Senate Bill 294 (as introduced 3-9-05)
Sponsor: Senator Michael D. Bishop
Committee: Transportation

Date Completed: 3-14-05

The bill would amend Public Act 205 of 1941, which governs limited access highways, to require the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), at the request of a 24-hour emergency care facility, to place and maintain signs on all limited access highways, indicating exits that were within two miles of the facility.
Under the Act, MDOT must place and maintain similar signs at the request of a hospital that provides 24-hour emergency care. The signs must indicate the name of the hospital or nonprofit corporation that owns or operates it, and the number of the exit that is within two miles of the hospital. At least one sign must be placed for each exit that is within two miles of a requesting hospital. The hospital is required to pay the cost of placing and maintaining the signs. The Department must adopt guidelines specifying the size, shape, design, number, and placement of the authorized signs. Under the bill, all of these provisions also would apply to a 24-hour emergency care facility.

MCL 252.52 Legislative Analyst: Julie Koval

The bill would not result in any additional costs to the State because the costs of placing and maintaining the proposed signs would be borne by the 24-hour emergency care facility making the request.

Fiscal Analyst: Craig Thiel

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb294/0506