Senate Bill 167 (as enrolled) PUBLIC ACT 70 of 2005
Sponsor: Senator Michelle A. McManus
Senate Committee: Economic Development, Small Business and Regulatory Reform
House Committee: Regulatory Reform

Date Completed: 8-30-05


The bill creates the "On-Line Continuing Education Act" to provide that an occupational regulatory agency requiring a program of continuing education as part of a program of continuing professional competency for renewal of a license, must, to the extent practicable, allow at least half of the required credit hours of continuing education to be earned through on-line or electronic media meeting standards acceptable to the regulatory agency. This will apply except as otherwise provided in a specific act, or as otherwise required by a rule promulgated before July 1, 2007, concerning a regulated occupation.

The Act will take effect on July 1, 2007.

If an occupational regulatory agency does not allow at least half of the required credit hours of continuing education to be earned through an on-line or electronic media, the director must give written notice to the Senate and House committees with jurisdiction over licensing matters, and explain why on-line or electronic media is not practicable.

The Act will not apply to continuing education or training programs offered as part of a licensure, registration, certification, or accreditation program that must be approved by an agency of the Federal government.

An occupational regulatory agency may promulgate or amend rules to implement the Act, except as otherwise provided by law.

The bill defines "occupational regulatory agency" as a department, bureau, or agency of the State that has regulatory authority over a regulated occupation. "Regulated occupation" means an occupation, profession, or vocation that requires a license (or a certificate, registration, or accreditation) as a predicate for the practice of the occupation, profession, or vocation or that provides for the use of a specific title or professional designation in the practice of the occupation, profession, or vocation. "Continuing education" means instructional courses designed to bring participants up to date on a particular area of knowledge or skills.

MCL 338.3701 - 338.3705

Legislative Analyst: J.P. Finet

The bill may increase the administrative costs of occupational regulatory agencies by an unknown amount if administrative rules must be revised or promulgated to implement the bill.

The bill will have no fiscal impact on local government.

Fiscal Analyst: Elizabeth Pratt David Fosdick

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb167/0506