     An act to provide for the creation of a  law enforcement


information network  criminal justice information systems policy


council; to provide for the establishment of policy and


promulgation of rules governing  the use of the law enforcement


information network  access, use, and disclosure of information in


criminal justice information systems;  and  to provide for the  


appointment and compensation  reimbursement of expenses of council


members; and to provide for penalties.


     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the  


"L.E.I.N.  "C.J.I.S. policy council act".  of 1974".


     Sec. 1a. As used in this act:


     (a) "Council" means the criminal justice information policy


council created in section 2.


     (b) "Nonpublic information" means information to which access,


use, or dissemination is restricted by a law or rule of this state


or the United States.


     Sec. 2. (1)  There is created the law enforcement information


network  The criminal justice information policy council  ,


hereafter referred to as the council, comprised  is created in the


department of state police. The council is composed of the


following members:


     (a) The attorney general  ,  or his  designated representative  


or her designee.


     (b) The secretary of state  ,  or his  designated


representative  or her designee.


     (c) The director of the department of corrections  ,  or his  


designated representative  or her designee.


     (d) The  commissioner  chief of the Detroit police department 


,  or his  designated representative  or her designee.


     (e) The director of the department of state police or his or


her designee.


     (f)  (e)  Three representatives of the department of state


police  , to be  appointed by the director of the department of


state police.


     (g)  (f)  Three representatives of the Michigan association of


chiefs of police  , to be  appointed  annually  by that




     (h)  (g) Three  Four representatives of the Michigan sheriffs'


association  , to be  appointed  annually  by that association.


     (i)  (h)  Three representatives of the prosecuting attorneys


association of Michigan  to be  appointed  annually  by that




     (j) A representative of the Michigan district judges


association appointed by that association.


     (k) A representative of the Michigan judges association


appointed by that association.


     (l) The state court administrator or his or her designee.


     (m) An individual appointed by and serving at the pleasure of


the governor who is employed in or engaged in the private security




     (n) An individual appointed by and serving at the pleasure of


the governor who represents human services concerns in this state.


     (o) The director of the department of information technology


or his or her designee.


     (2) The appointed members of the council shall serve 2-year


terms and may be reappointed.


     Sec. 3. (1) The council,  shall,  at its first meeting, shall


elect from its membership a  chairman  chairperson, who shall serve


for 1 year.  Elections thereafter  An election for chairperson


shall be held annually. A  chairman may  chairperson, if reelected,


may succeed himself or herself. The council shall meet quarterly  ,  


during the months of January, April, July, and October  , and at


other times the chairman deems necessary  or more frequently at the


call of the chairperson.


     (2) Council members shall serve without compensation, but  


shall be  are entitled to actual expenses incurred during


attendance at a regular or special council meeting and in traveling


to and from a meeting.


     (3) A majority of council members constitute a quorum for


conducting the business of the council


     Sec. 3a. (1) The council shall exercise its prescribed powers,


duties, functions, and responsibilities independently of the


director of the department of state police. The budgeting,


procurement, and related management functions of the council shall


be performed under the direction and supervision of the director of


the department of state police.


     (2) The executive secretary of the council shall be appointed


by the director of the department of state police subject to the


approval of the council.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect February


1, 2006.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 648 of the 93rd Legislature is enacted into

